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Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord. “Let everything that hath breath praise Jehovah. Praise ye Jehovah” Psalm 150:6. What Is Praise?. To praise is to extol, honor, magnify, glorify, laud by way of commendation; to show value or worth We can praise objects, mankind, or God

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Praise the Lord

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  1. Praise the Lord “Let everything that hath breath praise Jehovah. Praise ye Jehovah” Psalm 150:6

  2. What Is Praise? • To praise is to extol, honor, magnify, glorify, laud by way of commendation; to show value or worth • We can praise objects, mankind, or God • Why this study? It was prophesied that NT Christians would praise God (Isa. 60:18; 61:3) • We must understand what this means today

  3. Why We Praise the Lord • We praise God for who he is, and for what he has done (Psa. 150:2) • Who God Is: Creator of all things (Rev. 4:9ff) • What God Has Done: Savior of all mankind (Rev. 5:11ff)

  4. Why We Praise the Lord • God is great and greatly to be praised (1 Chron. 16:25; Ex. 15:11) • He made us (Psa. 139:14) • He saved us (Eph. 1:3-6,12,14) • He blessed us (Isa. 63:7; Acts 3:9) • He spoke to us (Psa. 56:4; 138:2,4) • He answered us (Psa. 118:21)

  5. How We Praise the Lord • In Thoughts - Think on what is praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8) - Meditate on who God is and what he has done - Meditate on God’s word - Meditate on heaven

  6. How We Praise the Lord • In Words - Praise is to be taken seriously (Gen. 29:35) - Not meaningless words (“PTL”) - Praise in song (Ezra 3:11; Psa. 147:1; Acts 16:25; Heb. 2:12) - Praise in confessing allegiance (Mt. 21:15-16; Lk. 19:37; Heb. 13:16)

  7. How We Praise the Lord • In Deeds of Obedience - Righteousness deeds praise God (Phil. 1:11) - Right living praises God (1 Pet. 2:9) - One may say “PTL” regularly but not live according to God’s will (Mt. 15:8-9)

  8. How We Praise the Lord • In Acts of Worship - OT worship (1 Chron. 16:4; 2 Chron. 31:2; Psa. 84:4; Lk. 24:53) - NT worship (Acts 2:46)

  9. When We Praise the Lord • We praise the Lord every day (Psa. 145:2) • We praise the Lord all throughout the day (Psa. 113:3) • We praise the Lord on the Lord’s day (Acts 2:46)

  10. Praise the Lord • We must decide between the praise of men or the praise of God (Jn. 12:43) • All who truly serve and fear the Lord, will praise the Lord (Rev. 19:5) • We praise God so we will be praised of God (Rom. 2:29; 1 Cor. 4:5)

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