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Captivating Realism: The Art of Andrew Artoshenko

Explore the lesser-known realist painter Andrew Artoshenko, who amazes both "conservatives" and "modernists" with his works. Born in Russia in 1965, Andrew's journey through prestigious art schools and exhibitions has made him a noteworthy artist. Witness his talent in pieces like "BOLERO," "No More Bolero," and more.

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Captivating Realism: The Art of Andrew Artoshenko

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  1. U nas je manje poznat slikar realist koji oduševljava svojim radovima nas “konzervativce”. No, siguran sam da ni “modernisti” ne ostaju ravnodušni pri pogledu na njegove radove. Pogledajte neke od njih.


  3. ANDREW ATROSHENKO Andrew Artoshenko was born in 1965 in the city Pokrovsk, Russia. Accepted as a gifted a child in 1977 into the Children’s Art School, Andrew graduated with honors in 1981. Two years later, Andrew entered Bryansk Art College, and in 1991 was accepted at one of the most prestigious art schools in the word, the St. Petersburg Academy of Art. In 1994, Andrew began taking part in exhibitions such as St. Petersburg Artists in Reutlinger, Germany, the exhibition of A group “Academy” in St. Petersburg (1996 ), and “Teacher’s memory” ( 1997 ). After graduation from St. Petersburg Academy of Art in 1999, Andew was invited by a New England, US based art group “Bay Arts” to take part in their exhibitions and activities, Spending that entire year in the United States into the Millennium. E N D P@ul@-conp3 17 August 2010

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