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Amenity. Ryan Fanning English III 1 st period. (n.) that which is pleasant or agreeable; (pl.) attractive features customs, etc. Amenity. (n.) Pleasant or agreeable (pl.) attractive features. Craig 7th. Amenity. That which is pleasant or agreeable;

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  1. Amenity Ryan Fanning English III 1st period (n.) that which is pleasant or agreeable; (pl.) attractive features customs, etc.

  2. Amenity (n.) Pleasant or agreeable (pl.) attractive features Craig 7th

  3. Amenity • That which is pleasant or agreeable; (pl.) attractive features, customs, etc. • Antonyms: unpleasantness, disagreeable

  4. APERTURE An opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit.

  5. Aperture (n): An opening, such as a hole, gap, or slit Synonyms: opening, gap, hole, crack slit Apertures make the appearance of an object lighter or darker. http://web.uvic.ca/ail/techniques/aperture.gif Jordan Hanson

  6. Dissidence (n.) A difference of opinion; discontent Synonyms: Disagreement, dissent, disaffection

  7. DISSIDENCE The first part of the word looks like “decide”- if you have a difference of opinion then you’ll have to decide between two differing options

  8. DISSIDENCE A difference of opinion; discontent. When you DISS another person you have disaffection towards them or are not in agreement with one another. Synonyms: Antonyms: disagreement, disaffection agreement, harmony, concord

  9. Epicurean • (Adj.) fond of good food (n.) a person with discriminating tastes • An easy way to remember the word epicurean is that it has the word “cure” in it. Curing is a process for preparing food such as ham or other meats. Ben Chaney

  10. EPICUREAN devoted to the pursuit of pleasure: fond of good food, comfort, and ease, with discriminating tastes, a person with discriminating tastes Synonyms: hedonistic, sybaritic, discriminating Antonyms: ascetic, self-denying, abstemious Taylor Drawbridge- 6th

  11. Epicurean Fond of or adapted to luxury or indulgence in sensual pleasures; having luxurious tastes or habits, especially in eating or drinking. —Synonyms 2. gourmet, luxury, lavish, deluxe, rich. —Antonyms 2. austere, simple, plain, modest, frugal.

  12. Improvident • not provident; lacking foresight; incautious; unwary. neglecting to provide for future needs. • Syn. Thoughtless, careless, unthrifty, wasteful

  13. Improvident “Improv” is a form of theater where actors perform spontaneously without planning there next lines or actions, and the definition for “improvident” is failing to plan ahead. Maddy Ricco

  14. INVIOLABLE Inviolable is not violated, and a lock keeps things from being violated. (adj.) sacred; of such character that it must not be broken, injured, or profaned

  15. Improvident Adj.) not thrifty; failing to plan ahead Naïve of the power that such a hurricane could cause, thousands of improvidentpeople faced very difficult times in the Louisiana superdome after Hurricane Katrina. Improvident Syn: prodigal, spendthrift, extravagant Ant: thrifty, frugal, economical, cautious Caroline Clark

  16. Iniquity Ex. You should quit being mean, smoking, bad habits, etc. Def. wickedness, sin; a grossly immoral act Julia De La Guardia 7

  17. Iniquity (n.) wickedness, sin; a grossly immoral act Synonyms: crime, evil Antonyms: uprightness Diane Ficke

  18. INIQUITY • Noun • Wickedness, sin; a grossly immoral act • Syn: evil, crime • Ant: uprightness, rectitude • The most evil criminals don’t “QUIT” being sinful . Sveta Rusakova

  19. inviolable “invade” sounds like “inviol” so you cant invade something inviolable Synonyms: sacrosanct, unassailable Antonyms: vulnerable assailable Shelby Strodel

  20. Mutable Example: She was so mutable that one day she was a girly princess, and the next a hard core soccer player. Definition: (adj.) Open to or capable to change, fickle Synonyms: Changeable, variable Antonyms: Changeless, steadfast, constant Sounds like Mutate Blaine Turner

  21. Example: Ice, clay, silly putty Mutable Open to or capable of change, changeable, variable Antonyms: changeless, steadfast, constant Murphey Henk

  22. Mutable How to remember: Mutable is similar to Mutant, which is something altered by Mutation. Open to or capable of change, fickle. Ryan Gibbons, 7

  23. Nascent Just beginning to exist or develop; just come into existence Jackson Hager

  24. nascent (Adj.) Smell a scent when it just begins to exist or develop Synonym: embryonic, budding, incipient Antonym: dying, moribund, senescent Mary Williams 7th

  25. nascent “cent” was one of the beginning pieces of currency Just beginning to exist or develop; having just come into existence

  26. OBEISANCE a deep bow or other body movement indicating respect or submission Katherine Killough 7th

  27. Syn: respect, honor Ant: disrespect, irreverence, disregard obeisance “to obey” -a bow or other body movement that symbolizes respect or submission

  28. y Obe^isance (n.) a deep bow or other body movement indicating respect or submission; deference, homage Emily Forrester

  29. Panegyric (pan ə ji’ rik) Formal or elaborate praise; a tribute +tribute, encomium, testimonial -diatribe, tirade, philippic -Rob Oberman, 6th

  30. PANEGYRIC (n.) formal or elaborate praise: a tribute PaneJEERic, to jeer is to taunt someone, so panegyric is the opposite of taunting…which is to praise

  31. Panegyric (n.) formal or elaborate praise; a tribute

  32. Pillory • “Pill”-overdosing on pills is illegal • “ory”-sounds like story which is telling the public that the offender is overdosing • Emily Scates

  33. Malia Meggesy 7th My baby takes the morning train. He works from nine til five and then He takes another home again To find me waiting for him… Pillory n. A device for publicly punishing offenders v. To expose to public contempt or ridicule Perjury kind of sounds like pillory. Ex. Bill Clinton was publicly ridiculed for committing perjury regarding that affair he had.

  34. Pittance (noun) a woefully meager allowance,wage or portion. When someone has a small allowance they are in the “pitt” of society. Minette Morgan Minette Morgan

  35. PITTANCE (n): a woefully meager allowance, wage, or portion

  36. Presage Pre- before A presentiment or foreboding To have a presentiment

  37. augur portend foretell Presage (v.) To foreshadow or point to a future event; to predict; (n.) a warning or indication of the future

  38. Presage something that portends or foreshadows a future event; an omen, prognostic, or warning indication.

  39. Progeny (n.)- a descendant or offspring, as a child, plant, or animal. Think of a genie (as in proGENY) and that genies are offspring of their magic lamps.

  40. For example: if Trina and McClanahan had offspring Progeny + = -Descendants, offspring, children and

  41. PROMULGATE PRO-mulgate PRO-claim DEFINITION: • (v.) to proclaim or issue officially; to make known far and wide • SYNONYM: announce • ANTONYM: withdraw, nullify, retract, abrogate MICKEY SYRQUIN 7TH PERIOD

  42. Promulgate • To proclaim or issue officially; to make known far and wide • Synonym: to announce • Will Washington • Period 6

  43. Promulgate verb (used with object to make known by open declaration To remember promulgate, think of Proclaim

  44. rectitude noun. Uprightness, righteousness; correctness Syn: probity, integrity Leigh Reed Ant: iniquity, heinousness

  45. Rectitude Synonyms: probity integrity Antonyms: iniquity heinousness Uprightness, righteousness, correctness Jack Yates

  46. Restive Adj. Restless, hard to manage, balky

  47. (adj.) angles, heavenly, celestial Seraphic: Seraphic…of or relating to an angel of the first order; "he imagined a seraphic presence in the room" Caleb Powell was here…

  48. SERAPHIC seraphIC ---- angelIC (adj.) angelic, heavenly, celestial Synonym: cherubic Antonyms: devilish, impish ex: The artist painted the children with SERAPHIC smiles to suggest their innocence. Grace Viere 1st

  49. Seraphic Angelic, Heavenly, Celestial Collins Thompson

  50. Subsist (v.) To have existence; to remain alive, manage to make a living or maintain life; to persist or continue Subsist contains part of the word assist, and assistance from others is necessary to remain alive for a long time.

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