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Dm T¬ÑjRjûR LôÔm úTôÕ Dm @ZûL W£dÏm úTôÕ. Fuû] Ñt±V ùVpXôm Dm I°«u ¨ZXôÏm

Dm T¬ÑjRjûR LôÔm úTôÕ Dm @ZûL W£dÏm úTôÕ. Fuû] Ñt±V ùVpXôm Dm I°«u ¨ZXôÏm. DkRu NkúRô`jûR LôÔm úTôÕ DkRu @uûT Sôu DQÚm úTôÕ Fuû] Ñt±V ùVpXôm Dm I°«u ¨ZXôÏm. Sôu úTôtßúYu # 2 DmûU AWô§dL Sôu D«o YôrúYu.

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Dm T¬ÑjRjûR LôÔm úTôÕ Dm @ZûL W£dÏm úTôÕ. Fuû] Ñt±V ùVpXôm Dm I°«u ¨ZXôÏm

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dm T¬ÑjRjûR LôÔm úTôÕDm @ZûL W£dÏm úTôÕ.Fuû] Ñt±V ùVpXômDm I°«u ¨ZXôÏm

  2. DkRu NkúRô`jûRLôÔm úTôÕDkRu @uûT SôuDQÚm úTôÕFuû] Ñt±V ùVpXômDm I°«u ¨ZXôÏm

  3. Sôu úTôtßúYu # 2DmûU AWô§dLSôu D«o YôrúYu

  4. When I look into your holinessWhen I gaze into your lovelinessWhen all things that Surround me become shadowsIn the light of you

  5. When I found the joyOf reaching your heartWhen my will becomesSurround me becomesShadows in the light of you

  6. I Worship you -2The reason I live I liveIs to Worship you - 2

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