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HTML. HTML. HyperText Markup Language ( HTML ) is the main markup language for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser.
HTML • HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the main markup language for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. • HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>), within the web page content. HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>, although some tags, known as empty elements, are unpaired, for example <img>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). In between these tags web designers can add text, tags, comments and other types of text-based content. • Tim Berners-Lee 談網絡的未來 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM6XIICm_qo
Development • In 1980, physicist Tim Berners-Lee, who was a contractor at CERN, proposed and prototyped ENQUIRE, a system for CERN researchers to use and share documents. • In 1989, Berners-Lee wrote a memo proposing an Internet-based hypertext system. Berners-Lee specified HTML and wrote the browser and server software in the last part of 1990. • In 1990, Berners-Lee and CERN data systems engineer Robert Cailliau collaborated on a joint request for funding, but the project was not formally adopted by CERN.
HTML5 • HTML5 is a markup language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web and a core technology of the Internet. • It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (created in 1990 and standardized as HTML 4 as of 1997)and, as of December 2012, is a W3C Candidate Recommendation. • Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers, etc.).
JAVASCRIPT • JavaScript (JS) is an interpreted computer programming language.It was originally implemented as part of web browsers so that client-side scripts could interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that was displayed. • JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed, and has first-class functions. Its syntax was influenced by the language C. JavaScript copies many names and naming conventions from Java, but the two languages are otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics.
HTML 語法 • HTML教學導覽 • http://www.powmo.com/ae.html • HTML教學 • http://m7.dfps.tp.edu.tw/chen/main5/ahtml/01.asp • HTML字典 • http://www.iams.sinica.edu.tw/lab/wbtzeng/lifeinfo/html_use.htm
HTML概述 • HTML的全名是HyperText Markup Language,是編寫網頁的基本語言,而它並不是一個程式, 只是一些插在普通文件內的碼( code ),這些碼可以控制我們的瀏覽器要怎樣把文件顯示出來, 就是你現在所看到的頁面就是用HTML來控制的,它可控制字體的大小,也可以插入連結或圖像。 • 一份標準的HTML文件是由元素所組成的,元素是由標籤(Tag)以及文件內容所組成。 文件內容可以是文字、圖形、甚至是影像、聲音等等。而標籤又是啥東東呢?? 一個開始標籤(< >)是由一個小於符號(<)和一個大於符號(>)所構成的 一個起始標籤中加一道斜線"/"就構成了結束標籤(</>) 而一對標籤是由一個起始標籤和一個結束標籤所構成的。
一個HTML檔稱為HTML document,存檔的副檔名為htm或 html,編寫的方式有很多種, 最原始的方法是用windows內的記事本或各種文書編輯軟體,編寫完成後記得儲存成*.htm或*.html 即可。
html的結構 • <html><head><title></title></head><body>您所要在瀏覽器顯示的內容</body></html>
網頁顏色設定 • bodybgcolor="#xxxxxx"text="#xxxxxx"link="#xxxxxx"vlink="#xxxxxx"alink="#xxxxxx"> • bgcolor=控制背景顏色 • text=控制文字顏色 • link=控制連結顏色 • vlink=控制已閱讀過的顏色 • alink=控制正在連結的顏色 • 而xxxxxx六個數值代表紅/綠/籃的顏色元素值,為A~F及0~9等所組合起來的六個數值 • 另外在xxxxxx的部份也可用顏色的英文單字代替,但xxxxxx之前的#要去掉,如text="#000000"可換成 text="BLACK"