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DanBib is a physical and virtual union catalogue that offers automated interlibrary loan (ILL) services through Z39.50. It includes the Danish national bibliography and holdings of Danish libraries.
DanBib and bibliotek.dk – ”physical” and ”virtual” union catalogue • automated ILL through Z39.50 • automated end user ILL Anders-Henrik PetersenDanish Bibliographical Centre (DBC) ahp@dbc.dk
For the Danish population Content: Danish national bibliography + holdings of Danish Libraries Loan requests are sent to the library used by the end-user User interface: simple and easy – for the general public For library professionals Content: includes records from Library of Congress, BNB, ISSN etc. – for reuse and verification Loan requests: inter library loans (ILL) User interface for the professionals What (and for whom) is? … DanBibbibliotek.dk
A few facts DanBib: http://netpunkt.dk z39.50s://z3950.dbc.dk:210/danbib Opened 1994 1,2 million loan request in 2004 In 2005: 1.303.000 (8 months) Bibliotek.dk: http://bibliotek.dk/ http://www.library.dk/ Opened 31.10.2000 2,6 million loan request since opening In 2005: 888.000 (8 months)
Important components Database of library information's VIP DanBib bibliotek.dk Database of loan requests BOB
DanBib ILL-system The DanBib ILL-system mediates ILL-transactions between 4 different types of local library systems Responding library Requesting library DanBibILL-system z39.50-ILL z39.50-ILL E-mail-formatted E-mail-formatted E-mail plain E-mail plain WWW-BOB WWW-BOB
ILL through Z39.50 in Denmark Based on: • Danish profilation of Z39.50 (’danZIG’) • only a subset of ILL-messages supported • ILL-APDU’s are sent in XML-format • Holdings request before ordering • Support for ILL-request and ILL-answer in the DanBib ILL-system • All subsequent ILL-transactions are performed directly between the two (Z39.50)-library-systems
Locals holdings i DanBib - monographs From local holdings
Local holdings in DanBib - periodicals From local holdings
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <ill5:ILL-APDU xmlns:ill5="http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/ill5" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/ill5 http://www.danbib.dk/docs/z-bestil/illv5.xsd"> <ill5:ILL-Request-1 protocol-version-num="2" requester-note="*TEST* smides ud *TEST* ekspederes ikke *TEST*" forward-flag="false" place-on-hold="1"> <transaction-id transaction-group-qualifier="" transaction-qualifier="102150" /> <service-date-time> <date-time-of-this-service date="2005-08-26" time="13:36:45"/> </service-date-time> <requester-id> <person-or-institution-symbol> <institution-symbol>DK-870970</institution-symbol> </person-or-institution-symbol> </requester-id> <responder-id> <person-or-institution-symbol> <institution-symbol>DK-762100</institution-symbol> </person-or-institution-symbol> </responder-id> <iLL-service-type>1</iLL-service-type> <search-type expiry-date="2006-02-26" expiry-flag="1"/> <item-id author="Rude, Jeppe" title="ISDN-bogen / Jeppe Rude" place-of-publication="Valby" publication-date="1991" iSBN="87-418-5933-2"> <held-medium-type/> <system-no>07197195</system-no> </item-id> </ill5:ILL-Request-1> </ill5:ILL-APDU> XML-holdings, ILL-request and ILL-answer in XML-format through Z39.50 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO8859-1"?><ill5:ILL-APDU xmlns:ill5="http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/ill5" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/ill5 http://www.danbib.dk/docs/z-bestil/illv5.xsd"> <ill5:ILL-Answer-4 transaction-results="5" responder-note="Sendes med bogbilen - supply-date"> <transaction-id transaction-group-qualifier="" transaction-qualifier="102150"/> <service-date-time> <date-time-of-this-service date="2005-08-26" time="15:12:01"/> </service-date-time> <requester-id> <person-or-institution-symbol> <institution-symbol>DK-870970</institution-symbol> </person-or-institution-symbol> </requester-id> <responder-id> <person-or-institution-symbol> <institution-symbol>DK-762100</institution-symbol> </person-or-institution-symbol> </responder-id> <results-explanation> <will-supply-results reason-will-supply="26" supply-date="2005-08-26"/> </results-explanation> </ill5:ILL-Answer-4> </ill5:ILL-APDU> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <ill5:ILL-APDU xmlns:ill5="http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/ill5" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/ill5 http://www.danbib.dk/docs/z-bestil/illv5.xsd"> <ill5:ILL-Request-1 protocol-version-num="2" requester-note="*TEST*" forward-flag="true" place-on-hold="1"> <transaction-id transaction-group-qualifier="" transaction-qualifier="102150" /> <service-date-time> <date-time-of-this-service date="2005-08-26" time="13:36:45"/> </service-date-time> <requester-id> <person-or-institution-symbol> <institution-symbol>DK-870970</institution-symbol> </person-or-institution-symbol> </requester-id> <responder-id> <person-or-institution-symbol> <institution-symbol>DK-762100</institution-symbol> </person-or-institution-symbol> </responder-id> <iLL-service-type>1</iLL-service-type> <search-type expiry-date="2006-02-26" expiry-flag="1"/> <item-id> <held-medium-type/> <system-no>07197195</system-no> </item-id> </ill5:ILL-Request-1> </ill5:ILL-APDU> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <n:holdingsStructure xmlns:n="http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/HoldingsSchema8" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/HoldingsSchema8 http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/HoldingsSchema8.xsd"> <bibItemInfo-1 targetItemId-3="25628179"/> <holdingsStatement-4> <holdingsSiteLocation-6 targetLocationId-26="25628128" institutionOrSiteId-27="DK-762100" networkAddress-33="z3950s://"/> <localHoldings-10> <bibView-11 numberOfPieces-56="1" targetBibPartId-40="25628128" > <bibPartLendingInfo-116 servicePolicy-109="1" expectedDispatchDate-111="2005-11-28T16:00:00" /> </bibView-11> </localHoldings-10> </holdingsStatement-4> </n:holdingsStructure>
Some results … • Automated ILL-service: • faster turnaround time • less paper – less mouse work • less errors in the handling of ILL • savings in staff time Fulfilled ILL-requests (11.09-17.09.2005): Library Total Fulfilled % fulfilled Vejle 2240 2192 98 % Gentofte 2326 2299 99 % Herning 1857 1850 99,6 % DPB 730 682 93 %
Automated end-user initiated ILL through bibliotek.dk • The bibliotek.dk-”principle”: Loan requests are sent to the library used by the end-user • Not to the library that holds the item … • The ILL-transaction is performed by the library staff • – often from the BOB-database web • And that could be automated!
bibliotek.dk-loan requests … … are today handled manually by staff Holdings from local library: - service policy - expected dispatch date Link to local web catalogue Link to DanBib item order
Implementing automated end-user loan requests in bibliotek.dk (2006) • the end user sends requests to her own library (as usual – nothing changed!) • The DanBib ILL-system checks: - does the library accept automated ILL? - are there any supplier-libraries? • if positive: which library delivers first? (based on a holdings-request) • … and sends an ILL-request from the chosen library to the “first-deliver”-library • … without any library staff involved …
Technical demands for the libraries • For the borrowers (requesting libraries): • any (must fill in parameters for automated ILL in the VIP-database) • For the lenders (responding libraries): • must be able to display holdings in XML (through a Z39.50-present or in another way) • but they can receive ILL-requests ”as usual”: - automated or non-automated - through e-mail, BOB or Z39.50-ILL-request
The future of the ”Physical/virtual union catalogue” • Z39.50 search, holdings and ordering/ILL: ”we are in heaven” • - but Z39.50 is not in focus • Future developments and new services: web services (SOAP/XML) • Further details and references in my paper …
Thank you ! • Anders-Henrik PetersenDanish Bibliographical Centre (DBC) • ahp@dbc.dk