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The Heart. A Presentation. Lies just left of the middle of the chest Mediastinum : middle of the chest cavity Mediastin (o ) = used to form words pertaining to the mediastinum. The Heart. The Heart. Coron (o ) = crown Coronary : encircling in the manner of a crown
The Heart A Presentation
Lies just left of the middle of the chest Mediastinum: middle of the chest cavity Mediastin(o) = used to form words pertaining to the mediastinum The Heart
The Heart • Coron(o) = crown • Coronary: encircling in the manner of a crown • Coronary arteries and veins encircle the heart to supply blood to it
The heart • Myocardium: cardiac muscle • My(o) = muscle • Pericardium: a mucous membrane that surrounds the heart • Visceral pericardium or epicardium: inner layer of the pericardium • Parietal pericardium: outer layer of the pericardium • Peri- = around
The heart • Pericardial: around the heart • What is the term for inflammation around the heart? • Pericarditis • Hemopericardium: infusion of blood into the pericardial space
The heart • Endocardium: membrane inside the heart • Sept(o) = septum/wall • 4 chambers • The left and right sides are separated by a septum
The Heart • Atria(atrium): the 2 upper chambers of the heart • Ventricles: the 2 lower chambers of the heart
Circulation • Blood enters the heart on the right side and leaves the heart on the left side
The Heart • Atri(o): atrium • Ventricul(o): ventricle • Inferiorvenacava: where blood enters the heart from the legs • Superiorvenacava: where blood enters the heart from the head and arms
Heart Valves • Tricuspidvalve: located between the right atrium and the left ventricle • Pulmonaryartery: takes blood to the lungs where it picks up oxygen and returns to the left side of the heart through pulmonary veins
Heart Valves • Mitral or bicuspid valve: located between the left atrium and the left ventricle • After it leaves the left ventricle, blood leaves the heart through the aorta (the largest artery)
Heart Valves • Semilunar valves: aortic and pulmonary • Valv(o) and valvul(o)= valve • Atria contract simultaneously followed by the contraction of the ventricles • Sinoatrial node or SA node: controls the electrical impulses that cause contraction of the heart • Sin(o) = sinus = cavity or channel
Pumping Blood • Sinoatrial node or SA node: controls the electrical impulses that cause contraction of the heart • The natural pace maker of the heart • Sin(o) = sinus = cavity or channel
Pumping Blood • The SA node sends a signal to the AV node (atrioventricular) then to the purkinje fibers and the walls of the ventricles which starts the heart contractions • These impulses can be measured by an electrocardiograph
The Heart • Vasodilation: expansion of a blood vessel • Some drugs are vasodilators • Vasoconstrictors: constrict blood vessels • Vasomotor center regulates the size of blood vessels
The Heart • Scler(o) = hardening or hard • Sclerosis is hardening of tissue • Aortosclerosis • Stenosis: narrowing • Aortic stenosis: blood cannot flow very well from the left ventricle to the aorta
Heart Conditions • Aortography: x-ray of the aorta using a contrast medium • Used to diagnose an aortic aneurysm • Aneurysm: a blood filled balloon like bulge in the side of a blood vessel • Arteriovenous: pertaining to the veins and arteries • Phlebosclerosis? • Hardening of the walls of the veins
Heart Conditions • Varicose veins: blood pools up in veins • Phlebectomy: removal of part of a vein • Angioma? • Tumor of a vessel • Hemangioma? • Tumor of a blood vessel
Heart Conditions • CAD: coronary artery disease: reduced flow of oxygen and nutrients to myocardium • Cardiovascular disease: leads to heart attacks • #1 cause of death in the U.S.
Heart Conditions • Arteriosclerotic heart disease: ASHD: hardening of the walls of the coronary arteries • Atherosclerosis: a form of heart disease characterized by the formation of fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries • Anther(o): yellow fatty plaque
Heart Conditions • Endarterectomy: removal of plaque from an obstructed artery • Carotid artery: carries blood to the brain • Dysfunction: impaired function of an organ or part • Dys- = bad or painful
Heart Conditions • Hypertension: increase in blood pressure • Antihypertensive drugs: decrease blood pressure • Sphygmomanometer: instrument that reads blood pressure • Systolic: pressure measured during ventricular contraction • Diastolic: pressure measured during ventricular relaxation
Heart Conditions • 120(systolic pressure)/80(diastolic pressure) • Factors that increase blood pressure: • Cardiac output • Increased blood volume • Increased blood viscosity • Loss of elasticity of the arterial walls
Heart Conditions • Thorac(o) and steth(o) = chest • Stethoscope: placed on the chest to listen to heart sounds as well as breathing and intestinal action • Normal pulse rate: 60 to 100 bpm • Tachycardia? • Rapid heart beat
Heart Conditions • Rrhymthm(o) rhythm(o): rhythm • Dysrhythmia or arrythmia: abnormal, disordered or disturbed rhythm • Happens when the SA node is not working correctly • Heart block: impairment in the conduction of the impulse from the SA node to other parts of the heart
Heart Conditions • Fibrillation: rapid, uncoordinated heart contractions • Ventricular fibrillation: severe cardiac arrhythmia where ventricular contractions are too fast for effective blood circulation (common cause of cardiac arrest) • Defibrillator: an electronic apparatus used to shock the heart (stops the heart) • De- = down, from or reversing
Heart Conditions • CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation • Resuscitation: restoring life • Closed heart massage and artificial respiration • Cardiac arrest are caused by • Inflammation • Structural defects (valves or septum)
Heart Conditions • Congenital heart disease: present at birth • Atriomegaly: abnormal enlargement of an atrium of the heart • Atrioseptoplasty: surgical repair of the septum in the area between the right and left atria
Heart Conditions • Ventricular septal defect (VSD): an abnormal opening in the septum dividing the right and the left ventricles (congenital heart disease) • Atrial septal defect (ASD): an abnormal opening in the septum dividing the right and left atria (congenital) • 30-40% of all heart defects involve the ventricles or atria and are congenital
Heart Conditions • Heart murmurs: abnormal heart sounds • Cyanosis: a blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes that results from low oxygen levels in the tissues • Valvular stenosis: valves do not open fully • Valvulitis: infected or inflamed valves • Cardiomyopathy: disease of the myocardium
Heart Condition • Thrombosis: a blood cot in a coronary artery • Coronary occlusion: closing off of a coronary artery • In a coronary occlusion (blocked off), the heart does not receive enough oxygen • Myocardial infarction: occlusion is complete and no blood is being supplied to the area
Heart Conditions • Ox(i) = oxygen • Anoxia: abnormal condition (absence of oxygen) • Infarct : a localized area of damaged tissue from anoxia • Cells die when deprived of oxygen
Heart Conditions • Ischemia: insufficient blood flow to an area • Leads to myocardial infarction • Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG): uses a vessel from else where in the patients body to provide an alternate route for the blood to flow through • Also called a shunt
Heart Conditions • Extracorporeal: outside the body • A device used to pump the blood to bypass an infarction • Cardiopulmonary bypass: directs blood away from the heart while surgery of the hear and major vessels is preformed • Cardiopulmonary machine: a lung machine that collects blood and adds oxygen to it then pumps the blood back into the body
Heart Conditions • Cardiomegaly: happens when the heart has to compensate for its weakness and work harder • Microcardia: abnormal smallness of the heart • Carditis: inflammation of the heart • Stenosis: constriction of a passage • Angiostenosis: constriction of a vessel • Reduces blood flow to the heart
Heart Conditions • Catheter: a tube placed in the body for evacuating or injecting fluids • Intravascular thrombolysis: the introduction of a thrombolytic agent directly into a clot within a blood vessel • Intraaterial: within an artery
Heart Conditions • Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA): repair of a vessel • Done with a catheter • Also called balloon catheter dilation • Percutaneous: through the skin
Diagnosing Heart Problems • (ECG or EKG) Electrocardiogram: taken while patients exercise to record heart stress • Son(o) and ech(o): sound • Sonogram: ultrasound • Echocardiogram: ultrasound used to diagnose heart conditions
Diagnosis • Computed tomography (CT): produces cross sections of an organ • Edema: abnormal levels of fluid in a cavity • Prolapse: sagging • Valves may sag rather than open fully