How to Treat Your Insomnia & Get a Good Night Sleep
Sleeplessness is a common problem these days, every third person in the world is suffering from a sleep disorder, whether it’s insomnia or sleep apnea. According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than 40% people of the total population have chronic insomnia and they use over-the-counter sleep-aid medications to treat their sleep disorder symptoms. These over the counter sleep-aid medications help the patients to get back to their normal life easily & quickly. But to get better results in minimum time, the doctors also prescribe to improve the lifestyle along with sleep-aid medications. If a patient tries both ways, i.e. sleeping pills and change in lifestyle, insomnia or other sleep disorders can be treated very easily & quickly. Control Caffeine Level Try to maintain a perfect balance of caffeine in your body. Caffeinated drinks like tea, chocolate, energy drinks, coffee, etc. make your circadian rhythm unbalanced, so take them in small amounts. Always take these drinks 4 to 5 hours before sleep, and take them to a balanced level. Control Alcohol & other Stimulants You think alcohol helps you to fall asleep quickly & stay asleep during the night, right? Wrong. Alcohol or other stimulants always delay your sleep-wake cycle. They make your brain drowsy for a short time, but can’t help you to stay asleep during the night. Avoid Blue Light Emission The digital devices you’re using emit the dangerous blue light, which is the main cause of several sleep disorders. The digital device like TV’s, laptops, computers, mobile phones, or even your tablets, emits blue light from their screens, which unbalances the melatonin hormone level in the body. Avoid Daytime Naps A short & sweet daytime nap can improve your productivity, but if you take it after 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. your sleep routine gets completely unbalanced because of these naps. Avoid such naps and try to stick to a fixed schedule for sleep. Sleep-Aid Medications Sleeping pills help the brain & body to relax and induce sleep in people. People take over the counter sleep-aid medications to treat their sleep disorders. They control the sleep-wake cycle of your body & help you to fall asleep quickly or stay asleep during the night. Always take over the counter sleep-aid medications from a registered online pharmacy to avoid serious side-effects. A counterfeit medication can cause serious side-effects to your health. For more information visit :
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