1. Keyboarding Final Exam
2. Effect Kamehameha Students Have on the Eco-System
3. Hypothesis I thought that girls would recycle more then boys did, and they would feel better doing it. I thought that most people would either recycle everything or just plastic. I also thought that more girls would take the survey rather the boys.
4. 1.Are you a boy or girl? Boys:5
5. Graph
6. 2.Are you a day student or boarder? Boys that are day students:4
Girls that are day students:6
Boys that are boarders:1
Girls that are boarders:1
Total Boarders:2
Total Day students:10
7. Graph
8. 3.How often do you recycle? Boys that recycle once a week:3
Girls that recycle once a week:6
Boys that recycle once a month:2
Girls that recycle once a month:1
Boys that never recycle:0
Girls that never recycle:0
9. Graph
10. 4.What do you recycle? Boys that recycle newspaper:0
Girls that recycle newspaper:0
Boys that recycle plastic:2
Girls that recycle plastic:3
Boys that recycle glass:2
Girls that recycle glass:0
Boys that recycle everything:2
Girls that recycle everything:3
11. Graph
12. 5.How do you feel when you recycle? Boys that feel good:4
Girls that feel good:2
Boys that feel great:2
Girls that feel great:0
Boys that feel okay:3
Girls that feel okay:0
Boys whose parents make them do it:0
Girls whose parents make them do it:1
13. Graph
14. 6. On a scale of 1-9 how much effort do you think you put in to “being green”? 1-2:6
15. Graph
16. 7. How much damage do you think you inflict on the eco-system? Little to none:6
A lot of damage:6
No damage:0
17. Graph
18. 8. Do you think that recycling affects you? A little bit:6
19. Graph
20. 9. Where do you recycle? Hi-five center:5
Recycling center:0
Designated bin for your house:7
21. Graph
22. 10. On a scale of 1-10 how is the eco-system of your community? 1-3:1
23. Graph
24. 11. Which one do you think you practice more? Reduce:1
25. Graph
26. 12. How often do you participate in activities to save the environment? Every Week:3
Every Month:5
Few times a year:2
27. Graph
28. Conclusion
29. Graphs Use at least one of the graphs per question that was created in your Excel tally.
Graph and Analysis statements will be placed on the second slide following each question. (2 pages per question)
Graphs require labels, no “series” labels and values.
Use different graph styles to match question.
30. Analysis Analysis statements must be complete sentences
Three statements per question
Clearly written
Comparative language
31. PowerPoint Format Use transition or bullets to enrich your presentation.
Use simple, appropriate backgrounds.
Stay away from distracting images. (your grade will be lowered by 1 grade)
32. Oral Presentation Clearly state the big question of your survey.
How did the results differ from your hypothesis?
Read your analysis statements with your graph displayed