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Cardano , on luck and maths.

Cardano , on luck and maths. His life in a few words. Gerolamo Cardano was born in 1501 in Pavie ( Italy ). He was a mathematician , a physicist and mechanic . His father , Facio Cardano was a famous mathematician , who was a friend of Leonardo Da Vinci.

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Cardano , on luck and maths.

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  1. Cardano, on luck and maths.

  2. His life in a few words GerolamoCardanowasborn in 1501 in Pavie (Italy). He was a mathematician, a physicist and mechanic. Hisfather, FacioCardanowas a famousmathematician, whowas a friend of Leonardo Da Vinci. Early, helearned math withhisfather. Then, hewentat Pavie University and after, studiedmedicineat Padoue. In 1534, hetaught math in a university in Milan. Then, hedecided to playgames and studyprobabilities. He'sfamousbecause of hisgimbals and for his book : « Arts magna ». He died in 1576 in Roma. (probably, hestraved to death)

  3. Gimbals Gimbalstransmits power from the engine to the wheels

  4. Cardano, a greatplayer. Duringhis life, Cardanospendmany time to play. He lovedgambling. For exemple, hebethiswife'sjewelry... Mostly, heplayedwithdice. And, hedidmanyexperienceswiththat. He dressed a table for recapitulate the possible combinations. Here the picture :

  5. Ahead of his time... Cardanowasvery intelligent.. He « discovered » somethingwhichwasexplainmanyyearslater. He approximatelyfound the law of large numbers.. He said : « Whenyouthrow a dicemany times ( thousand or twothousand times), at the end, youcansaythateachnumbercanalmostappear the samenumber of time. »

  6. Bibliography Internet : www.wikipédia www.apophtegme. www.scribd. Dictionnary : Le petit Robert, 2009

  7. Maureen DUPUISLycée Saint-Exupéry, Seconde 1.

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