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Chairs Briefing. Roding Primary School Tuesday 12 June 2012. Ofsted Inspections in Barking and Dagenham Autumn Term 2011. Judgements on Governance (2010 - 11 judgements in brackets) 5 inspection reports published ( 15) 2 good or better = 40% ( 47%) 1 unsatisfactory = 20% ( 7%).
Chairs Briefing Roding Primary School Tuesday 12 June 2012
Ofsted Inspections in Barking and Dagenham Autumn Term 2011 Judgements on Governance (2010 - 11 judgements in brackets) 5 inspection reports published (15) 2 good or better = 40% (47%) 1 unsatisfactory = 20% (7%)
Ofsted Inspections in Barking and Dagenham Jan – June 2012 Judgements on Leadership/Management 5 inspection reports published 4 good or better = 80% 1 unsatisfactory = 20%
Local Agenda – Part 2 The Work of the Governing Body Governing Body Meetings (e.g. minute taker; committees; remit for individual governors) How to use the School Development Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation Using an Annual Planner
Education Act - 2011 Ofsted: Experiences so far National College programme for Chairs Performance Management and Capability Information Update National Agenda
Changing Educational Landscape Policy Reforms: • Autonomy and Choice • School to school support • Self sustaining school system • Even greater intolerance of underperformance • A reformed curriculum • More complex accountability • New inspection framework • New funding system • New professionalism
Achievement • Expect a re-jigging of criteria otherwise many schools will struggle to access outstanding or good category • Progress before attainment in the draft guidance (will this remain?) • Focus on certain groups: and what the school is doing to narrow the gaps • Literacy development across all subjects - it must not be overlooked
Quality of Teaching • Not much is new more a change in emphasis • How are current pupils learning • Closely linked with achievement • A wider range of evidence than just inspecting teaching is required • Key focus on assessment as this always used to be a separate issue and looking for SMSC in all lessons
Behaviour and Safety • Most changes – and all that is left of the ECM agenda! • This largely means behaviour for learning as well as around school. Impact of low level disruption • Includes judgement on attendance and punctuality, pupils feeling safe including all forms of bullying. What are pupils saying?
Leadership and Management • Strong focus on how leaders improve teaching and learning • Strong focus on English and maths but also subjects which are linked to a specialism (secondary) or have high take up rates (science) • Self evaluation crucial – single side of A4 regularly updated is easily attached • Staff meeting at end of Day 1 – ensure staff who have been developed are present
Overall Effectiveness • Ofsted say no limiting judgements but …….. • Quality of education based on four judgements but beware of ‘domino effect’ • Judgement on how well the school promotes SMSC not the pupils’ outcomes
Main Changes and Implications • Simplified and stark report but difficult for satisfactory schools to find any good features • Short notice (day before) but no pre-inspection briefing and no self evaluation • Focus on typicality overtime • Use of anonymised appraisal (PM) records to help judge quality of teaching
National College: Leading Governors • National Leaders of Governance • Training Grant
Appraisal: What will stay the same ……. Requirement to have a written policy Link between performance and pay Link between appraisal and professional development Process contributes to school improvement and pupil progress Written assessment recording the outcomes
Performance Management: What will change ……… The government will not be managing from the centre: the processes involved in establishing the policy and the timescales associated with it who reviews performance the detail of the meetings, the arrangements for the observations; what should be recorded and how the arrangements for appeals, how written assessments should be used and how to report to governors In addition the ‘3 hour’ rule will be removed
Capability: The Main Changes Intention to replace current performance management and capability guidance and model policies with a single policy that covers appraising and managing teacher performance BUT ……………… This policy will be non-statutory Remove the informal stage Sickness absence will not automatically lead to a stalling of the process Recycling of poor performance