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THE CRUX SECRETS NOT STEREOTYPES. THE CRUX. The Details. Target audience – 18 - 25 year olds, more commonly young women, who typically listen to mainstream artists. Quite intelligent people who WANT to read, not just people who flick through.
The Details • Target audience – 18 - 25 year olds, more commonly young women, who typically listen to mainstream artists. Quite intelligent people who WANT to read, not just people who flick through. • An indie-pop magazine that subverts conventions. • Frequency – Monthly with a cost of £3.95 • Online copy available on our website, with discussion boards.
The Crux are taking it upon themselves to find the truth in an industry heavily laden with false smiles and automated interviews. Every issue, we will dedicate ourselves to getting under the skin of some of the 21st Century’s favourite pop artists. Masks are left at the door, and our pages will be filled with interviews exposing the naked, uncensored truth of the stereotypical ‘’good girls’’ and ‘’nice boys’’ that we see photo-shopped on our screens. We will ask the questions that clean cut magazines are too scared to. We want to target the interests of our readers, so we have a passion for finding interesting and innovative fashion, events, inventions. We want to highlight what’s going against stereotypes, and that that is OKAY! We are about embracing confidence and individuality
Izzy is 21. She is currently in University studying Media. When socialising she finds herself getting into trouble sometimes for speaking her mind a little to bluntly. She loves music, fashion and has a passion for journalism and writes her own blog filled with her thoughts and opinions. She is the extravert in her friendship group. She has a wide variety of friends, some quiet, some fashionably daring – they get along so well because they accept one another for who they are. Her pet hate is liars.
CONTENT • FEATURE ARTICLE: OFF STAGE – Taylor Swift ( a recurring feature) Also including: • A subvert section for stereotype challengers • Columnists for music, fashion, lifestyle • Undisclosed Desires – Celebrities doing something from their secret bucket lists. • Beat-I-Ful Inspiration – Real life stories related to music. • Would also feature fashion pages, new innovations and the month in pictures.
The Details • Target audience of 16 – 25, particularly college and university students • Genre of indie/alternative • Fortnightly • Online magazine available on website • Cost of £2.40
Out of Beat don’t care about being part of the fame game. We know that music isn’t all glitz and glamour. We care less about the Top 40 Charts and more about the quality of the music that we are putting across to our readers – all artists we interview write their own music so everything is real. Every issue we will uncover a brand new, unsigned artist or band that have pushed through adversities to get to where they are today. Their histories may not be pretty, but the truth never is and we will only ever give you, our valued reader, the truth. We want to quench your desires to be overwhelmed with new music.
Michael is quiet, simple and prefers to keep to himself. He was adopted at the age of 5 and adores his adoptive mother. He has a few close friends, but apart from them he wouldn’t feel comfortable striking up conversation and leading a group. He lives in jeans and t-shirts and his one signature trench coat. He doesn’t like standing out so sticks to darker colours. His headphones are always around his neck, his iPod is always fully charged and you will always find a copy of his favourite music magazine jammed at the bottom of his bag. His free time is spent going to gigs, playing the guitar or mixing music in his bedroom, which is plastered in posters with gig tickets haphazardly strewn across the floor.
Content • Feature interview of this fortnights undiscovered artist/band • Reviews of gigs and new music innovations • Posters showing local music events such as festivals and open-mic-nights • Indie fashion pages
Details • A magazine with a very glamorous front cover • Target audience 16+ • Genre country mixed with pop etc • Cost $5.00 • Interactive website where copies are available to read as well as exclusive videos and interviews, discussion boards and competitions
Mash Up! Magazine are dedicated to embracing country artists that are not only true to their roots, but have been strong enough to push boundaries and mix into other genres. As country music sweeps far and wide, blending with other styles and drawing in new fans, we want to take you along with it. Whether you want to read up on your favourite artist, or are in search of some inspiration, we will give you personal and revealing interviews into what it’s like for the stars that have more than one side.
Tilly is 17 and lives in Tennessee. She has a big group of friends and loves expressing herself through music and fashion. She loves her country roots but she also has a passion for musical theatre. She spends all of her free time singing, going to town gatherings or watching musicals at the local theatre. Tilly aspires to be a singer/songwriter and she reads Mash Up! To try and get tips on how to blend the two of her favourite things together, and to the gain the confidence to do it.
Content • Monthly feature articles of country artists that blend other genres into their work. ‘Mashing into.....’ • Reviews of concerts and performances • An opportunities section • Fashion pages • Advertisements