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KATA 1. Amon Greene. Northwest School of Massage Kirkland, WA. Kenbiki
Amon Greene Northwest School of Massage Kirkland, WA
Kenbiki Stand at client’s left side, hara facing the hips, lunge position. Begin Kenbiki at hips with both hands, on each side of the hips. Kenbiki whole body, shoulders to feet. Finish with single hand Kenbiki, mother hand on sacrum Setup to mount table, keeping mother hand on sacrum. Triple X Stretch Perform Triple X Stretch. Horse Stance. Left hand between sccapulae, right hand on sacrum; inhale, rock forward in horse stance to apply pressure to hands. as previously described. Move hands to right hip and left scapula, stretch. Move hands to left hip and right scapula, stretch. Move right hand to sacrum for table mount.
Mount Table Stand at client’s left side. Place left fist under client’s left armpit, right fist under client’s right armpit. Lift left knee to table at client’s left hip. Lift right leg and place right foot in place of right fist. This puts you in a lunge position. Palm Down Bladder Meridian Palm down Bladder 1 and 2. Start mid scapula working toward inferior down to the top of the Sacrum. Palm right side with right hand, left hand as mother hand and then left side with left hand, right hand as mother hand.
Thumb Down B1, B2 Thumb down B1 following the Lamina Groove. Start mid scapula following the Lamina Groove working toward inferior to the top of the Sacrum. Thumb down B2, about one thumb width lateral to B1 – on the lateral side of the transverse process (bony protrusion at medial border of each vertebra). At the sacrum, thumb a diagonal line to GB30. This is an angle across the buttock that stops at the greater trochanter. Thumb Sacral Indentation and Medial Border Thumb sacral indentations, superior to inferior - ending with at a single spot. Thumb the medial border of the sacrum inferior to superior aspect.
Thumb and Palm B2 Settling Bowl on Sacrum Thumb B2 from L5 to L1 (Above Sacrum to waist) inferior to superior. Thumb back down, superior to inferior. Palm B2 from L5 to L1 (Above Sacrum to waist) inferior to superior. Thumb back down, superior to inferior. Finish with hands on sacrum, right hand inferior to left – preparation for Settling Bowl. Settling Bowl, utilize body for movement: 3 X Clockwise, 3 X Counter. Dismount Table on left side, leave right hand on sacrum – preparation for X Stretch.
Triple X Stretch Repeat Triple X Stretch as previously described. Dismount table to left side. Double Thumb BL at Hip Stand on left side of table, Lunge stance. Double thumb from BL 26 down to lateral hip, medial to distal. This is a straight line from mid waist out the beltline to the side of the hip at the beltline. Double thumb BL 26 to GB 30, Medial to Distal. This is the same mid waist point as above, down and across glute ending at greater trochanter.
Palm and Thumb far Leg Mother hand on sacrum. Palm down BL on far leg. Start at gluteal fold, move inferior ending on heel of foot. Lighten pressure at popliteal fossa. Thumb down BL on far leg. Stretch, Hula Stretch STRETCH: Grasp heel of near foot and place left hand in gluteal fold, push and stretch. HULA: Place left hand in vicinity of GB 30 (Superior and lateral on glute) rotate 3 X Medial and Superior (counter clockwise). Move left hand dorsal and inferior (outside of hip above greater trochanter) and rotate 3X Clockwise. STRETCH: Perform stretch again.
Achilles, Quad stretches Lift near foot to 90 degree at the knee. Use thumb and index finger to massage Achilles tendon. Use dragon mouth at base of shin to facilitate movement. Perform calf and quad stretches. Move foot to far glute, back to neutral; foot to same glute, return; foot to ‘pocket’ – outside of hip, return. Make this a smooth set of actions. Finish by placing foot in crook of opposite leg – Figure 4 position. Palm and Thumb GB Use Inferior hand as Mother Hand on Ankle of Figure 4 leg. Place inferior knee on table to stabilize client’s leg. Use left hand to palm down GB meridian superior to inferior, hip to ankle. Thumb down GB meridian, finish at ankle. Dismount table leaving leg in Figure 4 position.
X Leg Stretches Perform Cross Leg stretches (3 – leg capture, ankle crossover, reverse ankle cross over) Pull to glutes. Return legs to a parallel position on table Fisherman’s Cast Inferior leg on table next to client’s knee. Use Inferior hand to cup and grasp knee from below (on patella). Step up toward clients trunk while placing superior hand on sacrum. Pin the sacrum to facilitate the stretch. Straighten legs to pull leg into stretch. As client screams, gently lower leg back to table. Repeat From Double Thumb BL at Hip
Massage Feet Having performed the above technique on both sides of the body, massage feet simultaneously. Finish by holding KD 1 as ‘Wind Channel’. Hold for 20 seconds. Release slowly over another 20-second period. Move to Head of Table
Head of Table: Cat’s Paws Horse stance. Place hands on superior area of scapula, Figure-8 movement of stance creates proper stroke. Vary stroke intensity by moving stance forward for less, back for more. Thumb BL 1, BL 2 Thumb BL 1 from T1 to T5, superior to inferior. Start at the bony protuberance at base of neck. Thumb down to the point that previous BL 1 thumbing occurred. Thumb BL 2 from T1 to T5, same as above.
Thumb Scapula Superior Lunge stance. Thumb the superior aspect of both scapulas starting medially, moving laterally, symmetrically on both sides. Activate 3 or 4 points. Repeat 3 X or more. Double Thumb Scapula Medial and Superior Horse stance leaning into the same corner of table as client is facing. Hara lined up with the line made by the medial aspect of the opposite scapula. Double thumb medial aspect of opposite Scapula; medial to lateral. Reverse the line, double thumb back up the medial aspect. Continue thumbing along superior border of the scapula to the lateral edge. Move body to front of table to maintain body mechanics and Hara alignment. Move to side of client. Place hand on scapula, hand on hip and perform stretch.
Thumb SI points Mother hand on sacrum. Position hand over scapula to facilitate thumbing of 4 SI points. Client may wince or remark if they are tender. Make Nice on shoulder. Shoulder Roll Position Client’s arm behind their back; swing arm prior to moving to eliminate guarding. Position knee on table to prevent client’s arm from moving too much. Place inferior hand with thumb at edge of medial aspect of scapula. Reach under shoulder and cup it with your hand. With arm straight, use your leg to pull shoulder forward and up. Keep pinned hand in place to facilitate the stretch. Move pinning hand along medial aspect to change point of stretch,
Scapula Stretch Keep hand under shoulder. Take pinned hand from medial border and press on scapula while sliding hand forward and off shoulder. Move client’s hand from small of back to resting position. Repeat Other Side From: Double Thumb the Medial Scapula Border Ask client to rotate their head so it is facing the other direction – it should be facing you when complete. You are standing in the correct position to Double Thumb the Medial Scapula border Repeat sequence until the other side is complete. Mount Table Standing on left side of the table, mount as before except: place fists in front of client’s shoulders. Bring knee up to left side of table and swing leg over to the right side and use to lineup knee and shin with client’s ribcage directly below scapulae; BL 12. Line up left leg with the right, move to a squat on your toes.
Knee Down BL Meridian Slowly rest your knees and shins on client BL 12, hold for a breath. Lift and reposition inferior on the back. Do this 3 times until you have worked to BL 32, roughly at top of glutes. Slide off BL 32. Move knees to gluteal fold and rotate 3 X superior and lateral. Move knees and shins back to BL 32 and slide off once more. Place feet between client’s legs, have knees on dorsal edge of glutes, sit and relax. Fist BL 2 Maintain seated position. Fist down BL 2 from mid scapula to sacrum.
Partner Stretch Slide hands along client’s torso to shoulders. Trace down arms, take hold of wrists. Ask client to hold your wrists. Explain that they will take a deep breath, exhale and go into the stretch and let their head hang loose. Have client take your wrist, have client inhale. On exhale, grasp wrists and lean into a backbend allowing client to arch back for a stretch. Be aware of client’s reactions to determine limit of the stretch. Replace clients arms by side when finished with stretch. Palm Down BL 2; Dismount Palm down BL 2 from mid scapula to sacrum. Leave hands on sacrum and dismount at left side of table. Be careful to not fall, damage client or yourself.
Triple X Stretch, Palm Left and Right Perform Triple X Stretch as noted previously. Palm down BL 2 Right side, Mother hand (Left) on Right Scapula. Palm down BL 2 Left side, Mother hand on Left Scapula. Dragon Fly Stroke Cup both hands and rhythmically trace the spine and outline scapula superior and medial border. Continue a sensible pattern. Slow down tempo for finish with two open hand pats at sacrum and between scapulae. Prepare to Flip Client Client is now finely toasted on side 1. Prepare to flip client to side 2.
Flip, Neck Stretches and Blindfold Ask Client to turn over to supine position, arms at side. Cloth should be positioned underneath client’s neck. Using bicycle grip, lunge stance, perform neck stretch. Release stretch, left head and move to right followed by moving jaw to left, providing twisting neck stretch. Do the same on the other side, making stretches symmetrical. Perform neck stretch again. Create jiggling vibration with cloth, releasing head to the table continue vibration as a back and forth movement of the head. Palm Pressure; Forehead and Third Eye Wrap cloth across eyes. Palm forehead, hold for 10 seconds. Place both thumbs on Third Eye, apply pressure and hold for 10 seconds.
Kimbeki, Palm and Thumb St Meridian Kimbeki hips to ankles, rest mother hand (Rt) on client’s Rt patella. Palm St meridian, hip to patella. Thumb St meridian, hip to patella. Rotate patella using I – points; CW and then CCW. Place mother hand (Lt) on patella. Reposition Mother Hand on knee, holding leg in proper position. Palm St meridian, patella to foot. Thumb St meridian, Patella to foot. Prepare Yin SLK Meridians Place client’s leg in ‘Opening Gates’ position. Massage Foot.
Mount Table; Palm, Thumb SLK Mount table resting on knees, hara facing your work. Mother hand (Rt Hand) on client’s left ankle; Palm up Spleen, Liver, and Kidney meridians (Silk road), ankle to knee. Continue palming Spleen and Liver meridians knee to hip. Thumb Spleen meridian, ankle to hip. Thumb Liver meridian, ankle to hip.
Dbl Thumb, Palm and Thumb Kidney Meridian Double thumb Kidney meridian, ankle to knee. Move inferior leg back to floor, keep superior leg on table. Palm Kidney meridian, knee to inguinal fold. Thumb kidney meridian, knee to inguinal fold. Leg Stretches Walk around foot of table, grasp client’s foot and move to an ‘L’ position, rotate knee an natural direction (CCW) 3X. Prepare for 4 stretches. Step Up:Grasp heel, capture foot with forearm, stretch Achilles and step toward client’s head providing stretch. Allow leg to return to ‘L’ position continuing with natural rotation of knee (CW) 3X.
Leg Stretches, cont’d Seamstress: Hold foot in left hand, place left knee on table. Position leg toward navel. Fix elbow into your body, provide rotational stretch by pushing on foot, pulling on client’s knee. Relax stretch, continue natural rotation of knee (CCW) 3X. Leg Stretches, cont’d Wringing Towel: At top of knee rotation, place and control knee with inferior hand. Place superior hand on closest shoulder, pin shoulder for stretch, Inferior knee on table. Straighten arm across client’s body rotating knee over and across hip. Move across client’s body to continue stretch. Check in with client to let you know when to stop. Return knee to ‘L’ and continue natural rotation (CW) 3X.
Leg Stretches, cont’d Heavenly Spring: Extend leg with hand superior to patella. Lower leg until it is easy to move inferior hand to heel with forearm over bottom of client’s foot. With client’s leg straight and your superior hand resting superior to patella to check for stretch limit, place inferior leg on table and lever straight leg up, toward same hip. Follow with body as necessary to complete stretch. Utilize mother hand (superior hand) to monitor for flexion. This will indicate the end of the stretch or client will let you know. Lower leg by dismounting table, keep hands in place. Dragon’s Mouth Shin Perform Dragon’s Mouth on St meridian, superior hand below knee, moving to ankle while flexing client’s foot.
Repeat for Other Side You are in position to Kenbiki hips to ankles. Repeat from ‘Kenbiki; Palm and Thumb St and SLK Meridians’ Massage Feet When St and SLK and stretch work is complete, massage feet. Move to Head of Table, Arm Stretch Walk to head of table. Grasp both arms at hand / wrist. Position over client’s head. Lunge position, lean back to Perform Stretch. Release lunge; place client’s left arm across Hara. Position client’s right arm in ‘Model’s Pose’.
Palm Yin Meridians; Thumb Heart, Pericardium Stand at corner of table with Hara facing client’s bent arm. Mother hand on wrist, palm Yin meridians of arm, shoulder to wrist. Thumb up Heart Meridian, shoulder to wrist. Thumb up Pericardium meridian, shoulder to wrist. Position arm; Thumb Lung Meridian Move clients arm to their side, position and hold handshake. Thumb up Lung meridian, shoulder to wrist.
Palm Down Yang Meridians Place client’s hand palm down on the table. Palm down the Yang meridians of the arm; Wrist to Shoulder. Thumb LI and SI simultaneously Thumb down Large Intestine and Small Intestine from wrist to shoulder. These are positioned medial and lateral on the arm.
Thumb Down TH Thumb down the Triple Heater meridian, wrist to shoulder. This is between the SI and LI meridian. Alternate between lunge and horse stance. Perform Hand Massage Wing it. Wring it. Swing it Bring it.
Arm Stretch Sequence Grasping Heaven:Take client’s wrists in both hands and lift straight up, stretching the shoulder. Churn Butter: Rotate client’s arm while lowering toward table. Arm Stretch Sequence II Crane’s Embrace: Lower elbow to table. Arm is bent 90 degrees at the elbow. Interlock your bent elbow and pull for stretch. Fighter’s Pose: Lift elbow straight up, elbow is bent 90 degrees. Press forward with inferior hand for stretch. Finish by laying client’s arm across body.
Arm Stretch Sequence III Tiger Claw:Slide hand under client’s scapula. Cup medial border of scapula with finger tips. Kenbiki scapula. Client’s arm should slide off the body to the table. Facilitate this movement. X Stretch: Walk to other side of table. Take client’s wrist that you have been working and pull wrist in a line with the pelvis; angled inferiorly. Place arm on hara. Repeat from ‘Move to Head of Table; Arm Stretch’ Hara I Client’s arms are crossed at xyphoid process. Lower inferior hand toward abdomen. Superior hand is on client’s hands to monitor breathing. Lower both hands to abdomen in ‘wave’ formation. Wave: Move hands with wave motion away and toward yourself. Start lightly, increase depth Settling Bowl: Clockwise starting lightly, moving deeper.
Hara II Perform ‘Corkscrewing Blade’ in a clockwise manner around hara while your left hand is mother hand on the xyphoid process. See Hara diagram. Hara III Shiatsu the KD points up the center of the hara with thumb and index finger of the right hand. Repeat Settling Bowl and Wave to remove hands from abdomen and complete Hara work.
Kenbiki, CV 17 and Move to Head of Table Kenbiki hips, legs. Hold Conception Vessel #17 while still performing Kenbiki on the hip. Smoothly stop Kenbiki; move to head of table while maintaining contact with CV17. Move to Head of Table Smoothly stop Kenbiki; move to head of table while maintaining contact with CV17.
Chest Men: Palm Chest. Thumb intercostal spaces, medial to lateral, superior to inferior. Women: Settling Bowl on chest, CW, then CCW, 3X. Thumb intercostal spaces to mid sternum. Shoulder Lift Squat at head of table. Place thumbs under shoulder, lift; Bilateral Shoulder Lift 3X. Remove Blindfold. Perform neck stretches if desired.
Kenbiki Neck Place fingertips at the base of client’s occipital ridge, lift head so it rests on fingertips. Let neck relax, then begin Kenbiki with fingertips. Lateral Neck Flexion Cradle head with hands. Lift head with chin moving toward the chest. Release head back to table.
Claw Finger Place right hand under and parallel with neck, fingers pressing into the left side of the client’s cervical vertebrae. Lift head and slowly lower onto fingertips. Repeat 3X. Switch hands for other side of neck. Chin to Chest Lift Angle head toward shoulder, press on opposite shoulder to apply stretch.
Kenbiki Neck Place fingertips at the base of client’s occipital ridge, lift head so it rests on fingertips. Let neck relax, then begin Kenbiki with fingertips. Rising Crown Cradle head with hands; thumbs at one point on crown. Slide head forward and up. Hold in position 20 seconds; release head back to table.
Temples Slide thumbs across forehead to temples. Slide thumbs from ‘third eye’ to temples. Slide index fingers from ‘Drilling Bamboo’ to temples. Rotate fingers on temples 20 seconds. Jaw Chariot Slide thumbs from ‘Welcoming perfume’ to jaw chariot. Slide index fingers from ‘Middle of Person’ to jaw chariot. Slide thumbs from below bottom lip to jaw chariot. Rotate thumbs on jaw chariot 20 seconds..
Forearm Slide Cross your forearms in front of client’s jaw. Slowly slide forearms toward top of head, separating arms at the ending. Continue to slide fingers to grasp ears for ear massage. Ear Massage Perform ear massage, pay special attention to the ear lobes.
Scalp Shampoo / Hair Pull Cross your forearms in front of client’s jaw. Slowly slide forearms toward top of head, separating arms at the ending. Continue to slide fingers to grasp ears for ear massage. Beating Heavenly Drums Place fingers over ear flaps, press in closing ear. Tap on your fingers with both sides in sync. Repeat 20 X.
Ending 1 Hold crown chakra and third eye chakra with thumb and middle finger. Remove thumb from crown chakra and hold each chakra individually. When you reach the root chakra, hold your had a few feet above the client and direct Qi into the chakra. Slowly remove your finger from the third eye chakra. END Ending 2 Starting at the crown chakra, perform small circles and carefully trace the coronal plane of the body. Make sure you pass above the root chakra. Once you reach the crown chakra again, circle your finger in the opposite direction and re-trace the coronal plane the opposite direction. When you reach the crown chakra the final time, circle the opposite direction and pinch your fingers together. Slowly break contact and pull fingers away. END