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Can causal models be evaluated? Isabelle Guyon ClopiNet / ChaLearn http://clopinet.com/causality events@chalearn.com. Acknowledgements and references. Feature Extraction, Foundations and Applications I. Guyon, S. Gunn, et al. Springer, 2006. http://clopinet.com/fextract-book
Can causal models be evaluated? Isabelle Guyon ClopiNet / ChaLearn http://clopinet.com/causalityevents@chalearn.com
Acknowledgements and references • Feature Extraction, • Foundations and Applications • I. Guyon, S. Gunn, et al. • Springer, 2006. • http://clopinet.com/fextract-book • 2) Causation and Prediction Challenge • I. Guyon, C. Aliferis, G. Cooper, • A. Elisseeff, J.-P. Pellet, P. Spirtes, • and A. Statnikov, Eds. • CiML, volume 2, Microtome. 2010. • http://www.mtome.com/Publications/CiML/ciml.html
http://gesture.chalearn.org Co-founders: Constantin Aliferis Alexander Statnikov André Elisseeff Jean-Philippe Pellet Gregory F. Cooper Peter Spirtes ChaLearn directors and advisors: Alexander Statnivov Ioannis Tsamardinos Richard Scheines Frederick Eberhardt Florin Popescu
Preparation of ExpDeCoExperimental design in causal discovery • Motivations • Quiz • What we want to do (next challenge) • What we already set up (virtual lab) • What we could improve • Your input… Note: Experiment = manipulation = action
…your health? …climate changes? … the economy? Causal discovery motivations (1) Interesting problems What affects… and… which actions will have beneficial effects?
Predict the consequences of (new) actions • Predict the outcome of actions • What if we ate only raw foods? • What if we imposed to paint all cars white? • What if we broke up the Euro? • Find the best action to get a desired outcome • Determine treatment (medicine) • Determine policies (economics) • Predict counterfactuals • A guy not wearing his seatbelt died in a car accident. Would he have died had he worn it?
Causal discovery motivations (2) Lots of data available http://data.gov http://data.uk.gov http://www.who.int/research/en/ http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html http://neurodatabase.org/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Entrez/ http://www.internationaleconomics.net/data.html http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/netdata/ http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/
Y Causal discovery motivations (3) Classical ML helpless Y X
Y Y X Causal discovery motivations (3) Classical ML helpless Predict the consequences of actions: Under “manipulations” by an external agent, only causes are predictive, consequences and confounders are not.
Y Causal discovery motivations (3) Classical ML helpless Y X If manipulated, a cause influences the outcome…
Y Causal discovery motivations (3) Classical ML helpless Y X … a consequence does not …
Y Causal discovery motivations (3) Classical ML helpless Y X … neither does a confounder (consequence of a common cause).
n’ Causal discovery motivations (3) Classical ML helpless • Special case: stationary or cross-sectional data (no time series). • Superficially, the problem resembles a classical feature selection problem. n X m
Y X2 X1 Could it be that?
Y X2 X1 X1 || X2 | Y Simpson’s paradox x1 Let’s try Y x2 x1
X2 X1 Y Could it be that?
X2 X1 Y Y x2 x1 Let’s try
X2 || Y X2 || Y | X1 baseline (X2) health (Y) baseline x2 Y disease normal peak (X1) peak x1 Plausible explanation
What we would like Y x2 Y X2 X1 x1
Manipulate X1 Y x2 Y X2 X1 x1
Manipulate X2 Y x2 Y X2 X1 x1
Causal data miningHow are we going to do it? Obstacle 1: Practical Many statements of the "causality problem" Obstacle 2: Fundamental It is very hard to assess solutions
Evaluation • Experiments are often: • Costly • Unethical • Infeasible • Non-experimental “observational” data is abundant and costs less.
New challenge: ExpDeCo Experimental design in causal discovery • Goal: Find variables that strongly influence an outcome • Method: • Learn from a “natural” distribution (observational data) • Predict the consequences of given actions (checked against a test set of “real” experimental data) • Iteratively refine the model with experiments (using on-line learning from experimental data)
Anxiety Peer Pressure Born an Even Day QUERIES Models of systems Yellow Fingers Smoking Genetics Allergy Lung Cancer Attention Disorder Database Coughing Fatigue ANSWERS Car Accident Virtual Lab
http://clopinet.com/causality February 2007: Project starts. Pascal2 funding. August 2007: Two-year NSF grant. Dec. 2007: Workbench alive. 1st causality challenge. Sept. 2008: 2nd causality challenge (Pot luck). Fall 2009: Virtual lab alive. Dec. 2009: Active Learning Challenge (Pascal2). December 2010: Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge (DARPA). Fall 2012: ExpDeCo (Pascal2) Planned: CoMSiCo
ExpDeCo (new challenge) Setup: • Several paired datasets (preferably or real data): • “Natural” distribution • “Manipulated” distribution • Problems • Learn a causal model from the natural distribution • Assessment 1: test with natural distribution • Assessment 2: test with manipulated distribution • Assessment 3: on-line learning from manipulated distribution (sequential design of experiments)
Challenge design constraints • Largely not relying on “ground truth” this is difficult or impossible to get (in real data) • Not biased towards particular methods • Realistic setting as close as possible to actual use • Statistically significant, not involving "chance“ • Reproducible on other similar data • Not specific of very particular settings • No cheating possible • Capitalize on classical experimental design
Toy datasets Causation and Prediction challenge Challenge datasets
Anxiety Peer Pressure Born an Even Day Yellow Fingers Smoking Genetics Allergy Lung Cancer Attention Disorder Coughing Fatigue LUCAS0: natural Car Accident Causality assessmentwith manipulations
Anxiety Peer Pressure Born an Even Day Yellow Fingers Smoking Genetics Allergy Lung Cancer Attention Disorder Coughing Fatigue Car Accident Causality assessmentwith manipulations LUCAS1: manipulated
Anxiety Peer Pressure Born an Even Day Yellow Fingers Smoking Genetics Allergy Lung Cancer Attention Disorder Coughing Fatigue Car Accident Causality assessmentwith manipulations LUCAS2: manipulated
10 2 5 3 9 4 1 0 6 11 8 7 Assessment w. ground truth • We define: • V=variables of interest • (Theoretical minimal set • of predictive variables, e.g. • MB, direct causes, ...) • Participants score feature relevance: S=ordered list of features 11 4 1 2 3 • We assess causal relevance with AUC=f(V,S)
P1 P2 P3 PT Probes Using artificial “probes” Anxiety Peer Pressure Born an Even Day Yellow Fingers Smoking Genetics Allergy Lung Cancer Attention Disorder LUCAP0: natural Coughing Fatigue Car Accident
Anxiety Peer Pressure Born an Even Day Yellow Fingers Smoking Genetics Allergy Lung Cancer Attention Disorder Coughing Fatigue Car Accident P1 P2 P3 PT Probes Using artificial “probes” LUCAP1&2: manipulated
Scoring using “probes” • What we can compute (Fscore): • Negative class = probes (here, all “non-causes”, all manipulated). • Positive class = other variables (may include causes and non causes). • What we want (Rscore): • Positive class = causes. • Negative class = non-causes. • What we get (asymptotically): Fscore = (NTruePos/NReal) Rscore + 0.5 (NTrueNeg/NReal)
Causal vs. non-causal Jianxin Yin: causal Vladimir Nikulin: non-causal
Insensitivity to irrelevant features Simple univariate predictive model, binary target and features, all relevant features correlate perfectly with the target, all irrelevant features randomly drawn. With 98% confidence, abs(feat_weight) < w and Siwixi< v. ngnumber of “good” (relevant) features nbnumber of “bad” (irrelevant) features m number of training examples.
How to overcome this problem? • Leaning curve in terms of number of features revealed • Without re-training on manipulated data • With on-line learning with manipulated data • Give pre-manipulation variable values and the value of the manipulation • Other metrics: stability, residuals, instrument variables, missing features by design
Conclusion(more: http://clopinet.com/causality) • We want causal discovery to become “mainstream” data mining • We believe we need to start with “simple” standard procedures of evaluation • Our design is close enough to a typical prediction problem, but • Training on natural distribution • Test on manipulated distribution • We want to avoid pitfalls of previous challenge designs: • Reveal only pre-manipulated variable values • Reveal variables progressively “on demand”