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The United States in the World Today: 1989-present. George H.W. Bush (continuing Reagan’s policies). Domestic Agenda Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Clean Air Act 1990 Flag desecration constitutional amendment (failed in the Senate)
George H.W. Bush (continuing Reagan’s policies) • Domestic Agenda • Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 • NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) • Clean Air Act 1990 • Flag desecration constitutional amendment (failed in the Senate) • Supreme Court more conservative
Bill Clinton- Democrat in the White House • Domestic Agenda • Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 • Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993 • Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 1999 • North American Free Trade Agreement 1992 (NAFTA)
Clinton’s Domestic Agenda continued… • “Mend it, don’t end it”- fought off attempt to end affirmative action • Appointment of Gays to political positions • “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy”- homosexuals serving in the military • Corporation for National and Community Service 1993 • School-to-Work Act 1994- high schools students entering the workforce • Supreme Court becoming liberal
George W. Bush: Conservative in Action • Domestic Agenda • Office of Faith-Based Initiatives (2001)- assisted religious groups fighting homelessness and drug addiction • Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act- rejected by the House • Secure Fence Act of 2006- construction of fencing to reduce immigration
Bush’ s Domestic Agenda continued… • Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit 2003- helped retired people pay for drugs • Embryonic stem cell research ban- limited federal funding research • Healthy Marriage Initiative 2005- helping low income couples get married and married couples stay together • Marriage penalty- ended income tax provisions against married people • Federal Marriage Amendment- “Union of a Man and Woman” • Supreme Court became more conservative
U.S. Foreign Policy • US/Soviet Relations improved after the collapse of the Soviet Union • European Union (EU) formed- advanced economic integration of European countries.
Confronting Dicatators: Panama • Drug Trafficking- issue in South America • Bush sent 20,000 soldiers into Panama to over throw General Noriega • Noriega was sentenced to 40 years in Prison
Confronting Dicatator: Persian Gulf War • Saddam Hussein-leader of Iraq invaded Kuwait for their oil rich lands to pay war debts, after looting Kuwait they headed towards Saudi Arabia and its oil fields. If they were successful they would control over half the worlds oil reserves. • Operation Desert Storm- a Jan 16th, 1991 military operation in which UN forces, led by the United States drove Iraqi invaders from Kuwait • Cease fire occurred on Feb. 28th and Saudi Arabia was liberated. Fewer than 400 causalities but more complaints that chemicals used were harming veterans. Iraq suffered 100,000 deaths and following many Iraqi children suffered from cholera, typhoid and enteritis outbreaks
Responding to Ethnic Conflict and Genocide • Yugoslavia- Civil War broke out between conflicting republics who declared independence after Communism fell. In Bosnia the Serbs carried out a policy called ethnic cleansing- murder and removal of ethic groups. Clinton sent troops and the Dayton Accords- peace negotiations took place • Rwanda- Civil War between Hutu’s and Tutsis, Hutu’s killed more than 800,000 Tutsis with machetes. US refused to get involved due to other conflicts. Tutsis’s regained power and the Hutu’s fled to neighboring countries.
Easing Human Suffering • Somalia- Civil War broke out and United Nations sent food and relief, Fighting took place and Somalis draggeed a U.S. soldiers body through the streets and the public demanded Clinton to withdraw the troops. • North Korea- Severe floods led to a shortage of food and famine, the WFP world food program gave relief • Africa- HIV/AIDS epidemic- US sent 15 billion in aid to fight the disease
Global Trade • NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement- created a free trade zone between US, Mexico, and Canada caused controversy about factories relocating to Mexico…. Mixed results • GATT- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade- established the WTO • WTO- World Trade Organization- set trade policies and mediate disputes
Terrorism • 1993- World Trade Center bombings occurred by Muslim terrorists • September 11th, 2001- two hijacked commercial airplanes struck the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. Then an hour later the Pentagon was struck. A fourth hijacked plane crashed near Pittsburg Pennsylvania. The deaths totaled 3,000. • War on Terrorism- war on al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden • Taliban-US toppled the radical Muslims in Afghanistan • Iraqi Regime- Iraq, Iran, and North Korea “axis of evil” who had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WBD)- which included chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons. • Saddam Hussein- dictator of Iraq overthrown by the US • Currently the United States is focusing on building democracies in Afghanistan and Iraq
Impact of 9/11 • People were vulnerable • People came together to defend our way of life • The Administration took action and started a war on terror.
Safeguarding Equality • US tried to balance Safety and Equality • Racial Profiling- practice of using physical traits to decide whether to investigate or arrest someone • Airports increased security
Preserving Opportunity • Balancing security and opportunity by Screening Foreign Visitors: • Passport and Visa requirements were stricter, created long delays for applicants • Government sharpened its focus on illegal immigrants • Heated debate…
Securing Liberty • Balancing Safety and Freedom: The Department of Homeland Security • Department of Homeland Security- created government agency to defend the nation after 9/11 • National Response Plan- to prevent and deter terrorist attacks • A 5 level threat system ranging from low to severe
Protecting Rights • Balancing Security and Privacy Rights: Debating the Patriot Act • Patriot Act- 342 page bill that loosened many restrictions on intelligence gathering by U.S. Security • Now government may tap phones and inspect homes with a warrant in secret • Patriot Act also allows officials to seize and search computer records for data that might lead to terrorists
Defining Democracy • Debating the Limits of Presidential Power: Military Commissions • Guantanamo bay- POW- 660 prisoners detained from 42 nations described as unlawful enemy combatants (fighters in armed conflict with the US who were not part of a regular army) • Rasul v Bush- 2004, detainees against Bush, but military commissions were set up (military courts) • Hamdan v Rumsfeld- Bush did not have constitutional authority to set up military court. • Military Commissions Act of 2006- authorized the use of military commissions to try enemy combatants and rules for the trial
Pursuing American’s Founding Ideals • Our commitment to the ideals of EQUALITY, OPPORTUNITY, LIBERTY, RIGHTS, and DEOMCRACY are what bind us together as Americans. • Like our founders, we know that a nation built on ideals is never finished- it is always becoming… What to become is up to each generation to decide!!!!!