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C 3 Climate Control Conference Green Buildings: Seeking Clarity on what Government of Dubai Expects of Builders, Consultants, Contractors and Clients in implementing Green Building Projects. Consultants’ Perspective by George Berbari From DC PRO Engineering Date: April 30 th 2008
C3 Climate Control ConferenceGreen Buildings: Seeking Clarity on what Government of Dubai Expects of Builders, Consultants, Contractors and Clients in implementing Green Building Projects Consultants’ Perspective by George Berbari From DC PRO Engineering Date: April 30th 2008 Time: 9:45 -10:15
Green Buildings: Seeking Clarity on what Government of Dubai Expects of Consultants • Dubai Government expect that consultants design shall Comply with the stated Green Buildings regulations • Consultants want to know: • The written Regulations? Is it published or it would be published soon? • The Implementation Body? Who is it and what will its authority be?
What Regulations is available from Dubai Government? • DEWA has published the following on its web site: In Line with the resolution issued by His highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice-president & Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai on implementation of Green building specification, DEWA will be enforcing Regulations to achieve the same, through various phases. • First Stage • The following requirements shall be considered at the initial stage of the building design, by all consultants, consumers, developers, etc. for implementation in the project.
What Regulations is available from Dubai Government (cont’d)? • Light Fittings • Following type of electrical lamps (Some or all, as applicable) shall be used in all buildings except theaters, television station, ballroom and other public multi purpose facilities in which the lighting represent the main element of their function. • Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) instead o incandescent lamps. • Halogen with dimming system. • Linear and circular fluorescent lamps. • High intensity Discharge (HID) such as HPS and Metal halide (External Application). • Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) • Electronic Ballasts shall be used instead of magnetic ballasts.
What Regulations is available from Dubai Government (cont’d)? • Solar Power Using the solar power for the purpose of connecting loads such as landscaping, irrigation pumps, water heating, etc. shall be permitted subject to the technical compliance with safety and segregation of the source from DEWA supply.
What Regulations is available from Dubai Government (Cont’d)? • Control System for Lighting and Air Conditioning • Following control systems shall be used in all buildings,- • Where it is possible or applicable*, motion / occupancy sensors and/or timers and/or dimming system shall be used in all buildings to control lighting, A/C shall be controlled using motion sensors and/or timers (shall be optional for residential buildings and villas). • Motion / occupancy sensors and/or timers and/or dimming system shall be used to control lighting in the corridors and public spaces in the residential buildings, except villas, A/C shall be controlled using motion sensors and/or timers. • Motion / occupancy sensors and/or timers and/or dimming system shall be used to control lighting and A/C in the services and emergency staircases with suitable time interval. In emergency cases, all exits and staircases shall be automatically illuminated in line with the requirements of Dubai Civil Defense. * Refers to the places where it is not likely to use motion sensors and timers such as lobbies in the hotels. ** Residential Buildings, all buildings are used for residential purposes.
What Regulations is available from Dubai Government (Cont’d)? • Water Services • Following requirements shall also be incorporated as part of the Green Building Design requirement for water services • Low flow faucets and taps*** (automatic / pressed / manual) shall be used in all buildings and shall be optional in villas. • Or, Use water flow reducers (aerators) with the normal faucets and taps in bathroom and kitchens. • Dual Flush systems shall be used with normal flush tanks in the bathrooms, or use low volume flush tanks (1.6 Gallons / Flush maximum) in all buildings. *** Low flow faucets and taps, 2 gallons / minute maximum.
What Regulations is available from Dubai Government (Cont’d)? Other Regulations Than DEWA: • EHS Green Building Regulations for Dubai World Development have been drawn from LEED V 2.2 • About EHSEnvironment, Health and Safety (EHS) is the regulatory arm of Trakhees - Ports, Customs & Free Zone Corporation, Dubai. EHS controls, regulates and enforces rules and regulations related to all aspects of Environment, Health, Safety and Fire Protection.It covers all Dubai World Business Units such as Nakheel, DMCC, DMC, Limitless, DP World, JAFZA, Istithmar amongst others. EHS has played an important role in the demonstrating and leading in a wide range of areas from environmental sustainability and occupational safety to chemical, radiation and biological controls. The activities are performed in line with Local, Federal and International high standards in order to support all Dubai World Business Units and to make them a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible place to live and work.
What Regulations is available from Dubai Government (Cont’d)? Other Regulations Than DEWA: • EHS Green Building Regulations for Dubai World Development have been drawn from LEED V 2.2 • About EHSEnvironment, Health and Safety (EHS) is the regulatory arm of Trakhees - Ports, Customs & Free Zone Corporation, Dubai. EHS controls, regulates and enforces rules and regulations related to all aspects of Environment, Health, Safety and Fire Protection.It covers all Dubai World Business Units such as Nakheel, DMCC, DMC, Limitless, DP World, JAFZA, Istithmar amongst others. EHS has played an important role in the demonstrating and leading in a wide range of areas from environmental sustainability and occupational safety to chemical, radiation and biological controls. The activities are performed in line with Local, Federal and International high standards in order to support all Dubai World Business Units and to make them a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible place to live and work.
What Regulations is available from Dubai Government (Cont’d)? Other Regulations Than DEWA Cont’d): • Emirates green Building Council is drafting its LEED version for the UAE with the support of US Green Building Council and expected later in 2008. • Rakeen in RAS Al Khaima will be releasing soon its own Green Building Code with maximum electric connected load target • Much more to come in Abu Dhabi and other emirates.
Is Phase 1 of GB code Enough? Green Buildings' should aim at a much higher conservation target set by US Green Building LEED or ASHRAE Standard 90. • First impression: We are expecting much more from Dubai Government. • When phase two (2) will occur, and what it will include? • Will Phase two be more ambitious and will building certification be required? • Will the writing code activity be outsourced and will be done in-house?
What Need to be done in the future ? • A More aggressive code outsourced from several consultants where each consultant can write a section where he is highly specialized. • The Government need to invest in research particularly in the following areas: • Day Light harvesting techniques and developing of new technology and looking for all available simulation Softwares. • Solar domestic water heating. • Solar Photo Voltaic: Feasibility and best means of incorporating them in the building. • Outer City Solar power Plants. • Grey Water and black water recycling. • HVAC research: Solar powered, District Cooling, geothermal, Water cooled package A/C, VRV , etc.
Benefits of Green Buildings • Typical Building with standard specifications and with outsourced District Cooling has a connected Electric of 137 W/m2 and Demand load (85% Diversity) of 117 W/m2. • Green Building with good specifications and with outsourced District Cooling has a connected Electric of 64 W/m2 and Demand load (85% Diversity) of 55 W/m2 or 53% lower than standard building. • 80% of Green Building measures reduce construction cost by around 128 Dh/m2 or around 3% lower total construction cost. • 20% of measures that requires higher capital cost with long recovery period are Photo Voltaic, Day Lighting harvesting, Solar Air Conditioning and Grey Water Recycling. These measures requires careful analysis and Government incentives.