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Taming Complexity: Innovative Solutions for Complex Problems

MAYA's interdisciplinary design teams solve complex problems using research in product development and technology, ensuring user acceptance and business requirements. Optimize experiences through information and system architecture for predictability and usability. Evaluative design, prototype building, and visual language drive successful projects.

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Taming Complexity: Innovative Solutions for Complex Problems

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  1. taming complexityTM

  2. taming complexityTM MAYA’s interdisciplinary design teams solve complex problems

  3. taming complexityTM MAYA applies research to hard-core product development

  4. taming complexityTM We push technology to innovators and lower barriers to adoption

  5. taming complexityTM Expert analyses ensure that advanced designs are acceptable to users and meet business requirements

  6. taming complexityTM An information architecture gives you predictability User Interface Information Architecture System Architecture

  7. taming complexityTM Optimize human-information experiences by understanding the needs of users

  8. Freemarkets | BidWare Evaluative design spots usability barriers

  9. Freemarkets | BidWare Better usability leads to better business

  10. Foote2 | Scouting Assistant Data entry takes the joy out of the game Balancing paper, notebooks, radar guns, and Cokes make handling data collection and analysis awkward at best.

  11. Foote2 | Scouting Assistant If we can prototype it, you can build it

  12. Foote2 | Scouting Assistant Our design was a big hit with scouts

  13. ADT | Auction Kiosk System What can you do when your project has stalled for seven years?

  14. ADT | Auction Kiosk System Diagrams define problems and identify opportunities

  15. ADT | Auction Kiosk System Product sketches provide maximum design flexibility at minimal cost

  16. ADT | Auction Kiosk System We work with beautiful models

  17. ADT | Auction Kiosk System MAYA reduced the cost of each unit by $6000

  18. ADT | Auction Kiosk System User expectations drive the interface design

  19. ADT | Auction Kiosk System A visual language uniquely identifies your product in the marketplace

  20. ADT | Auction Kiosk System MAYA helped us to think outside the box and define ways that technology could dramatically improve our customer experience.

  21. Wisdom Technologies | Treasury Management Demo Sketching is an inexpensive way to rapidly explore ideas

  22. Wisdom Technologies | Treasury Management Demo What bait do we recommend? Functional prototypes!

  23. taming complexityTM I came away with the impression that I had been at a landmark event.

  24. MAYA | Workscape Our very first contract explored the future of information in the workplace

  25. MAYA | Workscape Workscape enabled usersto work directly with documents

  26. MAYA | Visage Visage forms a foundation for pervasive computing

  27. MAYA Viz | Command Post of the Future Collaborating visualizations allow a distributed organization to attack a problem with agility

  28. MAYA Viz | CoMotion CoMotion is a collaborative visualization environment

  29. LogicLibrary | Logidex Can success hurt your product? Runaway product? Sometimes they take off in ways you don’t expect.

  30. LogicLibrary | Logidex Determine the most effective path for improving the product

  31. LogicLibrary | Logidex Use information architecture as a strategic tool for steering product development

  32. LogicLibrary | Logidex Usable interfaces attract new customers

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