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This educational material explains the science of heredity and variation in organisms, focusing on the relations among alleles. It covers topics such as alleles, gene endowment, genotype, dominance, recessivity, and codominance. The material also introduces the concept of generations in genetic marking. Suitable for biology students.
RELATIONS AMONGS ALLELES tercie 2014 Výukový materiál GE 02 - 41 Tvůrce: Mgr. Šárka Vopěnková Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/03.0005 Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
genetics: • the science of heredity and variation of organisms • heredity : • it enables to maintain the characteristics of organisms • variability: • ability of organisms to change their properties • > it enables adaptation RELATIONS AMONGS ALLELES
gene = endowment: • information about the formation of certain features of organisms • allele: • concrete form of a gene • e.g.: • 1. allele carries information for making a colour> red colour • 2. allele carries information for non-making a colour> white colour RELATIONS AMONGS ALLELES
gene can have 1, 2 nor more alleles • in a diploid cell there are always 2 alleles of a particular gene: • alleles are identical = homozygote AA • alleles are different = heterozygote Aa RELATIONS AMONGS ALLELES
relations between alleles: • 1. complete dominance a recessivity • dominant allele completely suppresses the expression of recessive alleles • e.g.: • allele A determines the red colour of a flower • allele a white colour • individual with genotype Aa will be red RELATIONS AMONGS ALLELES
2. incomplete dominance and recessivity • dominant allele does not fully suppress the expression of the recessive allele • recessive allele expressers itself partially • both alleles participate in creating a character, usually in a different mass • individual with a heterozygous genotype is different from both homozygotes • e.g.: • allele A determines red colour of flower • allele a determines white colour of flower • individual with the genotype Aa will be pink RELATIONS AMONGS ALLELES
codominance: • each of dominant alleles in heterozygous combination will result in full mass • they do not influence each other • heterozygous genotype affects both alleles are side by side without mutual repress • e.g.: • blood groups of the AB0 system RELATIONS AMONGS ALLELES
marking used in genetics: • parental generation (P) • direct descendants = first filial generation (F1) • next generation = second filial generation (F2, F3,..) RELATIONS AMONGS ALLELES
RELATIONS AMONGS ALLELES 1. complete dominance and recessivity AA Aa aa 2. incomplete dominance and recessivity Aa aa AA
HANČOVÁ, Hana. Biologie v kostce 1: Obecná biologie. Mikrobiologie. Botanika. Mykologie. Ekologie. Genetika. 2. vyd. Havlíčkův Brod: Fragment, 1999, 112 s. ISBN 80-720-0340-2. • DOBRORUKA, Luděk J. Přírodopis: Obecná biologie. Mikrobiologie. Botanika. Mykologie. Ekologie. Genetika. 1. vyd. Praha: Scientia, 2000, 159 s. ISBN 80-718-3167-0. WORKSHEET