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Welcome to the Woodpeckers!. What you’ll find out today: Who’s Who? Weekly timetable What’s expected of the children of Coopers Edge. Behaviour in and around the school. Levels and progression. How you can help your child at home. 1. Who’s Who?. Teacher – Miss Wilson
Welcome to the Woodpeckers! What you’ll find out today: Who’s Who? Weekly timetable What’s expected of the children of Coopers Edge. Behaviour in and around the school. Levels and progression. How you can help your child at home.
1. Who’s Who? • Teacher – Miss Wilson • PPA Teacher – Mrs Pearce(once a fortnight-Mon) • Teaching Assistants – • Mrs Willey (Mon/Weds) • Mrs Widdows (Tues/Thurs) Welcome to the Woodpeckers!
2. Weekly Timetable • Guided Reading – Miss Wilson will listen to your child read at least once a week. • PE – the children have got PE timetabled twice a week, one indoor and one outdoor session (weather permitting!) They will need their kit with them in school everyday. • Homework gets sent home on a Thursday and must be completed and returned to school on or before the following Tuesday. • The children will have weekly spelling tests. You will be given the spellings for that term and they will be tested every Friday. They will also have a weekly Mental Maths and Times Table test. • The children will have daily Numeracy and Literacy sessions. We deliver our lessons with a thematic approach and the topic this term is ‘A Doorway to the Past’ where the Woodpeckers will be finding out about the historical period of ‘Celts & Romans’. Welcome to the Woodpeckers!
3. What’s expected of the children? • The children are to read every night. If they don’t do this, they are to read, supervised, at break time. A log will be kept in the classroom to identify the children not reading regularly. • The children are to always try their best with their work. • They are to be polite and respectful of others around them, including adults around the school. • The children are to feel safe at school. Ensuring the children know who they can turn to and to be aware of other people’s feelings. POD time? Mrs Baker • They must ask for help if they are ever unsure of anything. • To enjoy school, learn lots and be happy Welcome to the Woodpeckers!
4. Behaviour in and around school • Mrs Folker • Success Star • Class Reward • House Points • Warning • In Class Time Out • Out of Class Time Out • Mrs Folker Welcome to the Woodpeckers!
5. Levels and Progression • Each child is expected to make 2 sub levels of progress in a school yearin reading, writing and maths. • There are numerous things that can affect their progress but as long as the children try their best and they get the support from school and home then the potential is there! Welcome to the Woodpeckers!
5. How you can help at home? These are just guidelines to help you. • Listen to your child read every night at home. Make sure that they have their yellow reading record with them everyday in their book bag. • Support with homework and make sure it gets completed and handed in on time. • Make sure your child has their PE kit in school with them everyday. • Talk to them and find out what they’ve been doing in their day. • Practise their times tables with them or support them by testing them on their spellings for that week. • Try and get into a routine with your child so they know what’s expected of them from home. E.g. assign time to do homework on a set day etc. Welcome to the Woodpeckers!
I’m always here to talk to before or after school. A meeting can always be arranged if you have any worries or concerns. Follow me on Twitter - @MissWilsonCES Follow my blog – www.MissWilsonCES.wordpress.com Visit our class page on the school website: www.coopersedge.gloucs.sch.uk Contact the school with any concerns and they will be forwarded to me: admin@coopersedge.gloucs.sch.uk Tel: 01452 612038 Welcome to the Woodpeckers!