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主人: 唔 … 還要邀請誰呢?哦, 對了! Cleo , Karpal 那位 律師, Jeremy … 瑪麗艷! 來把這些請柬給寄出去 ! Master: Hmm… who else should I invite. Oh yes! Cleo, Karpal the lawyer, Jeremy….Maryanne! Come mail these invitations! 瑪麗艷 : 是 , 主人 ! Maryanne: Yes, sir. 主人 :瑪麗艷, 那些時常缺席的會來嗎?
主人: 唔… 還要邀請誰呢?哦, 對了! Cleo, Karpal 那位 律師,Jeremy … 瑪麗艷! 來把這些請柬給寄出去! Master: Hmm… who else should I invite. Oh yes! Cleo, Karpal the lawyer, Jeremy….Maryanne! Come mail these invitations! 瑪麗艷: 是, 主人! Maryanne: Yes, sir
主人 :瑪麗艷, 那些時常缺席的會來嗎? Master : Maryanne, how are the RSVPs coming along?
瑪麗艷 :很妥當。他們都答應會出席了。 Maryanne : Very well sir. All have agreed to come.
主人 :很好,我們開始做工吧。 Master : Good, we’d better get down to work. Narrator: The whole house was busy making preparations for the big day. Ordering, decorating, everyone was busy.
僕人甲: 喂?Helen 是嗎?我想確定我這星期六向你訂 的東西。油條,老鼠粉,釀豆腐… 沒問題? 好!記得我會有100位出席者哦!好好… Servant A: (on the phone) Hello! Helen ah?? Just to confirm my orders for this Saturday’s banquet. Fried Yau Char Kueh, fried Loh See Fun, Yong Tow Foo…. No problem? Good! Remember I have 100 guests ya? Ok Ok!
僕人乙: 我應該把這些氣球挂在哪裏呢?一樣的顔色還 是不一樣好呢?僕人乙: 我應該把這些氣球挂在哪裏呢?一樣的顔色還 是不一樣好呢? Servant B: Where should I hang these balloons? Same colour or different colours?
僕人丙: 桌椅都在這裡了。Desmond,把這些放到院 子去,謝謝!僕人丙: 桌椅都在這裡了。Desmond,把這些放到院 子去,謝謝! Servant C: The tables and chairs are here. Desmond, place them at the garden please, thank you! 主人: 搞定! Master: Kow Teem!
主人: 九點了!怎麽一個人影都沒有!瑪麗艷!主人: 九點了!怎麽一個人影都沒有!瑪麗艷! Master: (looking at his watch) It’s already 9pm! And there’s not a single soul! Maryanne! 瑪麗艷: 是,主人! Maryanne: Yes, sir! 主人: 去查出Cleo,Karpal,Jeremy 和其它的人在 那裏。 Master: Find out where’s Cleo, Karpal, Jeremy and the rest.
瑪麗艷: 喂,Cleo 先生!有關今晚的宴席… 你在路上 嗎? Maryanne: Hello, Mr Cleo! It’s regarding tonight’s banquet. Are you on your way? Cleo: 哦,對不起!(甜心,我們要吃什麽甜品呢? Haagen Dazz?好不好…)唔… 我現在跟我 的太太一起。我們剛結婚,現在在Bali度蜜 月。 Cleo: Oh, I’m sorry! (background voice of a lady, “sweetheart, what shall we have for dessert? Haagen Dazz?, huhh…..”) Err… I’m with my wife right now. We’ve just gotten married and in Bali for our honeymoon.
瑪麗艷: 哦,那我會轉告林先生。 Maryanne: Oh, I’ll tell Mr Lim then.
瑪麗艷: 喂!喂!Jeremy 先生,你聽到嗎?我是瑪麗 艷,代林先生撥電話給你。你現在在哪裏啊? Maryanne: Hello! Hello! (fuzzy line, unable to hear clearly). Mr Jeremy, can you hear me? I’m Maryanne, calling on behalf of Mr GT Lim. (breaking lines). Where are you now? Jeremy: 我在我的地,這裡的收綫很差。我剛買了一塊 新的地,我正在監查著。看來我無法出席了。 對不起! Jeremy: I’m in my field, the reception here is bad (fuzzy and breaking line). I’ve just bought over this nice piece of land and I’m here to inspect it. Can’t make it to the banquet. Sorry!
瑪麗艷: 主人,那些被邀的都無法出席… Maryanne: (tremblingly, head slowly looking downwards) Sir, all those you invited said they can’t come…..
主人: 什麽???我準備好了叻… 所有的東西都是最好的,他們卻這樣對待我? 趕快出去所有的大街小巷,帶那些有需要的人來。我們不要浪費已準備的東西。 Master: (loudly) What???? After all that I’ve done? All the preparation, the best of everything for my guests and this is how they treat me in return? (shakes his head sadly). Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.’ We will not waste all that’s prepared.
瑪麗艷: 是,主人! Maryanne: Yes, sir! 瑪麗艷: 主人,我已照你吩咐的去做了,還是有空位。 Maryanne: Sir, it is done as you commanded, and still there is room.
主人: 你到哪裏去了?只是Titiwangsa 嗎?去遠一點啊,Kepong, Rawang, Sri Gombak。把那些願意來的都帶回來。 Master: Where did you go? Only Titiwangsa area? Go further, Kepong, Rawang, Sri Gombak. Bring all those who are willing to come. 瑪麗艷: 是的,主人! Maryanne: Yes, sir!
The parable of the great banquet that we have just presented tells of God’ salvation grace which was first given to the Jews but rejected by them. This is illustrated in the 3 invitees who came out with absurd excuses for not attending the banquet. The invitation was then extended to the unfortunate ones who received it with joy. We were the once unfortunate ones, as in the lame, the blind and the poor. However, Jesus Christ extended His salvation grace to us as it was rejected by His chosen nation. We are now the spiritual chosen people of God and we must guard and hold fast this status of ours till He comes again. 我们刚呈现的大祭司的比喻告诉我们神的救恩起初是给犹太人的,但却被他们拒绝了。我们可以从那三个用不合理的理由来拒绝参加大宴席的收邀者看出这一点。后来,这邀请延伸给那些不幸的,而他们以喜乐来接受。我们曾经是不幸的,好比那些瘸腿的,瞎眼的,还有贫穷的。但是,神将他的救恩延伸到我们身上,因他所拣选的民族拒绝了救恩。我们现在是神属灵拣选的人,我们当持守着这身份一直到他再来。