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Energy Ideology Modeling in Ohio & Michigan: Strategic Communications Project

This project aims to identify like-minded voters supporting diversified energy solutions, educate policy influencers, and target ideological clusters. Completed objectives include collecting surveys and developing predictive modeling. Utilizing neural network modeling, actionable results have been achieved with over 84% accuracy. Future steps involve messaging copy ideation, creative design, and digital ad field testing. Reach out to steve@kscmail.com for further details.

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Energy Ideology Modeling in Ohio & Michigan: Strategic Communications Project

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  1. CEF – Energy Ideology Modeling: Ohio King Strategic Communications POC: steve@kscmail.com

  2. Initial Goals At the outset of this project, we laid out a plan that aims to accomplish these agenda items: • Identify voters who share our views on an “all of the above” energy solution. • Find voters who are open to considering and becoming active in the fight to put all energy sources in the mix. 
 • Educate policy influencers to consider the economic, political and national security benefits of a diversified approach. 

  3. Objectives Completed: • Collected completed surveys from over 14,000 voters in MI & OH • Identified ideological clusters among Conservatives and Conservative-leaning independent voters in both states • Developed predictive modeling to group that set of voters into messaging tracks

  4. Toplines Review: • Q1: Thinking about energy policy, which of the following best represents your views: • Press 1 if you believe The use of coal, oil, and natural gas should be rapidly scaled down to prevent a climate change disaster. • Press 2 if you believe in An “All of the Above” solution – which means we must also increase our commitment to renewable energy and energy efficiency. • Press 3 if you believe The government should not regulate where our energy comes from – instead, the free market should be allowed to determine the way our energy is generated.

  5. Toplines Review: • Q2: Expanding our use ofrenewable energy in our state will increase job opportunities and stimulate economic growth. • Q3: Climate change is one of the top reasons that we need to increase our reliance on renewable energy. • Q4: To me, being a good steward of the environment is a matter of faith or personal conviction. All questions asked on 1 – 7 scale, where 1 = strongly disagree, and 7 = strongly agree.

  6. Toplines Review: • Q5: Expanding our use ofrenewable energy to reduce our reliance on foreign interests is a matter of national security. • Q6: Our state government should set a renewable portfolio standard, where utilities must have a minimum amount of their electricity generated from renewable sources. • Q7: Our state and nation should increase our commitment to clean energy technology through free market solutions, which would mean eliminating government-created electricity monopolies. All questions asked on 1 – 7 scale, where 1 = strongly disagree, and 7 = strongly agree.

  7. Method Identifying the Segments: Cluster Analysis Final Model Execution Testing & Refining Prediction Models Data Cleanup & Exploration

  8. Clustering Results

  9. Cluster 1: “Haters” • Very little agreement with any statement. • Don’t believe in climate change, don’t want clean energy portfolio mandates. • We recommend excluding this group from paid advertising efforts.

  10. Cluster 2: “Conservative Conservationists” • This group is generally aggregable to all survey statements. • Differentiated from other clusters by strong belief in climate change, and soft support of clean energy portfolio mandates.

  11. Cluster 3: “Energy Patriots” • Highest agreement levels with national security and innovation statements. • Similar to Cluster 2, but does not believe in climate change and is less bullish on government mandated energy portfolios.

  12. Cluster Prediction Model: Performance Neural Network Modeling produced the most accurate and actionable results. Using the 32 most-predictive data points in i360, we can predict cluster assignment with greater than 84% accuracy.

  13. Usage • Probability scales are available, but using cluster assignment as tags is the easiest option. • Let KSC know if any CEF staff need i360 login credentials. • KSC team is fully available to provide lists, counts, and support in preparing additional presentations.

  14. Next Steps: Messaging Copy Ideation Creative Design & Approval Digital Ad Field Testing

  15. Questions?

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