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SAND MAT – Governance Structure. (M) = Member (T) = Trustee (I) = Independent Member. Members Meet 6 Monthly. Trustees Meet Twice A Term. Finance & Risk Audit Committee David Ellis (interim chair) Martin Hughes Richard Levinge Scott Harvey Exec Head Finance Manager.
SAND MAT – Governance Structure (M) = Member (T) = Trustee (I) = Independent Member Members Meet 6 Monthly Trustees Meet Twice A Term Finance & Risk Audit Committee David Ellis (interim chair) Martin Hughes Richard Levinge Scott Harvey Exec Head Finance Manager Matthew Wolton(M) (I) Scott Harvey (M) (T) Janice Banks (M) (I) -------------------------- Richard Levinge (T) Chair Lyn Dance (T) Executive Head David Ellis (T) Finance Janine Smith (T) Secondary Martin Hughes (T) Finance Antonia Noble (T) GDPR Safeguarding Ian Heather (T) HR Chris Haslam(T) Property Vacancy: Primary Lead ------------------------- Kate Shepherd: Clerk/Co Sec Teaching & Learning Janine Smith (Chair) Antonia Noble Exec Head Head 1 (Milestone) Head 2 (Paternoster) Vacancy Resources (Facilities, H & S, HR) Chris Haslam (Chair) Ian Heather Exec Head Antonia Noble Facilities Manager HR/Ops Lead as required Pupil Progress School Improvement Chairs Committee LAB 1 LAB2 LAB3
SAND Academies Trust – The Team Members Matthew Wolton (Independent Member) Matthew is a partner and heads the Education Team at Knights plc. An education specialist lawyer recognised nationally for his Academies expertise, Matthew has advised academy trusts and school governors through numerous government education schemes since 2008, supporting them to embrace change. His particular speciality is working with multi-academy trusts, helping them grow and improve, and he has a number of high-profile clients throughout the country. He speaks frequently at local and national events and is a regular contributor to the Times Educational Supplement. Scott Harvey (Member and Trustee) (Finance and Risk Audit Committee) Scott had a long and varied main career with the civil service, with a range of jobs including operational management, HR strategy, skills and workforce management, along with programme, project and change management in a number of challenging scenarios. Scott has a wide range of qualifications from MBA to NLP practitioner. He is a Chartered Manager, Companion of the Chartered Management Institute, a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts. Scott is Vice Chair of a large secondary academy and a co-opted member of an FE College Board. Janice Banks (Independent Member) Janice is Chief Executive of GRCC (Gloucestershire Rural Community Council) a charity that supports community action in Gloucestershire. She has 10 years’ experience working as an independent consultant providing CEO services and transformational change in the charitable sector. She has previously worked as an Investment Manager in the City, Senior Executive positions at Nationwide Building Society (Communications, Compliance, HR, Member Service, Retail and Secretariat), and as Group Resources Director at Sovereign Housing Group, one of the largest housing associations in the UK. Janice is also a Non-Executive Director of Cirencester Friendly Society.
SAND Academies Trust – The Team Directors Lyn Dance (Executive Head Teacher and CEO) (Teaching and Learning)(Finance and Risk Audit Committee) Lyn Dance has extensive experience of special education over 37 years. Lyn has been a class teacher, head of department, deputy head and, latterly, the head teacher at The Milestone School for 16 years. Lyn is Ofsted trained and a School Improvement Partner and new Head teacher mentor for several schools locally and in other Local Authorities. She has proven experience of supporting schools to improve and has led The Milestone School through 3 consecutive Ofsteds with a grading of outstanding and a successful application to form The Coney Hill and Milestone Teaching School. Lyn's leadership style encourages innovative working and developing leaders for the future. Lyn is outward looking in her quest for continuous school improvement and is part of several collaborative working groups with both special and mainstream schools including GSP, G15, GASSH and SWALSSs. Richard Levinge (Chair) (Finance and Risk Audit Committee) Chair of Governors at The Milestone School (2014 – April 2019). Last inspection 2017 Outstanding. Richard has stepped down from the Milestone School on establishment of SAND Academy Trust. Director and Founder of Ease Training – Governance consultancy and training. Previously Chair of Charity – Cruse (Gloucestershire) 2008 -2013 and currently Chair of Advisory Board at Independent Special School.
SAND Academies Trust – The Team David Ellis (Finance and Risk Audit Committee– Interim Chair) Chief Executive, National Star College since July 2010. Ofsted Outstanding FE College for Special needs. Has lead transformation into financially stable forward looking organization. Previously Director National Trust 2006 -2010, Chief Executive CLIC Sargent 2001 -2006. Martin Hughes (Finance and Risk Audit Committee) Chief Executive of Lilian Faithfull Care, a leading Charity in the Care Home sector, with a thorough understanding of strategic planning, developing, fundraising programmes and bringing in new sources of income, charity accounting and liaising with Public and Government funding sources. Driven-up care standards in the Group to good in all homes in all areas. Caring for 300 residents and looking after 450 members of staff. Previously Director of Finance and an Accountant by profession. Experience of managing the financial and legal due diligence of acquiring another Charity.
SAND Academies Trust – The Team Antonia Noble (Safeguarding and GDPR)(Teaching and Learning) Antonia has been a barrister for over 22 years,practising for a number of yearsin London at criminal bar and undertaking civil litigation and immigration tribunal work before joining the Criminal Cases Review Commission to review suspected miscarriages of justice. Antonia founded Carter Noble Independent Safeguarding in 2013 is to make expert knowledge and experience more user-friendly and available to everyone. Carter Noble protects organisations and people with support, advice and training including and in particular data privacy and GDPR. Janine Smith (Secondary Lead)(Teaching sand Learning – Chair) Assistant Head teacher – Milestone School (phase lead secondary) (Retired July 2018) Extensive knowledge of SEND, parent partnerships and multi-agency collaboration.Developed ‘preparing for adulthood’ reviews to ensure young people and their families participate as fully as possible and are provided with support necessary to enable participation in Post 16 decisions Both Post 16 transition work and curriculum development, including external accreditation, has supported Milestone school achieve 0% NEET (Not in Education, Employment, Training) in their annual destination data, which was praised by OFSTED in their last three inspections. Vacancy - Primary Lead
SAND Academies Trust – The Team Ian Heather (Resources) Ian is the co-founder with Julie Heather of Heather Resource Management Ltd. The company has successfully specialised in HR & Employment Law for the last 17 years in Gloucestershire until they decided to close the business for retirement. Previous to that, he held a number of positions for 25 years in the electricity supply industry ending up as Consents Manager with the responsibility of securing Ministerial and planning consents for Power stations, major overhead transmission lines and early wind farms and Head of Property in the CEGB and the nuclear industry. Qualifying as a Chartered Surveyor, Ian started his professional life in private practice and then a short time in Local Authority. Chris Haslam(Resources – Chair) Chris is a recently retired chartered surveyor with over 40 years experience encompassing the whole development process on a range of projects. He has also have experience in asset management and making strategic property decisions .Chris was Commercial Property Director of Robert Hitchens Homes for 30 years, directing a wide variety of major projects. Chris has been instrumental in the design and delivery of the Chamwell Centre at the Milestone School.
SAND Academies Trust – The Team Clerk Kate Shepherd Kate took on her first clerking role in 2012, today she clerks for 9 Cheltenham schools, the Cheltenham Learning Partnership (CLP) and the Gloucestershire Association of Primary Heads (GAPH). Kate’s schools are a mix of academies, maintained and special schools. Since 2016 Kate has been a Regional Clerk Expert for a large national Multi Academy Trust offering clerk support and reviewing best practice. Kate brings a wealth of experience in all clerking and governance matters, as well as being Chair of Governors in a primary school. Kate is an expert on GovernorHub. She sets this system up for schools as well as using it for her schools.