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學術期刊投稿策略與技巧. 吳萬益 教授 Prof. Wu, Wann-Yih. 學歷:美國奧克拉荷馬大學行銷博士 現職:國立成功大學特聘教授兼管理學院院長 經歷:中國鋼鐵公司工程師、課長、組長、高級專員 ( 1974 ~ 1987 ) 國立成功大學副教授 ( 1992 ~ 1995 ) 國立成功大學教授 ( 1996 ~迄今) 國立成功大學國企所所長 ( 1997 ~ 2001 ) 國立成功大學企管系系主任 ( 1998 ~ 2001 )
學術期刊投稿策略與技巧 吳萬益 教授 Prof. Wu, Wann-Yih • 學歷:美國奧克拉荷馬大學行銷博士 • 現職:國立成功大學特聘教授兼管理學院院長 • 經歷:中國鋼鐵公司工程師、課長、組長、高級專員 (1974~1987) 國立成功大學副教授 (1992~1995) 國立成功大學教授 (1996~迄今) 國立成功大學國企所所長 (1997~2001) 國立成功大學企管系系主任 (1998~2001) 國立成功大學管理學院院長 (2001 ~迄今) • 研究領域與專長:行銷管理 策略管理 國際企業管理 企業研究方法
學術期刊投稿策略與技巧 國立成功大學 吳萬益
目錄 • 學術期刊之分類 • 科學研究方法 • 理論基礎 • 方法論 • 學術期刊投稿策略 • 經驗談 • APMR 簡介
學術期刊之分類 I • 何謂SSCI學術期刊 • SSCI是Social Sciences Citation Index (社會科學引用文獻索引)的縮寫。 • 為美國科學資訊所 (Institute for Scientific Information, ISI)所設。 • 至今收錄54學科類別,共有1900餘種期刊。
學術期刊之分類 II • 何謂TSSCI學術期刊 • TSSCI (Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index) 為台灣社會科學引文索引的英文縮寫。 • TSSCI收錄之期刊的學門類別 • 人類學門 • 社會學門 • 教育學門 • 心理學門 • 法律學門 • 政治學門 • 經濟學門 • 管理學門 • 區域研究 • 綜合
學術期刊之分類 III • TSSCI 管理學門各期刊文章收錄之範圍 • Asia Pacific Management Review 亞太管理評論 • 工業工程學刊 • 中山管理評論 • 交大管理學報 • 財務金融學刊 • 中國大陸研究會計評論 • 資訊管理學報 • 電子商務學報 • 管理評論 • 管理與系統
科學研究方法 現有的理論 (Current theory) 新理論 (New theory) 通則、法則 Laws, generations 深刻的瞭解 (Understanding insight) 連接定律 (Bridge Laws) 異常、不規則 (Anomaly) 歸納、分類 (Inductive grouping) 產生假設 (Hypothesis) 反朔 (retroduction) 演繹法 測試 (Testing) 歸納法 顯著的觀察事實 (Observable facts)
Many of us are living in different paradigms • Paradigm shift • New paradigms and new theories are developed to replace the old ones • Paradigm • Paradigm is a content, which includes theories, laws, concepts, symbolic generalizations, and exemplars. • A paradigm contains a methodology, which represents the procedures and techniques by which further knowledge within the paradigm is to be generated. • A paradigm contains a epistemology, which represent a set of criteria for evaluating knowledge claims.
最高 (highest) 控制 (control) 理解的程度 (degree of understanding) 解釋 (explanation) 預測 (prediction) 敘述 (description) 最低 (lowest) 報導 (reporting) Davis & Cosenza (1993), Business Research for Decision Making, 3rd edition, p.39.
理論基礎 • A theory is a systematically related set of statements, including some law like generalizations, that is empirically testable (Hunt,2002,p.195) • The major purpose of science is to develop laws and theories to explore, predict, understand, and control phenomena (Hunt, 2002, p.20)
Research Issue Theoretical Background Research Model Research Model Theory Building Empirical Testing Exploratory Study Research Issue Theory Building Theory Testing
When the evidence corroborating certain laws is Overwhelming and when the laws are held to be of extreme central significance or importance to a discipline, the laws are called Principles Laws Lawlike generalizations for which there is substantial corroborative empirical support are called Generalized conditionals that (a) have empirical Content, (b) exhibit nomic necessity, and (c) are systematically integrated into a body of scientific knowledge are called Lawlike generalization Generalized conditionals Statements that specify a relationship of the basic form “All A are B” or “If X occurs, then we would expect Y to occur” are called Laws and Lawlike Statements (Hunt, 2002)
Theory Bridge laws or guiding hypotheses Research hypotheses Test Analysis of results Negative (tend to disconfirm or undermine) Positive (tend to confirm or corroborate) The Empirical Testing Process (Hunt, 2002)
What are not theory • References are not theory • Data are not theory • Variables and Constructs are not theory • Diagrams are not theory • Hypotheses are not theory
Descriptive Research Exploratory Research Causal Research 方法論
方法論 • Method orientation • Quality Study • Case study • Survey • Experiment • Data analysis • Traditional method: regression, multivariate method • Structural Equation Modeling • Important for construct validation • ANOVA
The Influences of Risk Attitude and Innate Innovativeness on Consumer’s Online Shopping Behaviors
學術期刊投稿策略 I • Is the paper ready for publication? • Grammars and writing styles • Up-to-date literature review • Format • Creativity / Innovation • Contribution
學術期刊投稿策略 II • Make more effort to improve the quality of the paper • Send paper to conference • Present and discuss paper in different seminars • Send someone to review • Shot for right Journal for publication • Editors • Focus of Journal
學術期刊投稿策略 III • Defend or give up your position • Networking • A learning process of submission
如何投稿學術期刊 I • 論文的品質 • 論文的主題:一篇文章題目大小應適中。 • 文獻的檢閱: • 文獻檢閱非文章的摘要。 • 要對過去的文獻做有系統的整理與評估。 • 理論:理論架構是否完整,論證是否嚴謹。 • 研究方法:量化與質化 • Originality 原創性 • 格式問題
如何投稿學術期刊 II • 論文的長度 • 文章長度約一萬五到兩萬字最恰當。 • 瞭解每份期刊的特色 • 撰稿範例 (文章格式) • 依照期刊的要求交稿 • 不可違反學術倫理:不可一稿多投;不可抄襲;不可不誠實引用資料 • 審查過程
It is clear that the author(s) have spent a lot of time preparing this paper but I am afraid to say that I think that the conceptualisation of the research problem needs to be refined and the paper re-written before it could be considered for publication. • 1. At times the paper is written in a tortuous and opaque style that makes the arguments unnecessarily difficult to follow. One aspect of this problem is that supporting arguments are only briefly developed and thus the reader still has questions about the logic of the arguments put forward by the author(s). For example, social capital is discussed as if there is only one way of defining the concept with no reference to the debate about the nature of social capital, how it is defined and what are the links, if any, with the other elements of the conceptual framework. • 2. The lack of development of the key concepts leads to questions about the conceptual framework and whether information exchange, social capital and frequency of contact are separate constructs. Could information exchange and frequency of contact be aspects of social capital? They may not be, but as the paper is developed at present, there are still questions about the conceptualisation of relationship quality. This may be one reason why the paper is not easy to read as the author(s) are grappling with arguments that can be further refined. It follows from this that the author(s) should develop their literature review and probably make the hypothesis development section shorter. Also it is unusual to wait until the research design and methodology section before revealing the conceptual framework. You might like to consider introducing this earlier.
On page 4, sentence 2 you say "Malhotra et al. (2005) stated that", implying that this is in some way 'true'. You would be better to say why it is you are using their work to develop your arguments. • In the methodology section you need to justify why a 13 per cent response rate is adequate and what you did about non-response. • Please say more about the design of the questionnaire and the pilot study. • In table 2 one item for 'frequency of contact' is 'any information that might help us was always provided by the seller'. It is possible to argue that this item is actually about provision of information, as providing helpful information is not necessarily a frequent activity. • Unfortunately, because of my concerns about the conceptualisation of the topic I am not convinced that the results develop our understanding of the research question at the moment. • In summary I suggest that the author(s) need to justify clearly their conceptual framework and if necessary futher develop their conceptualisation. Alternatively, the author(s) might develop a paper from a sub-set of their conceptual framework. In either case the 13 per cent response rate is a problem and the author(s) should say why this does not compromise the results.
Research Model A Contingency Approach to Incorporate Human, Emotional and Social Influence into TAM for KM Programs
經驗談— Reviewer’s Comments II • It uses TAM to explore the relationships among human, emotion, and socialfactors as well as positive attitude toward the implementation of the KMprogram. The factors considered in the model are too narrow to test the"intention towards using KM program." So, I don't agree that this is aninteresting case. • I would like to see a development or articulation of what exactly they werestudying!. While they state that the phenomena under study was 'the KMstrategy' the term KM seems to mean a variety of things to differentacademic authors and certainly means different things to practitioners (KMstrategy means IT for some companies while others focus on the design ofbuildings to support information sharing or organisational story-telling'.Given the positivistic approach taken here it is critically important thatthis be identified and discussed within the paper. The paper should not beaccepted without a clarification of this point.
經驗談—被退稿原因 I • 根據謝安田教授之看法,為何被退稿,理由有以下12點: • (1) 沒有理論基礎 • (2) 概念或變數的操作化與研究者所提的理論或變數並不相符。 • (3) 對於研究中所提到的概念是什麼意義未能定義清楚。 • (4) 設計不符合科學性,對於實證之進行未能清楚說明。 • (5) 文章的整理、結構、及次序不當。
經驗談—被退稿原因 II • (6) 文體及語氣不當。 • (7) 研究設計不當。 • (8) 稿件內容與期刊領域不符。 • (9) 統計分析過度複雜化。 • (10) 結論不能與實證結果呼應。 • (11) 對於實證資料斷章取義。 • (12) 研究貢獻不足:何謂貢獻不足、以及貢獻不足的種類與其瑕疵程度。
APMR 簡介 ASIA PACIFIC MANANGEMENT REVIEW College of Management National Cheng Kung University
Introduction • Asia Pacific Management Review (APMR) (ISSN 1029-3132) is an international journal to provide a refereed and authoritative source in the field of general management. • Papers in the areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to. • Publish original, high-quality research that will have a significant impact on management theory and practice.
Aims • Develop, promote and coordinate the theory and practice of management; • Encourage the dissemination of new management techniques and applications to business related units; • Establish channels of communication between government departments, business related units, and academic experts; • Provide a forum for academics and professionals to share the advanced knowledge and experiences of business management in the Asia Pacific region.
Editorial Board Members • Agrawal, Narendra M., Indian Institute of Management, India • Anshori, Muslich, Airlangga University Indonesia • Corbett, Charles, Anderson School of Management, University of California, USA • Echanis, Erlinda S., University of the Philippines, Philippines • Gupta, Omprakash K., Prairie View A&M University, U.S.A. • Hwang, Hark, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea • Ishii, Hiroaki, Osaka University, Japan • Islam, Nazrul, School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand • Liang, Liang, University of Science and Technology of China, China • Lee, Shine-Der, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan • Othman, Md Nor, University of Malaya, Malaysia • Shanks, Graeme, Monash University, Australia • Wei, Chien-Hung, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan • Yau, Oliver H. M., City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Areas • Accounting Management • Cross-cultural Management Issues • E-commerce / E-business • Global Competitive Strategy • International Business Management • Logistics and Distribution / Demand & Supply Chain Management • E-marketing and Relationship Marketing • Customer Satisfaction & Delight / CRM & eCRM • Product Development & Manufacturing Systems • Financial Management • Quality Management • Human Resource Management • Information System Management / Knowledge Management • Production & Operations Management • Telecommunication Management • Environment Management / Sustainable Development • Operations Research & Quantitative Methods
APMR History • APMR had four issues every year since 1996. With the mass of paper submission, APMR published 6 issues per year since 2004. • Until now, APMR has published 11 volumes with more than 420 good articles have been published by APMR.
APMC • Asia Pacific Management Conference (APMC) is held every year since 1996. • Conference locations in the Asia Pacific region, including Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, etc. • The chairman of each session will pick up the outstanding and excellent papers submitting to APMC for possible publication.
Submission Policy • The files of the manuscripts should be sent electronically via email attachment. • Send manuscripts directly to regional editor if the author (s) can find a local editor in the Editorial Board from the same or neighboring country; otherwise, manuscripts should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief at wanyi@mail.ncku.edu.tw • Besides, in order to promoting editorial efficiency, APMR promises that 80% of the submitted papers will be processed within 60 days.
The host and the ways of contact If you want to get more information about the details of the paper submission, Please contact us via the follow address. Asia Pacific Management Review, College of Management, National Cheng Kung University No.1, University Road, Tainan 701, Taiwan E-mail: apmr@porj.ncku.edu.tw
Thanks for you listening Hope we can have your paper for APMR or APMC in the near future.