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Faculty Web Services PORTAL. INFORMATION : The FWS portal provides faculty with information and links in one place. The Message Board is updated frequently with important notices and information so be sure to check back often. DEFINITIONS Tabs at the top of the page allow quick access to:
Faculty Web Services PORTAL INFORMATION: The FWS portal provides faculty with information and links in one place. The Message Board is updated frequently with important notices and information so be sure to check back often. DEFINITIONS Tabs at the top of the page allow quick access to: Get Your CSID – use this tab if you do not know or have forgotten your 7-digit ID. Class Management – use this tab for tools and information to manage your class such as class roster, drop sheet, attendance and grade sheet. Flex Obligation & Workshops – use this tab to enroll in flex workshops, submit independent projects and mark your attendance. Contact Information – use this tab to update your email address on file. Deadlines – calendar deadlines for both primary and short term classes can be found here. Information - visit this tab frequently as important information is added.
Faculty Web Services LOGIN INFORMATION All faculty are required to login to gain access to class information. Enter your 7-digit CSID (College System Identification Number) and password. If you do not know your CSID, click on the OBTAIN ID button. First time users use the CONTROL # as their password. The control # can be found on the bottom of the “Class Management” email sent prior to Opening Day for the class. DEFINITIONS CSID – The College System Identification Number is a unique 7-digit number assigned to each student and faculty member. Password – The password is 4-8 characters in length and is assigned by the faculty member (after initial sign in). Your “initial” password can be found on the bottom of the “Class Management” email sent prior to Opening Day for the class; or you may obtain your password from your Dean’s office. Note that if you forget your password, you may go to the Admissions and Records office, with a photo ID, to have it reset. The password is case sensitive.
Faculty Web ServicesCLASS LIST INFORMATION The CLASS LIST tab shows all classes for the semester that start within one week. To begin working, click on the class. You may also download a current list of all students enrolled by clicking on the checkmark under Download Roster. The list includes student name, CSID, FED status, enrollment status, email and phone number. DEFINITIONS Roster Status An “unofficial” roster will be available online about one week prior to the first day of your class. It may include students who have not paid for the class or students who are currently enrolled in a prerequisite course. In these instances, students may be dropped from the class prior to opening day. The “official” roster will be available online as of Friday prior to opening day for primary 16-week classes and Monday for all others. It includes a list of all students who have enrolled and paid for the class. Grade Sheet Status The online grade sheet will be available one week prior to the end of the class. Grade sheet status include: Available, Saved, Submitted and Past Due.
Faculty Web ServicesENROLLMENT INFORMATION INFORMATION The ENROLLMENT INFORMATION tab includes a real-time count of the enrollment in each course and includes paid and unpaid students. The information provided is display only, no changes can be made. It will update automatically as students enroll and pay for classes. DEFINITIONS Enrollment Capacity – this is the capacity of your class. Current Enrollment – this is the number of students enrolled in your class. Wait List Capacity – this is the capacity for the wait list for your class Current Listed – this is the number of students currently wait listed for your class Status – the status of your class will be OPEN, until the current enrollment equals the enrollment capacity, when it will display CLOSED. The capacity of your wait list may be adjusted, contact your Dean’s office.
Faculty Web ServicesCRN’s for NEXT SEMESTER INFORMATION The CRN’s for NEXT SEMESTER tab includes a list of all classes you are assigned as instructor of record for the upcoming semester. The list displays about 2 months prior to the end of the current semester. The purpose of this information is to assist faculty with providing textbook information for students, and book buyback for the bookstore.
Faculty Web ServicesFORMS INFORMATION The FORMS tab includes a list of common forms used by faculty. You must click on the form, print it, complete it then submit to the appropriate office or department. The forms cannot be completed online because a signature is required.
Faculty Web ServicesCLASS LIST INFORMATION The CLASS LIST tab is the starting point for all class management activities. It is a list of all classes assigned to you. Classes will display when the unofficial roster is available, about one week prior to the start date. To begin working, click on the class. You may download a current list of all students enrolled by clicking on the check mark under Download Roster. The list includes student name, CSID, FED status, enrollment status, email and phone number. DEFINITIONS Roster Status An “unofficial” roster will be available online about one week prior to the first day of your class. It may include students who have not paid for the class or students who are currently enrolled in a prerequisite course. In these instances, students may be dropped from the class prior to opening day. The “official” roster will be available online as of Friday prior to opening day for primary 16-week classes and Monday for all others. It includes a list of all students who have enrolled and paid for the class. Grade Sheet Status The online grade sheet will be available one week prior to the end of the class. Grade sheet status include: Available, Saved, Submitted and Past Due.
Faculty Web ServicesMASTER ROSTER INFORMATION The MASTER ROSTER tab shows all students officially enrolled and paid for the class if the roster status is official; however, if the roster is the unofficial , it may include students who have not paid. Information includes student name, CSID, number of absences or attendance hours and enrollment status in the class. You may print a copy in roster format by clicking on Print Current Roster or you may download the roster by clicking on Download Roster. You may click on a student’s name to send an individual email (if the name is in black, the student does not have a valid email address on file) or click on Email All Students to send an email to the entire class. Emails must include a subject line and text in the body of the email. Note that the email will be sent from your email address on file with the college. To quickly move between classes, use the drop down menu. DEFINITIONS FED – Indicates students receiving benefits from Federal programs such as financial aid or Veteran’s educational benefits. Faculty are required to monitor FED students in order to provide the last date of academic activity for those that are dropped or withdrawn or assigned an ‘F’. Detailed information can be found in the Attendance Accounting manual under the Information tab on the FWS portal page.
Faculty Web ServicesABSENCE OR ATTENDANCE INFORMATION The ABSENCE OR ATTENDANCE tab lists each week that your class meets. To enter absences for students from opening day to the census date, click onthe week to begin. Note that the weeks will only become available for posting absences on or after the first day of the week for the class. You may not enter absences in the future.
Faculty Web ServicesABSENCE OR ATTENDANCE INFORMATION To enter an absence for a student click in the box next to the student’s name, under the day of the absence. Although all days of the week display, you will only be able to mark absences on days that your actual class meets the other week days will be grayed out Once you have entered all absences, click the Save/Submit button. If you are going to drop or withdraw a student, click on the radio button under the column titled Drop or Withdrawal (the column title changes from drop to withdraw once the census date has passed). Click the Save/Submit button, you will be taken to the Drop/Withdrawal/Reinstate tab to verify and submit your entries. Once you have marked all drops, click the Save/Submit button. Note that you may drop or withdraw students from the Absence or Attendance tab or from the Drop/Withdrawal/Reinstate tab If you make a mistake or want to change the entries, click in the absence box to remove an absence; click on the radio button to not process the drop or click the CANCEL button. If you have already SAVED the absences, you will need to click on the box to remove the check mark and then click SAVE/SUBMIT to save the update.
Faculty Web ServicesABSENCE OR ATTENDANCE INFORMATION The ABSENCE OR ATTENDANCE tab lists each week that your class meets. To enter attendance for students, click the week to begin. Note that the weeks will only become available for posting attendance on or after the first day of the week for the class. You may not enter attendance in the future. DEFINITIONS Attendance –Daily attendance is only required for positive attendance classes. It is the amount of time the student spent in the class or lab each day. Minutes are submitted in quarter hour increments, 15 minutes is reported as .25; 30 minutes is reported as .50; 45 minutes is reported as .75. For example, if a student attended for 3 ½ hours, it would be reported as 3.50.
Faculty Web ServicesABSENCE OR ATTENDANCE INFORMATION After clicking on the week to enter attendance, the page above opens. It is a list of all students enrolled in your class. Tab to the day of the week you are entering attendance and type in the hours attended for each student. You may “MASS POPULATE” the hour(s) for the entire class by entering the hour(s) under the day in the mass populate row, then click the SAVE/SUBMIT button. The amount will populate each students record. You may adjust the mass populated hours on individual student records by clicking in the box and entering the corrected hour(s). DEFINITIONS Attendance – Daily attendance is only required for positive attendance classes. It is the amount of a time the student spent in the class or lab each day. Minutes are submitted in quarter hour increments, 15 minutes is reported as .25; 30 minutes is reported as .50; 45 minutes is reported as .75. For example, if a student attended for 3 ½ hours, it would be reported as 3.50. Mass Populate – The mass populate feature allows faculty to enter the same number of hour/s for all students in the class for a specific day. Individual student records can be adjusted.
Faculty Web ServicesDROP/ WITHDRAWAL/ REINSTATE INFORMATION The DROP/WITHDRAWAL/REINSTATE tab lists each student officially enrolled and paid in your class. You may mark a student for DROP (or WITHDRAWAL once the census date passes) or NEVER ATTENDED. Students may also be REINSTATED in your class if previously dropped in error. To drop a student from your class, click on the radio button next to their name under the DROP column, if the student has never been to the class, you should mark the radio button under the NEVER ATTENDED column. Note that the drop column heading will change to WITHDRAW once the census date has passed. Click the Save/Submit button (you will be taken to a confirmation page) To reinstate a student to your class, click on the radio button next to their name under the REINSTATE column. Click the Save/Submit button (you will be taken to a confirmation page). Remember that it is the instructor’s responsibility to drop students or click the NO DROPS TO REPORT prior to the census date indicating that the roster has been cleared of inactive enrollment. The CENSUS PROCESSING indicator on the Drop/Withdrawal/Reinstate tab will update to “Submitted” the day after you have cleared rosters of inactive enrollment or clicked the “No Drops to Report” button as of the census date for your class. DEFINITIONS Drop – A drop is a non-punitive method to remove students from your class who have stopped attending prior to the census date. Never Attended – Never attended is a drop of a student who has never shown up to class prior to the census date. Withdrawal – A withdraw is a punitive symbol on the students record and is used to remove students from your class who have stopped attending after the census date. Reinstate – A method to add a student back into your class who was previously dropped in error. Note that the student must have been enrolled and paid in order to be reinstated.
Faculty Web ServicesDROP/ WITHDRAWAL/ REINSTATE INFORMATION Once you have marked a student for DROP/WITHDRAWAL/REINSTATE or Never Attended, you will be taken to this confirmation page. Verify that the students names and the action taken are correct for each entry. If the information is correct, click on the CONFIRM & SUBMIT button to process the action. If the information is not correct or the wrong student was selected, click on the EDIT button to return to the previous page. DEFINITIONS Drop – A drop is a non-punitive method to remove students from your class who have stopped attending prior to the census date. Never Attended – Never attended is a drop of a student who has never shown up to class prior to the census date. Withdrawal – A withdraw is a punitive symbol on the students record and is used to remove students from your class who have stopped attending after the census date. Reinstate – A method to add a student back into your class who was previously dropped in error. Note that the student must have been enrolled and paid in order to be reinstated.
Faculty Web ServicesDROP/ WITHDRAWAL/ REINSTATE INFORMATION After clicking on the CONFIRM & SUBMIT button you will get a SUCCESS message. It is recommended you print the page for your records. An email will also be sent to the student notifying them that they have been dropped from the class. DEFINITIONS Drop – A drop is a non-punitive method to remove students from your class who have stopped attending prior to the census date. Never Attended – Never attended is a drop of a student who has never shown up to class prior to the census date. Withdrawal – A withdraw is a punitive symbol on the students record and is used to remove students from your class who have stopped attending after the census date. Reinstate – A method to add a student back into your class who was previously dropped in error. Note that the student must have been enrolled and paid in order to be reinstated.
Faculty Web ServicesDROP/ WITHDRAWAL/ REINSTATE INFORMATION Once you have submitted the drop/withdrawal/reinstate or never attended, the students will display as “Pending” along with the date of the action. An automated process that runs every night will process the student drop/withdrawal/reinstate or never attended, the following business day, the word “pending” will no longer display. Faculty should verify that reinstated students were processed fully. Occasionally, a student may have a hold put on their record between the time of the accidental drop and the reinstate. In these cases, a message will appear in the status column: CANNOT REINSTATE. The student should be sent to the Admissions & Records office. DEFINITIONS Drop – A drop is a non-punitive method to remove students from your class who have stopped attending prior to the census date. Never Attended – Never attended is a drop of a student who has never shown up to class prior to the census date. Withdrawal – A withdraw is a punitive symbol on the students record and is used to remove students from your class who have stopped attending after the census date. Reinstate – A method to add a student back into your class who was previously dropped in error. Note that the student must have been enrolled and paid in order to be reinstated.
Faculty Web ServicesDROP/ WITHDRAWAL/ REINSTATE INFORMATION You may also verify or enter individual student absences/attendance from the DROP/WITHDRAWAL/REINSTATE tab. To view or update individual student absences/attendance, click on the number under the absence/attendance column. DEFINITIONS Drop – A drop is a non-punitive method to remove students from your class who have stopped attending prior to the census date. Never Attended – Never attended is a drop of a student who has never shown up to class prior to the census date. Withdrawal – A withdraw is a punitive symbol on the students record and is used to remove students from your class who have stopped attending after the census date. Reinstate – A method to add a student back into your class who was previously dropped in error. Note that the student must have been enrolled and paid in order to be reinstated.
Faculty Web ServicesDROP/ WITHDRAWAL/ REINSTATE INFORMATION Once you click on the absences/attendance, a new page opens which includes absence/attendance information only for the student selected. You may enter or correct absences/attendance for any week that has passed; you may enter new attendance or correct previously entered information. If you make any changes, you must click on the SAVE/SUBMIT button to save the entries. Note that once grades have been submitted, no changes are permitted. DEFINITIONS Drop – A drop is a non-punitive method to remove students from your class who have stopped attending prior to the census date. Never Attended – Never attended is a drop of a student who has never shown up to class prior to the census date. Withdrawal – A withdraw is a punitive symbol on the students record and is used to remove students from your class who have stopped attending after the census date. Reinstate – A method to add a student back into your class who was previously dropped in error. Note that the student must have been enrolled and paid in order to be reinstated.
Faculty Web ServicesREFER FOR FOLLOW UP INFORMATION The follow up tab allows faculty to refer students to the counseling office for assistance with their educational process. Once the follow up is submitted, an automated email is sent to the student indicating that they were referred to counseling for “the reason selected” in the drop down menu. To refer a student to the counseling office, click on the radio button next to the student’s name, then select a reason for the follow up. The reasons include: Attendance Substandard Work Time Management Needs Support Services Needs Tutoring Once selected, click the PROCESS FOLLOW UP button. You will then be required to either CONFIRM & SUBMIT to process the follow up or EDIT/CANCEL to correct the entries.
Faculty Web ServicesGRADES INFORMATION Faculty must submit a grade for each student. To enter a grade, click in the grade box next to the student’s name and type the grade OR select the grade from the drop down menu. You may view or update individual student absences/attendance by clicking on the number under the absence/attendance column. Note that attendance hours are required for all students in a positive attendance class before grades may be submitted.
Faculty Web ServicesGRADES INFORMATION When entering an “F” grade for a student identified as FED, you will be required to enter the last date of known academic activity. A calendar feature is provided for easy date selection. You may click on the arrow in the upper right or left of the calendar to navigate through the months. If an “I” (Incomplete) is assigned to a student, you are required to complete and submit an Assignment of Incomplete form. You may click on the reminder to obtain the form or go to the FORMS tab. Reminder that instructors must submit the Assignment of Incomplete form along with the work to be completed (in a sealed envelope) and class syllabus to the Dean. See the second page of the form for further details. Once all required information is entered, click the SUBMIT button. Note that you may click SAVE at anytime to save your entries. The system will “time-out” after 15 minutes of inactivity and you will lose the entries that have not been saved. DEFINITIONS FED – indicates students receiving benefits from Federal programs such as financial aid or Veterans educational benefits. Last Date of Known Academic Activity – is defined as the last physical presence in the class or no longer participating in an online class (not just logging into the class).
Faculty Web ServicesGRADES INFORMATION Once you click the SUBMIT button, you will be required to verify the information is correct. You may click on SUBMIT GRADES or RETURN TO GRADE INPUT to edit.
Faculty Web ServicesGRADES INFORMATION Once you click the SUBMIT GRADES button, you will be required to submit your electronic signature. Check the two boxes certifying you are the instructor of record and any changes to a grade will require completion of a Grade Change/Assignment form. You may click on SUBMIT GRADES to finalize or RETURN TO GRADE INPUT to edit. After submitting final grades, you may want to print a copy for your records.
Faculty Web ServicesADD CODES INFORMATION The ADD CODE tab is an electronic display of the paper add code placed in faculty mail boxes on the first day of classes. After the start of the semester/session, students must have an add code issued by the instructor to add a class. When issuing add codes from the electronic list be sure to record the name and CSID of the student it was issued to. An add code may only be used one time. Once a student processes an add code, his/her name will show on the add code list. When the student pays for the class, their name will be added to the Master roster. When issuing add codes be sure to include the CRN for the class. Students will need both the CRN and the add code to add the class.
Faculty Web ServicesWAIT LIST INFORMATION The WAIT LIST tab is an electronic display of the wait list placed in faculty mail boxes on the first day of classes. The top portion of the wait list shows students who are currently active on your wait list but were not able to add prior to opening day. Beginning opening day, students may no longer add to the wait list. Faculty are encouraged to use the wait list priority to distribute add codes if space is available. The second portion of the wait list shows students who were on the wait list at one point. The status column indicates a reason the student is no longer on the wait list.