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Time to meet the major players in Psychology

Explore the foundational figures in psychology history: Rene Descartes, Charles Darwin, Wilhelm Wundt, Sigmund Freud, John B. Watson, Carl Rogers, Jean Piaget, and Ivan Pavlov. Learn about their contributions and theories that shaped the field of psychology over time.

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Time to meet the major players in Psychology

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  1. Time to meet the major players in Psychology Intro to psych

  2. Rene Descartes ( 1596-1650 ) • First Philisopher to think human nature could be studied “Hello I am Rene”

  3. Charles Darwin Father of Evolutionary Psychology (1809-1882) Evo Psych is the study of evolutionary origins of human behavior patterns

  4. Evolutionary Psychology looks at the bigger picture and try to understand why human beings, as a species act the way they do. • Evolutionary Psychology looks at how human behavior functioned to promote the survival and propagation of the species • Just as humans physically evolved so has human behavior… • Survival of the fittest leads to certain behaviors..

  5. Many Psychologists believe that evolution left an imprint on men and women that has influenced everything from sexual attraction and infidelity to jealousy and divorce. How and why men and women do what they do in relationships …..

  6. The Father of Psychology • 1879 Wilhelm Wundt started a psych lab in Germany • Wundt tried to map out basic structure of thought processes and studied conscious experience • His work attracted many students to the field

  7. Wilhelm Wundt

  8. Sigmund Freud The Founder of psychoanalysis

  9. The Psychoanalytic perspective views behavior as driven by powerful mental conflicts locked deep within the subconscious. • Freud believed that most people were riddled with conflicts between their own needs and society’s demands.

  10. “Freud always had it on his mind”

  11. John .B Watson First American Behaviorist “Psychology should concern itself only with observable facts of behavior” “All Behavior is the result of conditioning” We are all taught or conditioned to behave in a specific way…

  12. Carl Rogers • Major Humanist • Argued for building Self Esteem • Take time to ask a client what’s wrong and he might just tell you • Client centered not Dr. Centered

  13. Jean Piaget ( The Child Mind Pioneer ) Does a Childs Mind work differently than ours?? One of the things we learn early on is that life is constantly throwing us curve balls and we have to find ways to hit them. Sometimes, we can fit that curve ball into our current environment with just a minor tweak (assimilation) and sometimes we have to change our way of thinking ( accomodation) Example- A baby who is a champion at nipple sucking might be able to incorporate cups and bottles into his sucking scheme. Eating from a spoon however, is a whole new challenge.

  14. Piaget • Piaget was interested in more than how children think. He was interested in what and why they think

  15. Wanna take an IQ test • Sir Francis Galton invented procedures for testing abilities and characteristics that are still used in personality and intelligence tests.

  16. Drooling like a Dog? • Ivan Pavlov and his theories of Classical Conditioning…

  17. Do you Drool? • In Classical Conditioning two stimuli become so closely associated that one of them can elicit the same reactive behavior as the other.

  18. BF Skinner Understanding another person was simply a matter of understanding the consequences he or she experienced during a lifetime. Skinner spoke of Reinforcements Consequences that increase the occurrence of a particular behavior over time They can be positive ( a hug, a raise in pay) or negative (a punishment, for example)

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