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23rd Annual Kansas City Regional MATHEMATICS TECHNOLOGY EXPO University of Missouri – Kansas City, Kansas City, MO Friday and Saturday, October 4 and 5, 2013. Algebraic Reasoning and Sense Making: Using Instructional Technology to Meet New Common Core Standards. Deborah Ives, Ed.D.
23rd Annual Kansas City Regional MATHEMATICS TECHNOLOGY EXPO University of Missouri – Kansas City, Kansas City, MO Friday and Saturday, October 4 and 5, 2013 Algebraic Reasoning and Sense Making: Using Instructional Technology to Meet New Common Core Standards Deborah Ives, Ed.D. Visiting Assistant Professor, Coordinator: Math Education Student Teachers, Montclair State University Lead Content Advisor, Get the Math* *Get the Math is funded by a grant from EDUCAUSE through the Next Generation Learning Challenges and The Moody’s Foundation.
How do you use math in your daily life? • How have you used math today? • How did you use math this week? • At home? • At work? • In your daily activities? How have you used technology today? This week?
NCTM Focus in HS Mathematics: Reasoning & Sense Making • Many students have difficulty because they find mathematics meaningless… • Should occur in every mathematics classroom every day. NCTM 2009, pp. 5-6
Recent Policy Documents: Research-based Role in Mathematics Curriculum “outline of key standards for algebra and the connections between algebraic reasoning and other areas of mathematics.” Algebra: Gateway to a Technological Future (2007) Mathematical Association of America “to leverage the learning sciences and modern technology to create engaging, relevant, and personalized learning experiences for all learners that mirror students’ daily lives and the reality of their futures.” U.S. Department of Education National Education Technology Plan 2010 “Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology” “supporting high school algebra standards that include reasoning and sense making…” Common Core State Standards (2010) National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
Reasoning Habits of Mind “Attention to reasoning habits needs to be integrated within the curriculum to ensure that students both understand and can use what they are taught” • Analyzing a problem • Seeking and using connections • Implementing a strategy • Reflecting on a solution NCTM 2009, p.9
CCSS Mathematical Practices* Use Real World Applications to: • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • Model with mathematics. • Use appropriate (technology) tools strategically. • Attend to precision. • Look for and make use of structure. • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. *Common Core Standards 2010
Get the Math Multimedia Project www.getthemath.org Overall Goals: to help students integrate, connect, and apply skills, concepts, and mathematical practices of both the Common Core Standards for Algebra and deeper learning competencies, including Standards for Mathematical Practice with a focus on reasoning and sense-making. Get the Math is funded by a grant from EDUCAUSE through the Next Generation Learning Challenges and The Moody’s Foundation.
Key instructional technological features of GTM: • video segments presenting career profiles and related algebra challenges • online prompts and interactive tools to help students solve the challenges presented in the video segments • video clips showing how the two student teams solved each challenge • web-only extensions of the challenges from the video segments, presenting additional problems using similar prompts and interactive tools • online and downloadable resources for teachers, including a training video showing how to use project materials in the classroom, lesson plans, student activity sheets to be used for assessment, Sample questions, and related Common Core Standards
Math in Fashion Module • Featured professional: Chloe Dao, Season 2 Project Runway winner • Algebra I concepts: percent markup; writing and solving linear inequalities; cost analysis
Other Modules Algebra concepts: Coordinate graphing; rate of change; linear equations; distance formula; Pythagorean Theorem Algebra concept: Line of best fit Algebra concept: Quadratic functions Algebra concepts: Inverse relationships; inverse square law
2012-13 Research Study: • Sample of students from partner schools • Attitudinal surveys • Teacher and students’ feedback • Embedded Assessment • Worksheets as both instruction/scaffolding and assessment; Pretest task for baseline • Coding scheme breaks reasoning into components and scores sophistication of each, e.g.: plan/process and solutions (while allowing for multiple approaches – algebraic, chart, picture, etc.)
2012-13 Research Study: Impact on Students’ Use of Algebra • Students produced significantly more complete and sophisticated algebraic solutions than in pretests. • After using Get the Math,64% of the students could name ways algebra is used in the real world. • Most teachers rated GTM positively for educational value, appeal/engagement for students, and value/usefulness. 65% reported that their students had learned or benefited from using Get the Math.
Next Generation Learning Challenge LearnZillionhttp://www.learnzillion.com Learning platform that combines video lessons created by teachers across the country, assessments, playlists, and progress reports. Each video lesson is short, highlights CCSS, and captures pedagogical content knowledge developed by effective teachers. Strategy for personalized instruction during class time.
Teaching Channelhttp://www.teachingchannel.org Teaching Channel is a video showcase—on the Internet and TV—of inspiring and effective teaching practices in America's schools. The video library offers educators a wide range of subjects for grades K-12. The videos include information on alignment with Common Core State Standards and ancillary material for teachers to use in their own classrooms. Teaching Channel Presents, a weekly one-hour program featuring Tch videos, airs on PBS stations in nearly 75 million homes across the United States.
The World is Flat... Look for the “Balance” between content knowledge (computational fluency) and process (conceptual understanding) through real world applications and technology!
Mathematics Technology Resources WNET’s Video in Teaching and Learning (VITAL) platform as self-paced, student-directed lessons (http://vital.thirteen.org) http://www.educause.edu/library/resources/college-ready-learning-technologies (Next Generation Learning Challenge Technologies Catalog) http://nextgenlearning.org/blog/19-promising-and-common-core-aligned-tools-and-resources-middle-school-classrooms (NGLC Blog post) Common Core State StandardsToolbox (www.ccsstoolbox.com) www.insidemathematics.org http://www.nctm.org and http://illuminations.nctm.org http://www.mathedleadership.org http://map.mathshell.org.uk/materials/index.php www.mathsnacks.com
Q & AThanks for coming! Deborah Ives deborah.ives.edd@gmail.com