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CURRENT TRENDS IN THE COLLECTION AND USE OF STATISTICS IN AFRICAN LIBRARIES. Dr. Elisha R.T. Chiware University of Namibia. CONTENTS. Historical note – academic and public libraries Background to survey Part A: Library statistics collection
CONTENTS • Historical note – academic and public libraries • Background to survey • Part A: Library statistics collection • Part B: Main types of statistics collected by most libraries • Part C: Methods for collection of library statistics • Conclusion
Historical note – academic libraries • The International African Institute (1997) published three volumes on: • University Libraries in Africa: a review of their current state and future potential. The volumes are made up of case studies which include a range of statistical data detailing: • Library collection sizes • Library staff • Expenditure • interlibrary loans • Donor support • Library use
Historical note – academic libraries • The International Network for Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) organized and funded a Workshop on the Collection and Use of Library Statistics in University Libraries which took place in Zimbabwe in 1997. • An Annual Statistical Return was drafted and three libraries took part in a pilot collection project. • Statistical data from these libraries was published in a volume entitled Annual Library Statistics 1997/98, available from INASP
Historical note – academic libraries • The Association of African Universities (AAU) based in Ghana promised to continue the work of INASP, but ever since 1999, no other work has emerged from this initiative.
Historical note – academic libraries • A number of African libraries are featured in the Global Library Statistics 1990-2000 compiled by IFLA using data from UNESCO and Libecon. The Global library Statistics covered areas of: • Library servicing the public • Library collections • New media • Usage and users • Library staffing • Library expenditure
Historical note – academic libraries • INASP has been involved in the provision of electronic services in various countries in Africa. • As result of these initiatives many African university libraries have access to various electronic databases. • INASP has initiated the monitoring and evaluation of the use of electronic databases (e-journals) in African university libraries. • There is a book of case studies on monitoring and evaluation of electronic resources due for publication later this year.
Historical note – academic libraries • Many university libraries in Africa however do not have software to monitor usage and rely on data collected through the following techniques: • • Suppliers’ data: usage statistics of electronic resources subscribed through PERI programme is provided by suppliers. • • Library user statistics: usage data is collected from e-resource service points within the library. Users are required to register and indicate which e-resources they intend to use. Information collected includes name, status, year of study, faculty/department, title of e-resource, etc. • • User queries: librarians monitor and analyze requests and questions from users on specific e-resources. • • User surveys: UDSM Library conducts periodic user surveys to gather key information about resources and services.
Historical note – public libraries • South Africa - efforts to standardize the collection of statistics in public libraries. • Funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York • Working Group on Public Library Statistics (WGPLS) • to facilitate the drafting of a simple form for regular collection of statistics from public libraries so that three databases could be kept up to date • ( 1. a library directory containing identification and descriptive data about libraries), • 2. a demographic database containing relevant demographic information and • 3. A geographic database containing geographical information such as municipal boundaries and location data for the libraries )
Collecting library statistics The objective of collecting library statistics is "to assess the quality and effectiveness of services [and resources] provided by the library" (Poll, 2001,p.307).
Importance of collecting statistics The collection of library statistics • provides an essential foundation for quality library services • is a powerful management tool assisting libraries in establishing good practice, decision-making and user support • can be used for securing and allocating funding • reflects use patterns influencing collection development
Importance of collecting statistics • Usage statistics can be used to develop performance indicators for outcomes assessment. • Annual (national/international) statistical reports allow a library to compare itself to peer libraries, past experience and desirable goals. • It allows for self-assessment, benchmarking and improvement of library services.
Challenges re library statistics • Manual collection of statistics is time-consuming • Staff lack knowledge and skills in regard to the collecting, analysing and reporting of library statistics • Management lack knowledge and skills to integrate statistics into library decision-making
Purpose of survey • Commissioned by the IFLA Section on Statistics and Evaluation • Aims to establish current trends in the collection and use of library statistics in African libraries
Research methodology • Data collection took place during July 2008 • Target audience: Academic, national and public libraries throughout Africa • A descriptive research approach was applied to data collection • A self-administered questionnaire was emailed to the target group • SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) was used to analyse the data
Response rate • 132 questionnaires were emailed • 28 emails were undeliverable • 16 completed questionnaires were returned by 4 August 2008 • Response rate: 15.4%
Types of library statistics collected • A wide variety of statistics were collected , as well as a wide range in the frequency of collection The main types of statistics collected by most libraries: • Number of loans: 85.7% • Library acquisitions: 85.7% • Library materials processing (i.e. cataloguing and classification): 78.6% • Use of electronic databases: 71.4% • Number of library staff: 71.4% • Library expenditure: 71.4%
Publication of library statistics • Annual, quarterly and monthly reports • Brochures • Departmental/Faculty/University Senate reports • HEQC evaluation reports • Library Director’s/Library Committee reports • Newsletters • Plasma screens • Research and self-evaluation reports • Library website and Intranet
Manual collection Usually done on a daily basis by physically counting items/users. These statistics are then forwarded to the person responsible for the Library Management Information System.
Electronic statistics: Examples of software • ADLIB (e.g. Number of loans) • Aleph (e.g. Size of collection) • CDS ISIS (e.g. Electronic databases) • DoNet (e.g. Reference queries) • ePrints (e.g. Institutional repositories) • Excel (e.g. User training) • Innopac report Module (e.g. Cataloguing and classification) • ITS (e.g. Number of library users) • Millennium (e.g. E-resources) • OCLC (e.g. Cataloguing and classification) • Oracle (e.g. Number of library staff) • PALS (e.g. Number of loans) • Prolib (e.g. Cataloguing and classification) • PROMIS (e.g. Library budget) • QuestionPoint (e.g. Reference queries) • 3M (e.g. Gate counts)
Positive aspects of this survey • It reflects the extent of library services in those African libraries participating in this survey. • It provides a current picture of African libraries with regard to the trends in collection and use of statistics. • It is an important tool for addressing weaknesses in African library and information services.
Areas for improvement • There is no agreement on the type of library statistics to be collected. • There is no consensus on how data must be collected, analysed, presented and applied. • There is a wide gap in the type and frequency of statistics collected between technologically advanced libraries and those less fortunate. • There is no national or African database of comparative library statistics available.
ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Dr. Elisha R.T. Chiware echiware@unam.na