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The history of our school. Авторы проекта : ученицы 6а класса Бедина Дарья Богданова Ирина Иванова Анна Кузьмина Татьяна Форостяная Нина Руководитель : учитель английского языка Бекмухаметова М. Н. The tasks: - to collect the information about history and
The history of our school. Авторы проекта: ученицы 6а класса Бедина Дарья Богданова Ирина Иванова Анна Кузьмина Татьяна Форостяная Нина Руководитель: учитель английского языка Бекмухаметова М. Н.
The tasks: - to collect the information about historyand traditions of our school; • To interview teachers and parents in order • to find information; - to compare the school life in the past and nowadays; - to tell the classmates about our research The aim of our project is: - to attract pupils’ attention to the school history in order to make them feel involved into the school life and be proud of school traditions.
Hypothesis: Our school is not just a building where we go to get knowledge, it is a magic world with rich history and special traditions, which are handed on from generation to generation.
The results of the survey. Question 1. Do you know: When was our school founded? How many head teachers were there in our school? Do you want to learn about school traditions? Question 2. Question 3.
Here what we have found out: The results of the survey inspired us to make this project. We looked through the old albums with white-and -black photos, studied different documents in the school museum. We went to see the former Geography teacher Tatyana FedoseevnaFrolova. We met with the teachers who had been working at our school for many years. We invited the school leavers to our school and we spoke with our parents. We analyzed and compared a lot of facts.
Seven wonders of school № Seven School Museum School clubs and activities School best students School children organizations Ourteachers How it began… Our achievements
How it was 31 years ago. Semenova N. I., the head teacher of our school (1986-2006) Thanks to her our school became well known in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Our school was opened in September 4, 1980 There were 4 head teachers in our school: Bezrodnyh V. S. (1980-1981) Pohabov V. F. (1981-1982) Vambold V. M. (1982-1986)
Then Now The club of international friendship was organized in 1982. The Pioneers learnt about the life of foreign children’s organizations and carried on a group correspondence with persons of their own age from other countries There are news about our school life, different ads and interviews with pupils and teachers. Everybody can write an article and becomes a correspondent. The main symbols of Young Pioneers were the red banner, flag, Young Pioneer's red tie, the badge.Some of rituals were: salute, Young Pioneer parade, banner bearing, raising of the flag. Since that time we elect the president of our organization every two years. It’s a very important event in the life of our school. The pupil who wants to be a president should have a program of his activity. The organization has its own newspaper “Shkodnik”. The first newspaper was published in 1999. First it was a wall newspaper. There was an important ceremony which took place in front of all the Pioneers in the school, in the school assembly hall. The Pioneer leader gave a small speech. Each new Pioneer recited the Pioneer oath and had his red neckerchief tied on. The ceremony was always held on April 22, 1870, the birth date of V.I. Lenin. “Young Pioneers” was Soviet organization, which united all the children from 9 to 14 years old. Young pioneers had meetings devoted to different important events. May 19th was celebrated as the “Pioneer Day”. Our school organization is called “Demos” The school organization “Demos” was founded in 1996. The organization has 4 departments. Every pupil can join the organization .
The school museum “The tree of life” Our school museum was founded in 1996. The Math teacher AlyoshinaLidiyaDmitrievna suggested the idea of organizing school museum. The museum was called “The tree of life” and it was about families of the pupils studied and studying at our school. LidiyaDmitrievna is still the leader of the museum. The museum is the centre where children from primary school learn the history of our country.
There is a special place in our museum devoted to the Great Patriotic War. Members of the museum club take care of veterans of war, who are old and weak. Our schoolchildren help them about the house, bring them medicine and food, help them to go to the hospital, send greetings and presents for their birthday, show them our school museum.
Now Then The Young Pioneers of our school took part in the traditional Pioneer mass sport games: Golden Puck, Leather Ball, White Rook, Signal Light, ski races for the Pionerskaiapravda Prize. Since that time we did a lot to turn the yard into the nice place, where people and children fromthe neighboring houses like to walk and play. Young ecologists. Young ecologists. Young ecologists. Young ecologists. Sport clubs Since that time we did a lot to turn the yard into the nice place, where people and children fromthe neighboring houses like to walk and play. Since that time we did a lot to turn the yard into the nice place, where people and children fromthe neighboring houses like to walk and play. Since that time we did a lot to turn the yard into the nice place, where people and children fromthe neighboring houses like to walk and play. UnfortunatelyPatriot Club doesn’t exist any more. But on Victory Day we usually arrange special concerts for war veterans and invite them to come to our school.We also bring flowers to the monument of the Unknown Soldier and take part in the official ceremony. On Victory Day we usually arrange special concerts for war veterans and invite them to come to our school.On Victory Day we also bring flowers to the monument of the Unknown Soldier and take part in the official ceremony. On Victory Day we usually arrange special concerts for war veterans and invite them to come to our school.On Victory Day we also bring flowers to the monument of the Unknown Soldier and take part in the official ceremony. On Victory Day we usually arrange special concerts for war veterans and invite them to come to our school.On Victory Day we also bring flowers to the monument of the Unknown Soldier and take part in the official ceremony. Young Inspectors of traffic Patriot club started its work as the searching Ccub. It was organised in 1982. Patriot club started its work as the searching Ccub. It was organised in 1982. Patriot club started its work as the searching Ccub. It was organised in 1982. Patriot club started its work as the searching Club. It was organized in1982. Young inspectors of traffic Young inspectors of traffic Young inspectors of traffic 31 years ago pupils and teachers of the school decided to beautify the school yard. 31 years ago pupils and teachers of the school decided to beautify the school yard. 31 years ago pupils and teachers of the school decided to beautify the school yard. 31 years ago pupils and teachers of the school decided to beautify the school yard. School choir (1983) The club was organised in 1984. The club was organised in 1984. The club was organised in 1984. Members of the Patriot club were the leaders in the popular Pioneer military game “Summer Lightning”, they studied the history of the Soviet armed forces and had meetings with servicemen. We can train during our PT lessons and play games after the classes. Sport competitions are often held in our school and we take an active part in them. Sport teams of our school won first prizes in basketball, hockey competitions, in running races. The club of merry and quick-witted (1991) The club of young tourists. Туристский слет школьниковСоветского района 2011 год – I место 2003 год – 10 место 2004 год – 3 место 2005 год – 1 место 2006 год – 1 место 2007 год – 1 место 2008 год – 1 место Star teenagers (2004)
Our best students. Наших выпускников вы можете найти: МГУ Высшая школа экономики МФТИ им. Баумана Факультет мировой экономики СФУ Факультет журналистики СФУ Юридический факультет СФУ Институт цветных металлов и золота Kirsanova Julia – gold medal (2005) Efremov Alexander – gold medal, the first prize in the conference of the children’s projects “Looking into the Future”, the winner of the international Math contest “Kangaroo”. Медицинская академия Институт архитектуры и строительства СФУ Bekmuhametov Dmitry - gold medal, the first prize in Math contest of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. He was the first laureate of Krasnoyarsk Mayer’s award. (2001) Miryakov Michael – gold medal, the winner of the Russian Olympiad of Economics. (2010) Bogdashina Jane – gold medal, the prize in the Russian Olympiad of Economics (2006) Kruglov Yuri – gold medal, the first prize for scientific research in physics. (2009) Московский государственный университет Санкт-Петербургский институт экономикии финансов
OksanaGrigorjevnaDzernosekova is the head teacher of our school. She is very fair and strict. By the way, she was a pupil of our school. Now 83 teachers work at our school, 39 of them have higher category, 2 are the honored teachers of Russia, 7 are the excellent workers of public education, 4 have Soros’s awards. These are the first teachers of the school. Some of them are still working in our school.
School achievements • «Знак качества образования» • – 2003, 2004, 2005 • Федеральная экспериментальная площадка – 2005 • Базовая профильная школа - 2010 The school was given the status of the Academic School. The pupils won the regional Olympiad in physics, they got the first prize in Russian Science Conference in Moscow. The school won the Grant “Green Patrol”, won the first prize in the regional contest “School – the leader of the Information Technologies”. Our pupils were the first in the Russian Conference of Young Scientists. The school won the Grant “100 Sport Projects”. The pupils became winners of the regional conference “Step in Future” and in International Math Tournament named by A. N. Kolmogorov. The school got the first prize in the regional Forum of Economics. The pupils won the Russian Olympiad in Moscow. • «Лучшее образовательное • учреждение Красноярского края» • – 1998, 2000 • «Школа года» • – 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, • 2002, 2003, 2004 «Школа века – 2000»
Conclusion: 1.Thanks to the enthusiasm and great will of the former teachers and pupils, many different clubs and activities, remarkable traditions and special lifestyle were founded 31 years ago. 2. Most of these traditions are still alive. And even more, they are carefully kept by the pupils and teachers nowadays. Having analyzed the results of our research we came to the conclusion: We can also say that although we live in the other time and in the other country, we have much in common. As the pupils of our school in the past, we have an opportunity to be useful to the society and to be involved into many interesting events. We have something uniting us: school traditions which we are trying to keep.
Использованные источники: 1. http://clothe.board.com.ua/b-vas-1043632768-e.html – школьная доска 2.http://www.cartoonclipartfree.com/Cliparts_Free/Schule_Free/Cartoon_Clipart_Free_Page_2.html - звонок 3.http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Young_Pioneer_organization_of_the_Soviet_Union – пионерский значок 4.Аствацатуров Г.О. Технологический прием "Интерактивная лента" 5. http://www.artsides.ru/?ItemID=3855&SetID=66 – открытая книга 6. Автор эффекта “листание” Учитель информатикиМОУ Лицей №6 г.ВоронежаПопова Светлана Георгиевна 7. Фотографии и документы из архива школьного музея и личных архивов учителей: Фролова Т. Ф., Бекмухаметова М. Н., Титаренко К. М., Алешина Л. Д., Большаков В. Ф., Жерносекова О. Г., Сороко Г. С. 8. Фотографии несовершеннолетних публикуются с согласия их родителей.