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Subskills Analysis- Cluster for Verbal information. Explain facility procedures. 1. A. Demonstrate proper use of communication tools available. 2. B. Teacher will increase instructional time by decreasing time spent on managerial tasks. Explain daily routine expectations. 3. C.
Subskills Analysis- Cluster for Verbal information Explain facility procedures. 1 A Demonstrate proper use of communication tools available. 2 B Teacher will increase instructional time by decreasing time spent on managerial tasks. Explain daily routine expectations. 3 C Explain curriculum and resources available. 4 D Explain emergency management plans and procedures. 5 E
Subskills Analysis- Cluster for Verbal information A No Explain facility procedures. 1 Call Mrs. Milford (secretary) ext. 00611 and describe problem. 1.3 Wait for a janitor to resolve the problem 1.4 Identify classroom issue to be resolved. 1.1 EMERGENCY- Safety or Danger? Yes Direct children away from the area. 1.2
Subskills Analysis- Cluster for Verbal information Check office mail 2.1 Enter building at main entrance and turn right. 2.1.1 Walk down hallway, and turn left. 2.1.2 Turn right into faculty room. 2.1.3 Check mailbox daily. 2.1.4 Send students materials home in a timely manner. 2.1.5 B Demonstrate proper use of communication tools available. 2 Yes Make in/out of district phone calls 2.2 Call- In building? Dial the room number 2.3.1 No Dial 9, Wait for a tone, Dial 9 again. 2.2.1 Dial the number. 2.2.2 Click log out No Click on either reply to sender or reply to all 2.3.4 Click on reply in the right hand tool bar of the opened message 2.3.5 Click send in the upper left hand tool bar. 2.3.6 Double click on Novel Group wise icon 2.3.1 Type in the provided user name and password 2.3.2 Click on the new bold emails. 2.3.3 Yes Replying? Check email 2.3
Subskills Analysis- Cluster for Verbal information Determine Daily schedule 3.1 Arrive at 8:15 for teacher 3.1.1 Arrive at 8:45 for students 3.1.2 Perform daily routine: *8:45-9:00 Morning work *9:00-9:20 – Morning Meeting and Calendar *9:20-11:00- Literacy Block *11:00-11:45- Everyday Math *11:45-12:00- Prepare for lunch *12:00-12:45- Lunch and Recess *12:45- 1:15- Everyday Math *1:15- 2:00- Science/Social Studies *2:00- 2:40- Handwriting/ L.A *2:40-3:10-Special *3:10-3:30- Read Aloud/ Pack-up *3:30 Dismissal 3.1.3 C Perform attendance and lunch count 3.2 Obtain attendance and lunch forms from office mail. 3.2.1 Ask students their lunch choice (hot/cold/salad/packers) 3.2.2 Mark the lunch count accordingly3.2.3 Highlight any students who are absent on the attendance sheet. 3.2.4 Explain daily routine expectations. 3 Perform one hour delay routine: *9:45-10:00- Morning work *10:00-10:20 – Morning Meeting/Calendar *10:20-12:00 Literacy Block *12:00-12:45- Lunch and Recess *12:45-2:00 Everyday Math *2:00- 2:40- Handwriting/ L.A *2:40-3:10-Special *3:10-3:30- Read Aloud/ Pack-up *3:30 Dismissal 3.3.1 Perform two hour delay routine: *10:45-11:00 Morning work *11:00-12:00 – Literacy Block *12:00-12:45- Lunch and Recess *12:45- 2:00- Everyday Math *2:00- 2:40- Handwriting/ L.A *2:40-3:10-Special *3:10-3:30- Read Aloud/ Pack-up *3:30 Dismissal 3.3.2 Determine one/two hour delay schedules 3.3 Perform early dismissal routine: *8:45-9:00 Morning work *9:00-9:20 – Morning Meeting and Calendar *9:20-11:00- Literacy Block *11:00-11:45- Everyday Math *11:45-12:00- Prepare for lunch *12:00-12:45- Lunch and Recess *12:45- 1:15- Everyday Math *1:15- 2:00- Special *1:00-1:30- Read Aloud/ Pack-up *1:30 Dismissal 3.4.1 Determine early dismissal schedule 3.4
Subskills Analysis- Cluster for Verbal information Request a Substitute 4.1 Yes Open web browser-Log onto www.frontlineplacement.com/education. 4.1.1 Log in using provided username and pin number 4.1.2 Click on “create an absence” in left hand tool bar. 4.1.3 Check the box of the day(s) requesting 4.1.4 List time of day substitute is required. 4.1.5 Is it before 5:30 am the day sub is needed? No Call district switch board at 717-292-3671 and report absence. Upload any additional documents. 4.1.8 Use pull down menu to list reason for absence. 4.1.7 Confirm substitute request 4.1.6 D Explain curriculum and resources available. 4 Sign out technology 4.2 Go to Library 4.2.1 Enter Media Room 4.2.2 Select technology for use 4.2.3 Sign out the technology on sheet inside door. 4.2.4 Return technology in timely manner. 4.2.5 Obtain a ¼ sheet of blue request paper from the office. 4.3.1 Fill out the request form indicating your name, date, and requested time of completion. Write the request with detail. 4.3.2 Attach any materials necessary to complete the task to the request form. 4.3.3 Request aide assistance 4.3
Subskills Analysis- Cluster for Verbal information Yes Make copies4.4 Obtain a ¼ sheet yellow duplicating request paper from office. 4.4.1 Fill out the form for duplicating center. 4.4.2 Attach any originals and colored paper necessary. 4.4.3 Place form and originals into a duplicating center envelope 4.4.4 Place envelope into the interschool mail bin in main office 4.4.5 More than 10 copies? No Use copier in faculty lounge Punch in code (0 and last four of S.S.N.) Select the number of copies, one or two sided copy, and stacked or collated. D Explain curriculum and resources available. 4 Utilize records room 4.5 Go to Main office 4.5.1 Ask for Deb Milford for the key. 4.5.2 Walk down the hallway to the records room on the left. 4.5.3 Enter the room, locate class by grade and last name of teacher. 4.5.4 No Removing records from room? Review records in room Yes Return records to proper location in room. 4.5.6 Sign out records 4.5.5 Obtain Supplies- office 4.6 Obtain a white supplies request from office 4.6.1 Fill out form with all requests 4.6.2 Submit form to Deb Milford 4.6.3 Check email for request fulfillment 4.6.4 Pick up supplies in office
Subskills Analysis- Cluster for Verbal information Explain Nurse procedures 5.1 Obtain ¼ sheet of purple nurse paper from nurse 5.1.1 Fill out form indicating child’s ailment and time 5.1.2 Send child to nurse along with pass 5.1.3 E Explain emergency management plans and procedures. 5 Explain severe weather procedures 5.2 Remove children from the classrom 5.2.1 Walk students into hallway near gym 5.2.2 Show students how to kneel on the ground, tucking their heads and covering their heads with their hands 5.2.3 Wait for signal from office to take students back to the classroom 5.2.4 Explain Bomb Threat procedures 5.3 Tell students to line up quickly and quietly. Take class roster. 5.3.1 Escort students out side through the first grade hallway doors and out into the parking lot. 5.3.2 Wait for signal from office to take students back to the classroom. 5.3.4 Instruct students to stand quietly in a line. Take roll. 5.3.3
Subskills Analysis- Cluster for Verbal information Explain Fire dril procedures 5.4 Instruct students to leave all materials where they are line up quietly, single file. Take class roster along. 5.4.1 Escort students to exit through the double doors at the end of the first grade hall 5.4.2 Walk students out to the parking lot, at least 50 yards from the school. Take roll. 5.4.3 Wait for signal from office to take students back to the classroom. 5.4.4 E Explain emergency management plans and procedures. 5 Explain lock down procedures 5.5 Lock classroom door and cover windows next to door with paper attached to wall. 5.5.1 Instruct students to move to the corner of the room near the sink and huddle together quietly 5.5.2 Close blinds and cover lower windows with posters. 5.5.3 Wait quietly in group until signal is given to return to instruction. 5.5.4