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Evaluation of a Nursing Practicum Focused on the Needs of Senior Nursing Students Preparation for Transition into the RN

Evaluation of a Nursing Practicum Focused on the Needs of Senior Nursing Students Preparation for Transition into the RN Role. Willena Nemeth MN., RN Debbie Brennick MN., RN WINN Conference December, 2011. Literature Review. Validates what we have thought for the past 2 decades:

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Evaluation of a Nursing Practicum Focused on the Needs of Senior Nursing Students Preparation for Transition into the RN

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  1. Evaluation of a Nursing Practicum Focused on the Needs of Senior Nursing Students Preparation for Transition into the RN Role Willena Nemeth MN., RN Debbie Brennick MN., RN WINN Conference December, 2011

  2. Literature Review Validates what we have thought for the past 2 decades: • Nsg students expectations of the graduate yr versus the reality of practice are two different entities (Heslop, McIntyre & Ives, 2001) • The majority of graduate nurses felt unready & lacking in practice (Heslop, McIntyre & Ives, 2001 & Morrow, 2009) • The theory-practice divide is a concern for graduating nurses(Heslop, McIntyre & Ives, 2001)

  3. Literature Review (cont) • First few months are the most challenging • Many experience • Fear of failure • Fear of total responsibility • Fear of making mistakes • Organizational support can create a positive or traumatic transition (Morrow, 2009).

  4. Literature Review (cont) • BoychukDuchscher describes “Transition Shock” as the early stage of role adjustment of a graduate nurse • Transition Shock Model describes the impact of: • Relationships • Roles • Responsibilities • Knowledge • Performance (BoychukDuchscher, 2009)

  5. Anecdotal Feedback – What students are telling us. • “I’m so glad this was implemented…I learned so much from my preceptor” • “This...experience was much more conducive to learning than the Mon/Tues approach” • The insight received from the past 9 wks is invaluable … I will not be as overwhelmed with my new job” • “I gained so much and feel more prepared to graduate and begin working”

  6. The Catalyst for Changing the 4th Year Nursing Practicum • To enhance nursing student’s self-efficacy and their ability to meet the CNA Entry-level Registered Nurse Competencies.

  7. CBU Nursing Practicum (Final Term) • Past Practice • Courses conclude in April • Two 6 week rotations (12 hrs/wk) with a nursing educator • Consolidated practice – • 48 hrs and • 96hrs • Preceptor/preceptee model • Current Practice • Course conclude in Feb • One 6 week rotation (12 hrs/wk) with a nursing educator • Consolidated practice – • 60 hrs and • 348 hrs • 40 hrs CRNE preparation • Preceptor/preceptee model

  8. Nursing Practice Placement – Self determined • Individualized based on the learning needs of the nursing student as he/she transitions to the role of the registered nurse (RN) • Competency Evaluation Plan incorporating: • Reflective practice (FRAME TM Method) CRNNS, 2008 • Self-directed learning • Critical thinking • Evaluation

  9. Evaluating the Nursing Practicum 4 - 8 -12 months post CRNE • Impact analysis • Did the intervention improve the transition from nursing student to the role of the RN? • Outcome analysis – was the goal attained. • Did the enhanced practicum help bridge the gap between theory and practice? • What are strongest aspects of the program? • What are the weakest aspects of the program?

  10. Qualitative Feedback: Student and Preceptor Perspective will be Sought Student Perspective: • “The week long RN prep was the reason I passed the CRNE” • Made a big difference in meeting the people you are working with… • I took full of advantage of wearing the white uniform (nsg student) I asked every question and asked to go in on every procedure…” • Enhanced “Communication with peers, nurses, physicians, families and patients…” • “I watched how nurses approached families and I took a bit from each one”

  11. Round Table Questions • What are the barriers to the successful implementation of the new practicum? • What adaptations/considerations should be made to enhance the new practicum?

  12. References Boychuk –Duchsher, J. (2009). Transition shock: The initial stage of role adaptation for newly graduated registered nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(5),1103-1113. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04898.x College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia (2008). FRAME TM Halifax, NS: Author. Heslop, L., McIntyre, M. & Ives, G. (2001). Undergraduate student nurses’ expectations and their self-reported preparedness for the graduate year role. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36(5), 626-634. Morrow, S. (2009). New graduate transition: Leaving the nest, joining the flight. Journal of Nursing Management 17, 278-287.

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