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RED-HF Trial R eduction of E vents with D arbepoetin alfa in H eart F ailure Trial

RED-HF Trial R eduction of E vents with D arbepoetin alfa in H eart F ailure Trial. Duke Heart Failure Research Pager: 970-0736. Purpose.

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RED-HF Trial R eduction of E vents with D arbepoetin alfa in H eart F ailure Trial

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  1. RED-HF TrialReduction of Events with Darbepoetin alfa in Heart Failure Trial Duke Heart Failure Research Pager: 970-0736

  2. Purpose • Assess efficacy and safety of Darbepoetin alfa treatment on mortality and morbidity in heart failure subjects with symptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction and anemia Darbepoetin alfa – glycoprotein that stimulates erythropoietin, a hormone released from the kidney that develops red blood cells and produces hemoglobin

  3. Inclusion Criteria • EF ≤ 40% ● Hemoglobin ≥9 and ≤12 g/dL • HF ≥ 3 months & NYHA class II, III, or IV at randomization • ≥18 years old ● On stable medical therapy

  4. Interventions

  5. Nursing Roles • If an enrolled subject is admitted to the hospital, please notify the research team (970-0736) so that the study drug can be obtained and administrated at the appropriate time. • Side effects of Darbepoetin alfa (See Adverse Reactions List): http://www.clinicalpharmacology-ip.com/Forms/Monograph/monograph.aspx?cpnum=2571&sec=monadve

  6. Outcomes • Why is this study being done? • To compare the efficacy of Darbepoetin alfa to placebo as measured by the time to: • 1st hospital admission for worsening HF or • death

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