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A Signature pedagogy for Nursing as envisaged by Stellenbosch University Nursing Division (SUND)

A Signature pedagogy for Nursing as envisaged by Stellenbosch University Nursing Division (SUND). 1October 2009 Prof Dr Cheryl Nikodem For SUND Acknowledgement to Atlantic Philantropic UNEDSA for funding. What is a signature pedagogy?. For a society understand the culture,

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A Signature pedagogy for Nursing as envisaged by Stellenbosch University Nursing Division (SUND)

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  1. A Signature pedagogy for Nursing as envisaged by Stellenbosch UniversityNursing Division (SUND) 1October 2009 Prof Dr Cheryl Nikodem For SUND Acknowledgement to Atlantic Philantropic UNEDSA for funding

  2. What is a signature pedagogy? • For a society understand the culture, • One need to study the children’s behavior in the community. • Show me the protégée and I will show you the educator

  3. What is a signature pedagogy?

  4. Aim Address the individual andragogical needs of adult learners to expand their learning horizons

  5. Characteristics of a new signature • Transformational “Transformation is the genetic alteration of a cell resulting from the uptake, genomic incorporation, and expression of foreign genetic material.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

  6. Characteristics of a signature • Transformational Transform the “bedside nurse” into a clinical leading consultant Access for success model

  7. Characteristics of a signature • Transformational Transform the “the traditional manager / lecturer into an internationally renowned leader transformational leadership and education model

  8. Characteristics of a signature • Innovation-centred • “open to people of all races or ethnic groups without restriction” or to “admit (a racial or ethnic group) to equal membership in an institution or society”. http://www.thefreedictionary

  9. Characteristics of a signature • Innovative blended approach • Mobile skills laboratory • Critical and Lateral thinking • Humour, SUND “facebook” • Small beside groups, SKYPE • Chat rooms, telematic

  10. Characteristics of a signature • Developing Innovation in the Workplace can be thought of as 'new ideas put into action’ • Intrapreneurship is the process of entrepreneurship inside an organisation. Intrapreneurs 'put ideas into action'

  11. Characteristics of a signature • Today true innovation is impossible without collaboration. The revolutionary change in technology. The use of “Social networking, Web conferencing and instant messaging have rapidly grown to huge proportions, enabling widespread business collaboration”.

  12. Characteristics of a signature • SUND support staff members and students who bring an idea to table as we believe that Intrapreneurial innovation is the process where staff and students put new ideas into action inside the division • These ideas are evaluated and then implemented

  13. Characteristics of a signature • Interdisciplinary • Learning takes place across interdisciplinary borders and subject matter. • SUND belief in collaboration as we can improve production and quality delivery by collaborations

  14. Characteristics of a signature • Integrative • Incorporation of different role-players, such as the non-governmental, public and private sectors

  15. Characteristics of a signature • Translational • Equip students with the ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in not only the work situation, but also in other real-life situations

  16. Characteristics of a signature • Contextual • Contextualise cumulative acquired knowledge and skills • Apply skills in field and own life

  17. Implementation of the signature • Ultimate paradigm shift • Enable the professional nursing practitioner to translate the information, knowledge and skills gained during educational training into evidence-based practice.

  18. Implementation of signature pedagogy Andragogical educational principles of Knowles

  19. Andragogy is the process of engaging adult learners in the structure of the learning experience

  20. Andragogy principles • Self-concept and motivation to learn: • Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction.

  21. Andragogy principles • Experience: • Experience (including mistakes) provides the basis for learning activities.

  22. Andragogy principles • Readiness to learn: • Adults are most interested in learning subjects that have immediate relevance to their jobs or personal lives

  23. Where are Nurse educators now?

  24. The question ladies and gentlemen? Are Nursing Educators ready for change?

  25. As old habits die new beautiful behavior starts..

  26. venture out of your cocoon of the ordinary, and change to explore the world of the Extraordinary!

  27. CHANGE.

  28. Thank you to staff members and management for allowing SUND to live their vision Thank you for UNEDSA for the seed money. Masizakhe – Let us develop together.

  29. “I could use a hundred people who don't know there is such a word as impossible”. Henry Ford

  30. The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. - Walter Bagehothttp://tjshome.com/quote.php

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