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ELVIS Ecosystem Location Visualization and Information System

For humans. In an new estuary, Nile tilapia could compete with ostracods (green) to eat algae. Predators (red) and prey (blue) of ostracods may be affected. For machines. Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia. Ebiquity • CAIN• RMBL • Mindswap. http://spire.umbc.edu/.

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ELVIS Ecosystem Location Visualization and Information System

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  1. For humans In an new estuary, Nile tilapia could compete with ostracods (green) to eat algae. Predators (red) and prey (blue) of ostracods may be affected. For machines Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia Ebiquity • CAIN• RMBL •Mindswap http://spire.umbc.edu/ Semantic Prototypes in Research Ecoinformatics Web Ontologies For intelligent agents ELVISEcosystem Location Visualization and Information System What are likely predators and prey of an invader in a new environment? Species List Constructor Click a county, get a species list. Food Web Constructor Predict food web links using database and taxonomic reasoning. Evidence Provider Examine evidence for predicted links. SpireEcoConcepts Food web database concepts and results of Food Web Constructor ETHAN Evolutionary Trees and Natural History For online scientific data-bases about species and higher taxonomic levels Predictions TripleShopA SPARQL Workshop for Triples Use the semantic web to find and share body masses of fish that eat fish. Query Enter a SPARQL query. Create a dataset Find semantic web docs that can answer query. Get results Apply query to dataset with semantic reasoning. PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> PREFIX spec: <http://spire.umbc.edu/ontologies/SpireEcoConcepts.owl#> PREFIX ethan: <http://spire.umbc.edu/ontologies/ethan.owl#> PREFIX kw: <http://spire.umbc.edu/ontologies/ethan_keywords.owl#> SELECT DISTINCT ?predator ?prey ?preymaxmass ?predatormaxmass WHERE { ?link rdf:type spec:ConfirmedFoodWebLink . ?link spec:predator ?predator . ?link spec:prey ?prey . ?predator rdfs:subClassOf ethan:Actinopterygii . ?prey rdfs:subClassOf ethan:Actinopterygii . OPTIONAL { ?prey kw:mass_kg_high ?preymaxmass } . OPTIONAL { ?predator kw:mass_kg_high ?predatormaxmass } } Esox_lucius.owl webs_publisher.php? published_study=11 Actinopterygii.owl Export resultsfor further analysis (e.g. in Food Web Constructor). UMich Animal Diversity Webhttp://www.animaldiversity.org Name, tag, and sharewith group members or public.

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