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“ THE REFERENCE GROUP, A NETWORK OF 99 NON-GOVER N MENTAL ORGANIZATIONS”. NGO NETWORK TUZLA Klosterska br.3; 75 000 Tuzla; Bosn i a and Her z egovina +387 35 249 150; 249 151; fax: +387 35 257 240 E-mail: rtuzla@inet.ba; rgtuzla@rgtuzla.org www.rgtuzla.org. Background Mission
“ THE REFERENCE GROUP, A NETWORK OF 99 NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS” NGO NETWORK TUZLA Klosterska br.3; 75 000 Tuzla; Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 35 249 150; 249 151; fax: +387 35 257 240 E-mail: rtuzla@inet.ba; rgtuzla@rgtuzla.org www.rgtuzla.org
Background Mission Goals Nowadays’ working methodology and principles RGT Office structure and functioning Membership The most importantachievements REFERENCE GROUP INTRODUCTION
RG Tuzla exists as informal network since 1996. Initially was established by several domestic organizations supported by ICVA aimed to change the legislatives related to proper functioning of NGO’s sector Registered at the beginning of 2000. at Ministry of Justice in Canton of Tuzla as citizen’s association Today RG Tuzla covers by its work numerous main issues and problems related to NGOs work, their beneficiaries and community in the broadest sense of the word Up of the end of 1996. the number of RGT member organizations had increased 15 times Background
Reference Group Tuzla MISSION Reference Group Tuzla is a Network of 99 non-governmental, non-for profit, independent, open, equal, democratic, domestic and international non-partisan organizations/associations from the region of both entities in BH, that are devoted to building and improving civil and democratic society in whole Bosnia and Herzegovina highly respecting and implementing international standards and principles of human rights and social justice
By existing HR and made connections towards international and local institutions, contribute to strengthening sectoral network and internal capacities of 3rd sector To join, as relevant actor, transition processes within the frame of society democratization Actively participate in positive legal regulations decision making processes, aiming the improvement of the situation in bh society in total By joint efforts and education/trainings to influence the raising of public awareness on 3rd sector importance The RGT Goals
Team work Participatory rapprochement to Strategic plan creating process Horizontal communication and sharing the knowledge andexperience, Functioning within working groups established based on recognized needs and necessity Respecting mutual diversity Working methodology and principles
Joint activities of organizations of different development level Focus on active member organizations participation and equalopportunities to all Network members Transparency in Network functioning and acting as well as within steering structures towards member organizations, community, media and governing institutions Continuity and consistency in representing the member organization within RG Tuzla Own work and performance grounded on common rapprochement , transparency and voluntary contribution of its member organizations Working methodology and principles
Staff Coordinating Chairwoman Administrator Accountant Media officer Volunteer Duties and responsibilities Network acting and functions coordination Continuously information exchange and share Logistic support to projects’ activities Update and accurate communication (member organizations, Steering Board, Supervisory Board, Donors) Reporting towards MO, SB, SB and Donors RGT Office structure and its functioning
Co-operation to Media, Governing Institution and Other NGOs, Associations... Attracting new member organizations Funds management in co-operation to Steering Board and under supervising of Supervisory Board Representation and promotion Participation in Strategic plan and Operational plan creating processes as well as making projects proposals Monitoring and internal evaluation Consistent cultivation and development of principles of equal information access, knowledge and experience sharing RG Tuzla Office main activities
Reference Group counts 99 Member organizations 91 domestic/local and 8 international organizations Domestic organizations coming from both entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina(Federation and Republic of Srpska) Member organizations are quite different upon their development and working areas RGT Membership
Contribution to sectored working groups development Initiation and enhance other NGO Network functioning through around whole BH Creation own working groups in order to achieve better and efficient advocacy in human rights and needs of particular categories of NGO sector’s beneficiaries Recognized, reliable and well accepted partner in positive initiatives for transition process towards democratization of bh society in general RGT the most important achievements
Participation in creating developing strategy for NE BH Full partner within BH SPAG (Social policy advisory group) Full partner in coalition of “Working and succeed together” in BH Achievements
RG TuzlaStructure REFERENCE GROUP TUZLA ASSAMBLY SUPERVISORY BOARD OF REFERENCE GROUP TUZLA STEERING BOARD OF REFERENCE GROUP TUZLA RGT OFFICE FOR COORDINATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT REFERENCE GROUP TUZLA 99 MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS working within following WORKING GROUPS: for psychological-social support for eldery people for people with special needs For rural development for sustainab. development for legal issues for Media and Networking for Roma For Youth
Identification, follow up and high quality answer to community needs focusing on mental health care service, social insurance, war victims and other traumatized people protection Establishing efficient system for coordinating, information exchange, knowledge and experience transfer among Working Group member organizations aiming to provide better support to users’ and beneficiaries’ group Creating partnership between Go and NGO and joint activities identification and implementation in favour to vulnerable citizen groups Joint action of GO and NGO for passing/changing Lows on social care and their accurate implementation Active follow up and coordinated actions towards education reforms in all levels Working Group for Psycho-social Support
Initiates and involves itself within the creating solutions for “Third Age” people problems by permanent drawing attention on their needs Realizing efficient co-operation to governmental sector, health care , social welfare and education institutions for the benefit of elderly people Implementing the integration of mixed model of care for elderly people within social care and education system Enhance elderly people to be more active in local community development Promotion and advocacy for creating better circumstances to enjoy “Third Age” Working Group for Elderly people
Advancing social status of people with special needs Advocacing and promoting elementary human rights of people with special needs through their full integration to community Continuously raise the public awareness on problems of people with special needs focused on inappropriate education system Exert influence on governmental institutions of all levels to provide appropriate condition for their education and access to information Working Group for People with special needs
Providing help and support broadly the development of rural communities/social, economic, cultural/ Creating synergy with other WG within RGT in order to prepare 3rd sector and MO for the implementation of EC programs for RD Implementation of activities and projects in order to create conditions for Bosnia and Herzegovina joining European Union, Organizing workshops, seminars, trainings, educations, lectures that will involve versatile interest groups, as well as fairs, exhibitions and similar events, Experience exchange and collaboration with same or similar associations as well as organizations and institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad, Working Group for Rural Development
Provides support to economic development in region of NE Bosnia and Herzegovina Educates/train public and raises the awareness on importance and benefits of sustainable economic development Initiates and develops the social entrepreneurship Actively acts and promote the environmental issues and its legislative as well as advocacing the principles of Green Engineering Continuously co-operation to Regional Development Agency and actively participates in regional development processes Working Group for Sustainable Development
Update and accurate follow up of passing new lows processes and informing RGT MO Preparation and updating all RGT legal acts and documents and harmonizing to accurate bh legislation Initiating and coordinating the campaigns for harmonizing the present legislation at all levels of governing in favour to equalizing the human right of all BH citizens Working Group for Legal Issues
Follow up and analyzing legislation related to NGO work and warning the RGT MO Education of RGT MO as well as citizens on Low on Taxes Call governmental institutions attention as well as public on importance, necessity and benefits from accurate harmonizing BH legislative to EU ones WG for Legal Issues
Organizing public debate sessions about citizens’ rights, duties and responsibilities within civil society development Continuously organizing PRESS conferences/press releases in order to inform public about NGO sector work, achievements and plans Organizing seminary on «Media presentation» Promotion and developing techniques and tools for public advocacy for improving and advancing RGT MO capacities Working Group for Media and Networking
Publishing half-yearly RGT bulletin ''LOBINO'' Creating Media plan for RGT and other working group and its implementation and follow up Preparing and publishing advertising materials Creating and updating RGT website Networking to other NGOs and Networks in BH, region and Europe ... WG for Media and Networking
Exerts influence on BH government at all levels to sign and join Roma Decade 2005-2015/BH is the single country in the region that hasn’t signed this Document/ Contributes to Roma community development and their integration to civil society Actively support project activities of Roma NGOs Sensitize large public and all stake holders and decision makers on difficult social position of Roma in whole BH Provide full support and service to Roma community and Roma NGO for realizing their rights to education, health and social care Working Group for Roma
Direct contribution to creating appropriate solution for urgent Youth issues /high education reforms, unemployment, brain drain/ Initiates and perform in creating strategy for Youth in area which RGT MO cover Actively working on creating and preparing Low on Volunteers in BH Creating partnership between GO, NGO and business sector in order to help projects and activities related to Youth Promoting and advocating the full participation of youth in creating policies which are meant for them Co-operating to other NGOs dealing with youth issues Promote voluntarism Working Group for Youth
“ THE REFERENCE GROUP, NETWORK OF 99 NONGOVERMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS” NGO NETWORK TUZLA Klosterska br.3; 75 000 Tuzla; Bosna i Hercegovina +387 35 249 150; 249 151; fax: +387 35 257 240 rtuzla@inet.ba; rgtuzla@rgtuzla.org www.rgtuzla.org Thank you for your kind attention