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The impact of dual use controls on UK science: results from a pilot study. Dr Caitr í ona McLeish & Dr Paul Nightingale Sussex Day 16 th March 2005. Background to the pilot project. Basic question: Have attempts to secure life sciences against misuse affected its practice in the UK?
The impact of dual use controls on UK science:results from a pilot study Dr Caitríona McLeish & Dr Paul Nightingale Sussex Day 16th March 2005
Background to the pilot project • Basic question: Have attempts to secure life sciences against misuse affected its practice in the UK? • Anecdotal evidence from the USA and Germany that governing dual use has impacted on practice of science • Reclassification of scientific knowledge • Redirection of science • Spread of technical capabilities • Global affects of biosecurity controls • What is happening in the UK?
Highlights: legal barriers against misuse • 2001 Anti Terrorism Crime and Security Act • Part 7 and part 14 • Schedule 5 pathogens and toxins • 19 viruses, 5 rickettsiae, 13 bacteria, 11 toxins • Include genetic material or GMO containing a sequence • Notify if keeping or using these pathogens • Notify who has access to these pathogens • Disposal requirements for these pathogens
Highlights: other legal barriers against misuse • 1974 Biological Weapons Act • Ratifies the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention • Criminal offence to develop produce stockpile acquire or retain any biological agent or toxin of a type and in a quantity that has no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes • Any weapon, equipment or means of delivery designed to use biological agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict • Amended by Anti Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001 • Criminal offence to transfer or make arrangements to transfer • Applies to acts done outside the UK but only if they are done by a UK person
Highlights: other legal barriers against misuse (continued) • 2000 Terrorism Act • Providing or receiving instruction or training in the making or use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons • Inviting another person to receive such training, inside or outside the UK • Inciting another person to commit an act of terrorism wholly or partly outside the UK where the act includes … poisoning • Reference to Sections 23 and 24 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861 (administering poison, and administering poison so as to endanger life)
Pilot project objectives • How institutions operate under biosafety and biosecurity regimes • Have the new biosecurity requirements impacted on current R&D programmes? Are their concerns about future impacts? • What is the perception of current interaction between scientific practitioners and the government designers of these regulations? Could this interaction be improved?
Project methods • Needed to create a community • Scientists, funders of science, biosafety personnel and biosecurity officials • Practioners connected to listed pathogens and toxins • The sample was constructed using standard bibliometric methods plus triangulation with other datasets • Core sample of 100 • Use of a control group not associated with listed pathogens • Total sample size was 128
Project methods (continued) • Questionnaire • Needed to effectively communicate across barriers • Sections of questionnaire: background information, impact on administrative costs and benefits, institutional costs and benefits and perceptions • Validated over a six month period • Interviews • 27 in-depth interviews • Exploration of questionnaire responses and test general trends • The project achieved a 53% response rate (68 usable responses)
Profile of the sample • All practising scientists in the sample worked with listed agents • 71% with pathogens, 76% with toxins 91% with the genetic material • 71% overall responsibility for research projects • 68% day-to-day managers of laboratories • 53% actively engaged in research • 56% previously interaction with officials • Majority of total respondents located in university/teaching institutions (68%) • Government labs (9%) and commercial R&D facilities (6%) • Typical institution size: 11 and 100 active researchers • 91% hazard group 2, 74% hazard group 3 • 79% under conditions of containment
General findings • Results suggest introduction in the UK has not had the same negative impact as has been reported in the US and Germany • Success of implementation related to • Pre-existing security and biosafety measures • A responsive approach to regulation by the implementing body • Flexible and socially responsible reaction by the scientific community • Future implementation could be more difficult
Who ought to have responsibility for protecting the life sciences against misuse?
Analysis • Important to recognise these are pilot study results • Results are indicative rather than conclusive • Results suggest that the sample believes implementation of new biosecurity controls in the UK has been conducted very successfully • 79% regarded the current balance as satisfactory • Possibility that research was performed too early • The lack of substantial disruption is an important finding • Suggests science and security do not necessarily have to be in conflict with one another
Analysis (continued) • Three factors that have contributed to the successful implementation (thus far) of UK biosecurity controls: • Pre-existing biosafety measures which ensured a degree of biosecurity prior to ATCSA • A responsive approach to regulation by the implementing body • A flexible and socially responsible reaction to the new controls by the UK scientific community
Factors influencing successful implementation 1: biosafety and biosecurity • Recurring theme in this project • Implementation of UK biosecurity measures has drawn heavily on the biosafety model • ‘Flexible system’ has since created procedures to deal with a range of security issues • Concentrated on tightening existing practices rather than introducing radically new requirements • Some of the procedural changes might as easily have occurred as a result of the periodic reviews of biosafety as specifically in response to biosecurity legislation
Factors influencing successful implementation 2: the implementation process • Effective implementation is challenging • Implementing body has come close to producing a textbook example of successful change management • Exploited pre-existing links and channels of communication • Biosafety as avenues into the scientific research community • Non-confrontational approach • Has to some extent been responsive to the organisational culture of the scientific community • However, only 21% of the sample supported the police taking the role of protecting the life sciences • Current low support may increase once direct communication begins
Factors influencing successful implementation 3: the response of the scientific community • Proactive response of this sample of the scientific community • Recognised that scientific research does not exist within a moral or social vacuum • Recognised the need to be responsive to public concerns • General awareness about current issues relating to misuse was quite low • Much higher level of awareness about how a scientist might unknowingly contribute • Believed awareness could improve if there was an opportunity for increased interaction with designers of biosecurity policies
Factors influencing successful implementation 3: the response of the scientific community (continued) • Many in the sample repeatedly expressed their desire to be better guardians of their science • Requires a better understanding • Their desire to have more active engagement unlikely to be a result of any perceived direct benefit • Stems from revulsion towards the possibility of their legitimate science being misused • Concerns about the impact of inappropriate regulations
Risk management and the scientific community • Project findings suggest a major change in how the scientific community conceives of risk and attempts to manage it • Social legitimacy of scientific knowledge is increasingly dependent on scientists engaging with wider society • Consistency of project responses suggests a subpopulation of the scientific community that • Recognises the risks of misuse of scientific knowledge • Recognises the importance of perceptions of that risk • Recognises their role in responding to those perceptions • Policy issue: provide them with the time and resources they need to effectively engage in policy making
Final reflections • Thus far implementation of UK biosecurity controls seems to have been performed with limited negative impact on the scientific community • Less disruptive in the UK than has been reported for the US and German scientific communities • Necessary to regularly review the impact of dual use controls on UK science • This project has developed and validated a methodology to identify relevant members of the scientific community and obtain such information
Final reflections (continued) • Biosecurity policies need a two-stage implementation process • First stage is securing adherence with minimal costs • Second stage is culture change within the scientific community • Second stage may require a change in to the type of interaction currently undertaken to take into consideration • Cultural norms • Work practices • An appreciation of these norms and practices will • Reduce potential resistance to new or extended biosecurity legislation • May encourage full and effective participation in UK efforts to reduce the threat from biological weapons