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15 – Web applications: Writing data to Databases using ASP. Session Aims & Objectives. Aims To introduce the fundamental ideas involved in using server-side code to write data to databases Objectives, by end of this week’s sessions, you should be able to:
Session Aims & Objectives • Aims • To introduce the fundamental ideas involved in using server-side code to write data to databases • Objectives,by end of this week’s sessions, you should be able to: • create an ASP web page that allows the user to store data in database
Example: Person v1 (Specification) • User requirement: • Display person’s details from database online, and be able to move to next and previous person (record) • Problem: • Can’t use .MoveNext and .MovePrev recordset methods:record set does not persist between pages
Example: Person v1 (html) Self post <html> <head> <title>Person's Details</title> </head> <body> <p><center><b><font size=+2>Person's Details</font></b></center> <% ' ASP code will go here (next slide). %> <form action="Person.asp" method=post> <input name="btnPrev" type="submit" value="Previous"> <input name="btnNext" type="submit" value="Next"> </form> </body> </html> Person.asp
Example: Person v1 (ASP) Button value empty unless button was pressed Use session variable to record current position in db <% Const adOpenDynamic = 3 Const cs = "…" Dim rs Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open "Person", cs, adOpenDynamic If Session("curID") <> "" Then rs.Find"[ID] = " & Session("curID") If Request.Form("btnPrev") <> "" Then rs.MovePrevious ElseIf Request.Form("btnNext") <> "" Then rs.MoveNext End If End If Session("curID") = rs.Fields("ID").Value Response.Write rs.Fields("Surname").Value & "<br>" Response.Write rs.Fields("Forenames").Value rs.Close Set rs = Nothing %>
Example: Person v2 (Specification) • User requirement: • Display person’s details from database online, and be able to move to next and previous person (record) • Change surname and save to database
Database Permissions 1 • In order for ASP to write to a database • Need to give write access to Internet Guest Account for database file (People.mdb) • Right-click on file in Windows Explorer(the following screens are for Windows 2000)
Database Permissions 2 • Click Security tab • Click Add button
Database Permissions 3 • Select Internet Guest Account IUSR_ … ClickAddbuttonClickOKbutton
Database Permissions 4 • Select InternetGuest Account • Ensure writeaccess is on
Writing data to a database • create recordset • open recordset • dynamic cursor (3), pessimistic locking (3) • to add a record • use to AddNew method rs.AddNew • to delete a record • use the Delete method rs.Delete • to change existing data • assign a new value to fields rs.Fields("Surname").Value = "Fred"
Example: Person v2 (html) <html> <head> <title>Person's Details</title> </head> <body> <p><center><b><font size=+2>Person's Details</font></b></center> <% ' ASP code will go here (next slide). %> <form name="frmPerson" action="PersonEdit.asp" method=post> Surname: <input name="txtSurname" type="text"value="<%=Surname%>"><br> <input name="btnPrev" type="submit" value="Previous"> <input name="btnSave" type="submit" value="Save"> <input name="btnNext" type="submit" value="Next"> </form> </body> </html> PersonEdit.asp
Example: Person v2 (ASP) <% Const cs = "…" Dim rs Dim Surname Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open "Person", cs, 3, 3 If Session("curID") <> "" Then rs.Find "[ID] = " & Session("curID") If Request.Form("btnPrev") <> "" Then rs.MovePrevious ElseIf Request.Form("btnNext") <> "" Then rs.MoveNext ElseIf Request.Form("btnSave") <> "" Then rs.Fields("Surname") = Request.Form("txtSurname") rs.Update End If End If Session("curID") = rs.Fields("ID").Value Surname = rs.Fields("Surname").Value rs.Close Set rs = Nothing %>
Tutorial Exercise: Person v1 • Task 1: Get the Person (v1) example from the lecture working. • Task 2: Modify your code, so that all fields are displayed. • Task 3: Modify your code, so that it does not generate an error when the user goes past the end or beginning of the recordset.
Tutorial Exercise: Person v2 • Task 1: Get the Person (v2) example from the lecture working. • Task 2: Modify your code, so that a line of text is displayed confirming that data has been saved.
Tutorial Example: Phone Book • Task 1: Get the Phone Book example from the lecture working. • Task 2: Add a button on your page that jumps to another page, which allows a new record to be added. • Task 3: Modify your code, so that each line (record) has a link leading to another page that allows the data to be edited. • Task 4: Modify your code, so that each line (record) has a link leading to another page that allows the record to be deleted.