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Welcome to Solon High School. Ninth Grade Orientation. Solon High School Guidance Department. Mrs. Wendy Dingman A-De 349-6242 wendydingman@solonboe.org Mr. Rick Nowak Df-Ho 349-6243 ricknowak@solonboe.org Ms. Ann Bruce Hp-Mc 349-7407 annbruce@solonboe.org
Welcome to Solon High School Ninth Grade Orientation Solon High School Guidance Department Mrs. Wendy Dingman A-De 349-6242 wendydingman@solonboe.org Mr. Rick Nowak Df-Ho 349-6243 ricknowak@solonboe.org Ms. Ann Bruce Hp-Mc 349-7407 annbruce@solonboe.org Mr. Cal Washington Md-See 349-7307 calvinwashington@solonboe.org Mrs. Anne Johns, Director Sef-Z 349-6241 annejohns@solonboe.org Ms. Carol Rymaz Secretary 349-7304 carolrymaz@solonboe.org Solon High School Guidance Webpage www.solonschools.org/guidance
SHS PROFILE Ranked #1 in Ohio School of Distinction- Ohio Department of Education 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ACT Red Quill Award National Blue Ribbon School
COLLEGE ATTENDANCE • Size of Class of 2011 435 • Four-year College & Two-Year College 95% • Business, Technical School, or Military 5% • Minority Population 28%
NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARS • CLASS OF 2012 • Semi-Finalists 21 • Commended 19 • CLASS OF 2013 -Potential Scholars 40
PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARS • 1990 • 1995 • 2003 • 2007 • 2009 • 2010 – 8 were nominated • 2011 – 4 were nominated
ACT RESULTS Composite Scores • National Average 21.9 • SHS Class of 2011 24.7 • SHS Top 10% 33.3
SAT RESULTSVerbal + Math • National Average 1014 • SHS Class of 2011 1127 • Top 10% 1400-1600
ADVANCED PLACEMENTPROGRAM • In 2011, 622 students took 1449 exams. • Score Distribution: - Score of 5: 536 - Score of 4: 424 - Score of 3: 320
Basic Graduation Requirements English 4 Credits Social Science 3 Credits (including World History, US History, Government, Economics) Mathematics (including Algebra 2) 4 Credits Science 3 Credits Physical Education .50 Credit Health .50 Credit Fine Arts 1 Credit Electives__________________________5 Credits TOTAL Minimum 21 Credits
Course Selection(Minimum) College Entrance Recommendations • 4 years of English • 4 years of Math (Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry) • 3 - 4 years of Science (Including Biology, Chemistry, Physics) • 3 - 4 years of Social Studies • 2 - 3 years of Foreign Language • 1 year of fine, applied or performing arts
Honors DiplomaNeed SEVEN of these Eight Criteria • 4 credits of English • 4 credits of Math (Alg I, II, Geom and higher) • 4 credits of Science (including Chemistry and Physics) • 4 credits of Social Studies • 3 credits of Foreign Language OR 2 credits each of two Foreign Languages • 1 credit of Fine Arts • 3.5 GPA on 4.0 scale (through the end of the third quarter of senior year) • 27 ACT OR 1210 SAT (SAT combined CR/M scores)
Honors & AP Courses • SHS offers eight honors courses and twenty Advanced Placement courses. • Honors courses available to ninth graders include Honors English 9, Honors Algebra II, Honors Geometry and Honors Biology. • Ninth grade recommendations are made by eighth grade teachers. Contact SMS teachers for questions about recommendations.
Academic Supports Best Instructional Practices What do we expect all students to learn? How do we know if they have learned it? How do we respond when they are NOT learning? Solon High School is proud to offer academic supports and interventions to all students in need of assistance: • Classroom-based interventions • Peer tutoring • Academic Labs/Resource Center • After-School Study Center • Before/After school help from student’s teachers • Academic coaching by counselors/administrators
GRADES AND GRADE REPORTS 1. Student report cards are distributed each nine weeks reporting the record of achievement for the student during that nine-week period of time only. (Parent Viewer same as SMS to monitor grades.) 2. The nine-week grade is expressed in terms of a letter grade for the purpose of figuring and reporting a semester or yearly grade. 3. The SHS grading scale is as follows: A = 90 – 100% B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79% D = 60 – 69% F = 0 – 59%
WEIGHTED GRADES GRADES FOR COURSES ARE WEIGHTED AT TWO LEVELS: REGULAR COURSE WEIGHT HONOR COURSE WEIGHT ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSE WEIGHT A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 F = 0 A = 4.5 B = 3.375 C = 2.25 D = 1.0 F = 0 A = 5.0 B = 3.75 C = 2.5 D = 1.0 F = 0 Students enrolled in AP courses are required to take the AP exam for each course in May. Most colleges award college credit and/or advancement based on AP scores upon college enrollment.
Athletic Eligibility for Incoming Ninth Graders • Bylaw 4-4-4: A student enrolled in the first grading period after advancement from the eighth grade must have passed a minimum of five of all subjects carried the preceding grading period in which the student was enrolled. • Bylaw 4-4-7: Summer school and other educational options may not be used to substitute for failure to meet the academic standards specified in Bylaw 4 during the last grading period of the school year.
EXAMPLE OF DETERMINING ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY GRADES 9-12 Passing grades must have been earned in a minimum of five one-credit courses, or equivalent, in the grading period immediately preceding the sport. PE classes do not count toward eligibility. Subject Grade Credit &Duration Factor Credits English 9 A 1.00 YEAR 1 1.00 Spanish 1 C 1.00 YEAR 1 1.00 P.E. P 0.50 YEAR 0 0.00 Algebra 1 B 1.00 YEAR 1 1.00 World Hist B 1.00 YEAR 1 1.00 Band A 1.00 YEAR 1 1.00 Science A 1.00 YEAR 1 1.00 Total Credit 6.50 6.00 = eligible for athletics *Must carry at least 5 classes both semesters.
Excel TECC Programs • Audio & Video Production • Auto Mechanics • Business Academy • CADD Engineering Tech • Computers, Networking & Electronics • Construction Management • Construction Trades • Cosmetology • Culinary Arts • Early Childhood Education • Environmental Education • Hospitality/Food Services • Information Technology & Programming • Interactive Media • Marketing Tech (12th only) • Medical Careers • Medical Technologies • Performing Arts Academy • Public Safety and Service • Visual Art and Design
Resume • Volunteer experience • Work experience • Talents, skills, interests • Career exploration: • Job shadowing, internships • Plans after high school • Academic achievements • School activities/clubs • Athletics • Music/Art/Drama Visit www.solonschools.org/guidance and click on Naviance, our college/career planning website. Students create an account in ninth grade to use all four years for information and guidance regarding resume building, course planning, ACT/SAT/AP testing, summer enrichment programs, college planning/research, college application status, financial aid, and more.
9th Grade Course Planning • There are seven periods in the school day. Ninth graders take at least FIVE classes each semester and often Physical Education. • Students must pass five classes for athletic eligibility (excluding Phys Ed). • Ninth grade courses: English, Math, Science, World History, Phys Ed., Elective(s) • Study Hall is recommended for ninth graders. • Course recommendations from SMS have been mailed to parents. EXAMPLE #1EXAMPLE #2EXAMPLE #3EXAMPLE #4EXAMPLE #5 English 9 CP English 9 CP English 9 Honors English 9 CP English 9 Honors Science Investigations Science Investigations Honors Biology Science Investigations Science Invest. Algebra I Trans Algebra & Honors Geometry Algebra I Honors Algebra II World History Algebra I block World History World History World History Physical Education World History Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Spanish 2 Physical Education Band or Choir Spanish I Spanish 2 Study Hall Study Hall (Interv) French 2 Study Hall/Elective Study Hall
What if my child is NOT recommended for a course he/she wants to take? • If you should decide to take a non-recommended course, you must complete the Scheduling Risk Form(available online at www.solonschools.org/guidance or in SMS Guidance Office). • The form states that if the student chooses to drop this course during the school year, it will be noted on the transcript as a WF (Withdraw Failing).
Do colleges accept American Sign Language as a fulfillment of the Foreign Language recommendation? • There are currently over 200 colleges that accept ASL as a foreign language. It is suggested that you access the college websites to determine their requirements for foreign language. A list of the schools is available in the high school Guidance Office.
What if my child can’t fit Phys. Ed. on his/her schedule? There are three ways to address that situation: • Take a half year of P.E. 10th grade opposite Health; take other half in 11th grade • Take P.E. in Solon HS Summer School (forms available from SHS main office in late May) • Take P.E. through a local college (after completion of ninth grade)
What if my child can’t fit a study hall on his/her schedule? If a student does not have a study hall, there are still many ways to get support. • Student makes appointment to meet with teacher before or after school. • Student requests peer tutor. • Student attends After-School Study Center which is open Mon -Thr 3:15-4:15 and staffed by teachers.
Where can I find more information or answers to my specific questions? • For questions about class recommendations contact SMS teachers. • For general questions about courses, requirements, and academic programming see the Program of Studies booklet, which is also available online. • For any questions about the high school, contact your student’s high school counselor via email or phone.
Welcome to Solon High School Ninth Grade Orientation Solon High School Guidance Department Mrs. Wendy Dingman A-De 349-6242 wendydingman@solonboe.org Mr. Rick Nowak Df-Ho 349-6243 ricknowak@solonboe.org Ms. Ann Bruce Hp-Mc 349-7407 annbruce@solonboe.org Mr. Cal Washington Md-See 349-7307 calvinwashington@solonboe.org Mrs. Anne Johns, Director Sef-Z 349-6241 annejohns@solonboe.org Ms. Carol Rymaz Secretary 349-7304 carolrymaz@solonboe.org Solon High School Guidance Webpage www.solonschools.org/guidance