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Repaso :. Reflexive Verbs P ágina 82. Remember that you use reflexive verbs to describe a person doing something that involves him or herself . These verbs use reflexive pronouns that refer to the person doing the action . Andrés se lastimó . Andrés hurt himself .
Repaso: Reflexive Verbs Página 82
Rememberthatyou use reflexiveverbsto describe a persondoingsomethingthatinvolveshimorherself. Theseverbs use reflexivepronounsthatrefertothepersondoingtheaction. Andrés selastimó. Andrés hurthimself. Lucía sedespertó. Lucía woke up.
Remember! These are thereflexivepronouns: Me Nos TeOs Se Se
You can also use most of theseverbsnonreflexively. The reflexive pronoun and the verb ALWAYS match! Nonreflexive Desperté a mi hermanito a las siete y media. I wokemylittlebrother up at seventhirty. Medesperté a las siete y media. I woke up at seventhirty Relflexive You will often use reflexive verbs to refer to : reactions feelings reactions
Whenusing a relfexiveverb, putthereflexivepronounbeforetheconjugatedverb. ¿Cuándo selevantó Marcos? Whendid Marcos get up? Todavía no seha levantado. He hasn´tgotten up yet.
Whenyou use a reflexiveverb in theinfinitive, you can putthereflexivepronouneither: Beforetheconjugatedverb. No tedebes preocupar. Youshouldn’tworry. No debes preocuparte. Orattachittotheend of theinfinitive