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Trying not to fall off the Edge

Janet Bangma University of Saskatchewan Susan Powelson Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region. Trying not to fall off the Edge. Assembling the pieces of the health information mosaic in Saskatchewan. Amended March 2005. Saskatchewan Health Information Resources Partnership (SHIRP).

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Trying not to fall off the Edge

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  1. Janet Bangma University of Saskatchewan Susan Powelson Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region Trying not to fall off the Edge Assembling the pieces of the health information mosaic in Saskatchewan Amended March 2005

  2. Saskatchewan Health Information Resources Partnership (SHIRP) • Review of the initial proposal • Progress to date • Challenges/Opportunities faced • Solutions thus far • Future directions

  3. What is SHIRP? Saskatchewan Health Information Resources Partnership (SHIRP) • Proposed solution to the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Medicine Undergraduate Program Accreditation problems • It is funded as part of the College of Medicine’s Renewal Plan which included a “library enhancement project” • SHIRP is built on the premise of a province-wide distributed & interdisciplinary educational program at the College of Medicine

  4. SHIRP • Initially was a taskforce of the Saskatchewan Health Libraries Association (SHLA) • At next SHLA meeting a proposal to remove SHIRP from SHLA and have it as a separate entity • Initial membership from the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Qu’Appelle, Saskatoon, Sunrise, Prince Albert Parkland Health Regions, SIAST, University of Regina, Saskatchewan Health Resource Centre and Provincial Library • Now Membership can be an interested Library (ie. SHLA members), healthcare practitioner, and healthcare organization

  5. SHIRP Goals • Remove the HSL as a LCME/CACMS accreditation issue for the College of Medicine • Create and maintain an online, web-based digital library which provides “point and click” access to core information resources for all healthcare providers in Saskatchewan • Develop a cost effective and sustainable information delivery system

  6. SHIRP Implementation SHIRP was funded by the Saskatchewan government in June 2003 • Phase 1: Acquire and distribute a suite of resources for the Health Sciences Library at the University of Saskatchewan to meet undergraduate accreditation standards • Phase 2: Acquire and distribute a suite of online resources to Saskatoon, Regina Qu’Appelle and Prince Albert Parkland Health Regions • Phase 3: Extend the suite of online resources identified in phase 2 to all health regions • Phase 4: Extend the suite of online resources to all remaining healthcare practitioners in the province

  7. What has SHIRP done to Date? • Completed Phase 1: U of S Accreditation • Developed the following documents • SHIRP coordinator position profile • Negotiations Profile • Project Plan • Many, many implementation reports • Accountability document • Worked successfully with Health Knowledge Network • Negotiations for select HSL products • Negotiations are complete for HKN available products • Working with Content Providers for additional products ie. New England Journal of Medicine, BMJ, e-CPS etc.

  8. Proposed Organizational Structure (Draft) Head, Health Sciences Library One additional Provincial Member Co-ordinator

  9. Initial Suite of Resources (Province-wide) • Databases • Ovid Medline, CiNAHL, PsycINFO, EBMR, AMED • Natural Medicines Database • Full-Text Journal Collections • Ovid Brandon and Hill Plus Collection, LWW Total Access Collection, PsycArticles, Nursing Collection I • EBSCO Healthsource Comprehensive: Nursing, Biomedical and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collections

  10. Online Texts • Stat Ref • LWW Books@Ovid and Ovid Lippincott/Springhouse Nursing Book Collection • Portal • Healthcare professionals have multiple information choices and access points • need to develop seamless access • Virtual Reference (VR) Product • Share evening and weekend reference services across the province

  11. In Total…. Access to: • 6 Databases • Approximately 1,475 online journals • Approximately 110 online Textbooks Project Cost: • Total project is about 2.5 million dollars annually • $1.2 million is for the U of S Health Sciences Library • $1.3 million is for implementation in the Health Regions and province-wide


  13. Challenge # 1:License Negotiation • Goal: One province-wide license for all common products • Who will negotiate for the licenses? • The U of S did not want to take on this responsibility (mandate and staffing issue) • Provincial Library via the Multitype Database Licensing Program (MDLP) did not want to take on the responsibility • SHIRP partnered with Health Knowledge Network in Alberta

  14. Challenge # 2:Closing of the Saskatchewan Health Resource Centre • Closing of a major partner in the project • Loss of • Provincial Representative: • Who will speak for the provincial healthcare providers? • Who can legally sign a license on their behalf? • Authentication centre • Instruction/IT Support Partner • Closing will increase the costs of the project • Possible Phase 4 of the project: • E-resource access to the department • Will Ministry of Learning pay for Ministry of Health access?? • Document Delivery/ILL • Reference, Research and Information Searching

  15. Challenge # 3:Managing the Financials • This is a new project and the rules are being developed as we go: • Who says that SHIRP can okay the payment of an invoice? • How does SHIRP handle lump sum funds that needs to be distributed among different entities? • How does SHIRP pay for products/services in advance when only reimbursed at the middle/end of the fiscal year?

  16. Challenge # 4:Accountability • Project is being closely monitored by government and the Saskatchewan Academic Health Sciences Network (SAHSN) • All project partners and participants must report any and all changes to the SHIRP executive who must report to SAHSN • Project reports to the SAHSN on financials, goals, products • Project reports to the University of Saskatchewan Library on the day to day financials

  17. Draft Accountability Framework Release of Funds????

  18. Challenge # 5:“In principle…” • Clause is appearing in all documents • How do you sign contracts and make commitments when the future is never “certain” or clear? • Continue to grapple with the wording…will just have to live with it • Will develop a project cancellation plan • detailing the costs of ending the project abruptly • i.e.. 5 year commitment to new HSL librarians • Financial commitments to HKN

  19. Challenge # 6:Organizational Politics • Everyone marching in a straight line and in same direction • Consistent message to each partner organization and government • Ensuring that partners who did not want to be part of the initial project don’t change their mind

  20. Challenge # 7:It is important to note… That the suite of resources being purchased for the University of Saskatchewan HSL is different than the suite of resources being purchased for the Health Regions and the healthcare providers • The materials at the U of S are accessible only for affiliated users of the University and not available to health regions due to electronic licensing restrictions

  21. Challenge # 8: Marketing/Communication • Getting the word out about this project • Communications Strategy • Marketing Strategy • There are no allocated dollars within the project funding for a communications or marketing strategy • Partnering with different government or organizational agencies who do have $’s • i.e. Health Quality Council • Professional organizations i.e. Nursing Association

  22. Challenge # 9:We want to be included too… • Included in the funding package were: • Positions: 2 FTE librarian positions for Saskatoon Health Region, .5 FTE for Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region, .5 FTE Library Technician for Saskatoon Health Region • Computers: for both health regions • ILL/Document Delivery funds • Other health regions want funding for • a librarian or library tech • computers and an office • ILL/Document Delivery funds • No Additional Dollars from Government

  23. Future Directions • Develop Phase 4: Need to cost out the implications of the closure of the Saskatchewan Health Resource Centre • Need to bring in Prince Albert Parkland Health Region • Need to develop the portal: Single point of health information access • Need to develop a relationship with the Saskatchewan Health Information Network (SHIN): authentication connection • Need to develop a marketing and communication strategy • Need to finalize a SHIRP coordinator

  24. Parting Trivia…. • Only one formal meeting on the project • everything has been done via telephone, email and increasingly WebEx and the teleconferencing equipment • Spend at least 5-8 hours per week on the telephone discussing the project • Send or receive at least 10-20 messages on the project per week – to date managing about 2,500 messages concerning the project • We all still have day jobs

  25. Thank you Questions? Trying not to fall off the Edge Assembling the pieces of the health information mosaic in Saskatchewan

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