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Forensic Psychology. Learning Targets: 1. Analyze the research on serial killers by experts on the field and apply it to infamous cases. 2. Explain identifying characteristics of different types of serial killers.
Forensic Psychology Learning Targets: 1. Analyze the research on serial killers by experts on the field and apply it to infamous cases. 2. Explain identifying characteristics of different types of serial killers.
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he doesn’t become a monster.” By the numbers … -The USA has 76% of the world’s serial killers -Europe has 17% of the world’s serial killers -73% of American killers are Caucasian -22% of American killers are Black -Men make up 90% of serial killers -Yet 65% of victims are female -89% of victims are Caucasian -44% of killers starts in their 20’s, 26% in their teens and 24% in their 30’s -Out of all the killers, 86% are heterosexual.
Design a Research Question • Variables= • Serial Killing = • In small groups, identify possible causes for this behavior. • Choose one variable and write a hypothesis postulating its relationship with serial killing. • Write an operational definition for serial killing and your variable. • Identify the independent and dependent variable.
A serial killer is someone who commits three or more murders over an extended period of time with cooling-off periods in between. In between their crimes, they appear to be quite normal, a state which has been called call the "mask of sanity." Misconceptions: They are dysfunctional loners They are all white males Are motivated only by sex Operate interstate Cannot stop killing Are insane or evil geniuses Want to get caught Serial Killer = Mass Murderers
Holmes Typology • FBI has categorized serial killers into two different types • Reflects killer’s emotional and psychological state • A significant number of serial killers show certain aspects of both categories • Descend from organized to disorganized as killing continues and need to feed compulsion grows
“We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow.” “You feel the last bit of breath leaving their body. You’re looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God.” ~ Ted Bundy Ted Bundy
ACT-FOCUSED: They kill quickly • The Visionary Motive Type: Serial killers of this type are considered to be insane, even psychotic. It is not uncommon for this type of killer to report that they committed the crime because voices in their head told them to. 2. The Missionary-Oriented Motive Type: Although not apparent to the community around them, killers of this type are on a mission to rid the world of those whom they deem unacceptable for whatever reason PROCESS-FOCUSED: They kill more slowly 3. The Lust Killer: The lust killer is sexually motivated, killing for the pure turn on. These killers derive pleasure from torturing their victims. Most serial killers are of this type. 4. The Thrill-Oriented Motive Type: These guys kill for the joy of it...They get a high from killing. 5. Power-seeking Motive Type: They believe they are “God” and play with people as if they are toys. Their main objective for killing is to gain and exert power over their victim 6. Gain Motive Type: Very rare, they believe they will somehow profit from killing
Males are more likely to kill strangers, be geographically mobile, torture or mutilate more often when killing, and report a sexual motive. When committing their crimes, men’s methods include; firearms mainly (41%), suffocation (37%), stabbing (34%), bludgeoning (26%), firearms only (19%), poison (11%), drowning (3%), and other (2%). These men usually seek attention for their crimes and do not try to hide them. Often, the crime scenes are manipulated to provide clues for authorities and to entice the media. More often than not, the body count of a male serial killer is higher than that of most women serial killers. Some killers have murdered over three hundred victims. Females are more likely to kill husbands, relatives, or people in hospitals or nursing homes where they work; murder in one specific place; poison the victims; and report money to be a motive. • Most females do not meet FBI’s definition with its additional parameters of the killer and victim being unrelated and a murder not committed for material gain but for fantasy gratification. A Womenare less visible and use methods such as poisoning in order to be discrete and keep under the radar. This accounts for eighty percent of the methods used to kill their victims. Other methods used by women include: shootings (20%), bludgeoning (16%), suffocation (16%), stabbing (11%), and drowning (5%).
Kelleher Typology (Female Serial Killers) Common Types: • Profit Killers – Money is a motivator 74% of the time. • Black Widows – Kill family members, friends or other with whom they have developed close relationships with. • Revenge Killers – Kills people who have wronged them. • Sexual Predators – Rare. • Angels of Death – Doctors, nurses, health care providers who murder for “fun” or profit. Characteristics: • Long killing sprees • Kill more quietly & less “violently • Kills for profit most of the time • Kill people close to them .
THREE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE SERIAL KILLERS • They look, act, and sound normal – which makes people trust them. • They are psychopaths, but they're not insane. • Neither male nor female serial killers have a conscience.
General Childhood Profile • Loss of parent • Parents are detached or absent • Inconsistent discipline • Child abuse • Head injuries Red Flags: Animal cruelty, bed-wetting post-adolescence, pyromania, heavy metals, brain injury, daydreaming, compulsive masturbation, isolation/fantasy
Bad Seeds Blossom In Bad Environments • Environment alone cannot explain deranged behavior • Biological relatives was 4-5 times more likely to be sociopathic than the average person. • 30-30% show abnormal brain patterns (temporal lobe, prefrontal cortex & limbic system) TED Talk: “Exploring the Mind of a Killer” – How do the environment and genes interact to “create” a killer?
Psychological Phases • Aura – withdrawal from reality and heightening of senses • Trolling – behavior patterns that a particular killer uses to identify and stalk victims • Wooing – win the confidence of victim • Totem – develop a ritual to preserve success (souvenirs) to present depression • Depression – fantasy was unfulfilled