Urie Bronfenbrenner developed this theory. Human development is viewed as occurring within a network of social systems (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem). We are active participants in our human ecology, both adapting to and influencing the social interactions that take place around us. 1b
Microsystem 2a
a concept associated with Bronfenbrenners’ Ecological Theory. The microsystem includes those social systems which are closest to a child’s daily life, like the classroom and home. 2b
Mesosystem 3a
a concept associated with Bronfenbrenners’ Ecological Theory. The mesosystem reflects the number and quality of linkages between children’s microsystems. The family-school partnership is one example of a mesosystem 3b
Exosystem 4a
a concept associated with Bronfenbrenners’ Ecological Theory. The exosystem includes those social systems in which children do not directly participate but are nevertheless influenced by the decisions of those who do participate. Examples include school administrative bodies, community agencies, businesses, and the federal government. 4b
Macrosystem 5a
a concept associated with Bronfenbrenners’ Ecological Theory. The macrosystem reflects the cultural values, beliefs, and customs which govern priorities and interactions in other social systems. 5b
Chronosystem 6a
a concept associated with Bronfenbrenners Ecology Theory. The Chronosystem reflects the changes that occur in our human ecology over time. 6b
research studies that focus on changes in behavior, attitudes, and scores over time 7b
these are designed to reinforce classroom learning experiences in the home environment. Backpacks contain all the materials and directions that parents need to complete an educational activity at home with their children 8b
Tip Sheets 9a
these provide families with practical information about their children’s education and general well-being. 9b
serve two purposes: (a) they remind families about upcoming classroom and family involvement events and (b) they contain simple at-home educational activities that are linked to classroom lessons 10b
Activity Cards 11a
these index or other types of cards are used to deliver brief home-based educational activities. Activity cards typically are easier to construct and implement than other home-based family involvement strategies. 11b