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Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

This plan focuses on improving and protecting groundwater, surface water, soil, and habitat quality in Calumet County. It addresses key issues such as water quality, soil erosion, agricultural runoff, and groundwater and surface water resources. The plan includes goals, objectives, standards, strategies, and targeted efforts to achieve sustainable land and water management.

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Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

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  1. 2020-2029 Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management PlanTony Reali – County Conservationist June 18th, 2019

  2. Plan Summary • Introduction • County Land Use & Trends • Land & Water Resources • Standards & Prohibitions • Goals & Objectives • Tools & Strategies • Monitoring & Evaluation Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  3. Intro – What is a Land & Water Resource Management Plan – Specific Components • Water quality and soil erosion conditions throughout the county • Key water quality and soil erosion problem areas • Conservation practices needed to address water quality and erosion problems Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  4. County Land Use and Trends • Population 48,971 – 2010 Census • Estimated 2018 Pop. 52,658 – WI Department of Administration • Political Subdivisions within County • 8 Townships • 5 incorporated villages • 7 cities Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  5. County Land Use and Trends • Cropland/Farms – 62% down from 66% in 2004 • Residential, industrial, and commercial uses 10% up from 9% • Woodlands 13% down from 15% • Majority in DNR Properties • Brillion Marsh • Killsnake Wildlife Area • Kiel Marsh Wildlife Area Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  6. County Land Use and Trends -Agricultural • USDA Census of Agriculture • 719 Farms in 2012 compared to 732 in 2007 census • 142,374 acres of farmland in 2012 compared to 151,659 in 2007 census • USDA National Agricultural Statistics • 31,000 milk cows in 2016 & 2017 • 29,000 milk cows in 2011 • Trend of fewer and larger size dairy herds Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  7. Land and Water Resources – Geology & Soils • Rolling topography result of glacial activity and underlying bedrock • Most of the county is underlain by dolomite bedrock (limestone dissolved by rain water) • Formed by material left by glaciers and developed under forest vegetation • Predominantly clay or loam in texture Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  8. Land and Water Resources - Soils • Soil Erosion Rates Study • Utilized nutrient management plans • Average soil erosion rate is 2.0 tons per acre per year – this is at or below tolerable soil loss for soil types Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  9. Land and Water Resources – Groundwater Quality • Voluntary homeowner well testing results: • 43% of wells in karst areas exceed 10 mg/L for nitrate and/or bacteria positive = unsafe • 18% positive for bacteria and only 10 of 824 unsafe for nitrates outside the karst area • County-wide, 32% of wells exceed safe drinking water standards Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  10. Land and Water Resources – Groundwater Quality Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  11. Land and Water Resources – Surface Waters Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  12. Goals and Objectives • Three main goals, prioritized • Improve & Protect Groundwater and Surface Water Quality • Improve & Protect Soil Quality • Improve & Protect Habitat Quality Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  13. Standards & Prohibitions • Agricultural Runoff • NR 151 Runoff Management - 2001 – State enacted state wide performance standards • Updated in 2011 and 2018 to add additional standards • Sets notification & cost-share requirements • ATCP 50 – Soil & Water Resource Management Program • Sets rules/guidance for County L & W Departments on various topics • Establishes conservation practices Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  14. Strategies and Targeted Efforts • Targeted Efforts • TMDL & EPA 9KE Plan Areas • Plum/Kankapot (Lower Fox River) • North Branch Manitowoc/CalMan Lakes • Lake Winnebago • Silurian Bedrock Performance Standards • Education and outreach – nutrient management planners, manure haulers, landowners and operators • Verification SOC Committee • Priority Farm Strategy • Farmland Preservation participants or requested reviews • Calumet County groundwater protection area • Targeted watersheds (TMDL or EPA Approved 9 Key element planning areas) • Karst areas • Surface water quality management areas (300 ft. to stream or 1000 ft. to lake) Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  15. Highlights • Nutrient Management Tracking • 75% cropland in Calumet County • $600,000 in cost-share • #2 Statewide (2005) • Demo Farm & Producer Led Initiatives • Calumet County Agricultural Stewardship Alliance (CCASA) • NRCS Funded Demo Farm Network Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  16. Public Outreach/Approvals • Citizen Advisory Committee Meetings – December 4 & January 16 • Tri-County News & Brillion News – Mid-March – Request for Public Comment • County Facebook Page – Mid-March – Request for Public Comment • Public Hearing – April 24th – Approved by Land & Water Conservation Committee • WI Land & Water Conservation Board – June 4th - Approved Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

  17. Questions?? • Staff • Tony Reali – County Conservationist • Dani Santry – Water Resource Specialist • Amanda Kleiber – Land Resource Specialist • Brent Jalonen – Erosion Control and Stormwater Specialist • Jared Grunewald – Conservation Project Technician • Jonathon Lisowe – Conservation • Committee • Mike Hofberger – Chair • Pat Laughrin – Vice Chair • Merlin Gentz • Dave LaShay • Judy Hartl • Amy Shiplett Calumet County Land & Water Resource Management Plan 2020-2029

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