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Current Status of APAN Meetings

Current Status of APAN Meetings. September 30, 2004. Bok-Gyu Joo Hongik University/Korea Program Chair, APAN Conference bkjoo@hongik.ac.kr. Contents. Overview APAN Meetings Overview APAN Conference Programs Collaboration between Internet2 and APAN. Current Members.

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Current Status of APAN Meetings

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  1. Current Status of APAN Meetings September 30, 2004 Bok-Gyu Joo Hongik University/Korea Program Chair, APAN Conference bkjoo@hongik.ac.kr

  2. Contents • Overview • APAN Meetings Overview • APAN Conference Programs • Collaboration between Internet2 and APAN

  3. Current Members • APAN: Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Consortium • Primary Members(14) • AARNet/Au, APAN-CN, HARNET/HK,APAN-JP, ANF/KR, SingAREN/SG, APAN-MY, APAN-TW, ASTI/PH, LEARN/LK, APAN-TH, BAERIN/BD, ERNET India, NGI-NZ Society/NZ • Associate Members • TransPac/Indiana U, US Pacific Consortium • Affiliate Members • Liaison Members • Industry Members

  4. APAN Updates • New Structure • Member Committee=> Council of Primary Members • Move Secretariat to Thailand from Korea • Chairs • Chair: Prof. Shiseki Goto/waseda, jp • Co-chairs: Jian ping Wu/CN, George McLaughlin/AU, Dae Young Kim/KR

  5. APAN Network Structure

  6. APAN Meetings • Held twice a year • January/February • July/August • Committee/WG/TF Meetings • APAN Conference: Sessions/Workshops/BoFs • Non-APAN Meetings- usually summer

  7. Conference Programs • Tutorials • Technical Sessions • Network Technology Area • Application Technology Area • Natural Resources Area • Network Research • Others: e-Science, e-Culture, Global Collaborations, … • Trends • More sessions on NRA, e-* • Less on Network Technology, Applications

  8. In Cairns, July 2004 • Overall: 4 tracks(26 slots) and joint tutorials • Network Technology Area: SIP, ENUM & QoS, Engineeing • Application Technology Area- HDTV, Grid, Demo • Natural Resources • Earth System, Earth Monitoring: Digital Earth and 3D GeoBrowser… • Agriculture: IT for food safety • Joint with eScience: Image Archives… • Network Research Workshop • Other Areas • Global Collaboration, eHealth, Medical Application, ..

  9. Collaboration between I2 & APAN • Current Interaction • Internet2: Heather Boyles, Jacqueline Brown, Chris Elvidge, James Williams, David Lassner, Ted Hans • APAN: K. Chon, S. Goto, K. Konishi, Y. Kitamura, YJ Park, ... • Future • A regular communication channel • Formalize interactions: • Presentation topics • Exchange candidate speakers and topics

  10. APAN Meetings • Past Meetings • 2004: Cairns/AU, Honolulu/usa • 2003: Busan/KR, Fukuoka/JP • Since 1996 • Future Meetings • 19th: 2005.1.24-28, Bankok • 20th: 2005. 8.23-27, Taipei • Tokyo(2006. 2), Singapore(2006. 7) • Home page: fttp://apan.net/

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