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Learn about sorting algorithms in C programming, including bubble sort, merge sort, and quick sort. Understand how to implement these algorithms and sort both numbers and strings.
C Programming Week 10 Sorting Algorithms
Sorting • In many queries we handle a list of values and want a specific value. • We can go through all the list until we find the requested value. • But better… We can sort the list and then find it more easily (e.g., by binary search)
Sorting • In class we saw several examples for sorting: • Bubble Sort • Merge Sort • Today we will continue with examples… • In these examples, each time we compare between two elements, resulting in a sorted list.
Quick Sort • Divide and conquer • Divide the list into two sublists such that all elements from one list are greater than all elements from other list. • Sort each of these sublists recursively…
Quick Sort • How we divide the list into two sublists? • We pick up an element (pivot) and put all bigger elements to its right and all smaller elements to its left 8 15 13 9 14 3 67 3 9 8 14 67 13 15
Quick Sort 8 15 13 9 14 3 67 3 9 8 14 67 13 15 At this stage, the pivot is in its final position
How do we choose the pivot? • Ideally, we should take the median value • However, it would take time to find what is the median, so we can take the: • First • Middle • Last • Any random element • In practice, each such choice is relatively efficient.
Some visualization… • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxENKlcs2Tw • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_G9BkAm6B8
How do we implement this? • First, we look on the ‘backbone’ of the algorithm: • Partitioning the list according to a pivot into two sublists. • After this stage, the pivot value is in its final position. • Recursively repeat this procedure to each of the two sublists.
Quick Sort (backbone) void quickSort (int list[], int start_index, int end_index) // This function implements the Quick Sort algorithm { int pivot_index; if (start_index<end_index) // more than one element in list { // We now partition the list into two sublists: pivot_index=partition(list, start_index, end_index); // Performing Quick Sort on both sublists: quickSort(list,start_index,pivot_index-1); quickSort(list,pivot_index+1,end_index); } } Where is the termination of the recursive function?
Partition int partition (int list[], int start_index, int end_index) { int i,j; int pivot_index=choosePivot(start_index,end_index); int pivot_value=list[pivot_index]; swap(&list[start_index],&list[pivot_index]); i=start_index+1; j=end_index; while (i<=j) { while ((i<=end_index) &&(list[i]<=pivot_value)) i++; while ((j>=start_index) && (list[j]>pivot_value)) j--; if (i<j) swap(&list[i],&list[j]); } swap(&list[start_index],&list[j]); pivot_index=j; return pivot_index; }
main int main() { int array[SIZE]={0}; int i; printf ("Please insert the numbers:\n"); for (i=0;i<SIZE;i++) { scanf ("%d",&array[i]); } printf ("The numbers before:\n"); printList(array,SIZE); quickSort (array,0,SIZE-1); printf ("The sorted numbers:\n"); printList(array,SIZE); return 0; } 12
Auxiliary Functions int choosePivot(int start_index,int end_index) { return (end_index); } void swap(int *x, int *y) { int temp=*x; *x=*y; *y=temp; } void printList(int list[], int size) { int i; for (i=0;i<size;i++) { printf ("%d ",list[i]); } printf ("\n"); } 13
Sorting strings • Similar to numbers we can sort strings according to their lexicographical order. • What should we change for that? • Instead of comparing two numbers we should compare two strings according to their lexicographical order • Handling strings in input/printing etc.
Changing the comparison • From (numbers): while (i<=j) { while ((i<=end_index) &&(list[i]<=pivot_value)) i++; while ((j>=start_index) && (list[j]>pivot_value)) j--; if (i<j) swap(&list[i],&list[j]); }
Changing the comparison • To (strings): while (i<=j) { while ((i<=end_index) &&(strcmp(list[i],pivot_value)<=0)) i++; while ((j>=start_index) && (strcmp(list[j],pivot_value)>0)) j--; if (i<j) swap(list[i],list[j]); } Reminder: strcmp gets two strings and returns 0 if they are identical. Otherwise, it returns a negative or positive number if the first or second string appears first in lexicographical order, respectively. Now each element is a string, so we don’t need the ‘&’
The new Partition int partition (char list[][SIZE], int start_index, int end_index) { int i,j; int pivot_index=choosePivot(start_index,end_index); char pivot_string[SIZE]=""; strcpy(pivot_string,list[pivot_index]); swap(list[start_index],list[pivot_index]); i=start_index+1; j=end_index; while (i<=j) { while ((i<=end_index) &&(strcmp(list[i],pivot_string)<=0)) i++; while ((j>=start_index) && (strcmp(list[j],pivot_string)>0)) j--; if (i<j) swap(list[i],list[j]); } swap(list[start_index],list[j]); pivot_index=j; return pivot_index; } 17
main int main() { char list[NUM][SIZE]={""}; int i; printf ("Please insert the strings:\n"); for (i=0;i<NUM;i++) { readString(list[i],SIZE-1); } printf ("The strings before sorting:\n"); printList(list,NUM); quickSort (list,0,NUM-1); printf ("The sorted strings:\n"); printList(list,NUM); return 0; } 18
Auxiliary Functions void readString(char string[],int size) { int i=0; char c; scanf("%c",&c); while ((c!='\n')&&(i<size)) { string[i]=c; i++; scanf("%c",&c); } string[i]='\0'; } void swap(char x[], char y[]) { int i=0; char temp[SIZE]=""; strcpy(temp,x); strcpy(x,y); strcpy(y,temp); } 19
Insertion Sort • Another example for sorting algorithm is Insertion Sort: • In average, It is less efficient as compared to Quick Sort. • For small lists it is quicker as compared to other algorithms. • Many people perform similar algorithm when sorting elements (cards etc.) • We will explain this algorithm in class while you will implement it in HW…
Insertion Sort • The idea behind the algorithm: • Go through the list from the first element and at each step put the i’th elements in its position in the sorted list that contain 1,…,i-1,i elements. • At this stage, the first i elements are sorted. • Stopping in i=n, we have a sorted list.
Comparing Sorting… Quick Sort Insertion Sort
Complexity of algorithms • We can compare the two algorithms in respect to time complexity. • Here we shall introduce only the highlights of that complexity analysis.
Insertion Sort • Best case scenario: • The list is already sorted. In this case, the i’th element is compared only to i-1 element. Thus, we have ~n comparisons. • Worst case scenario: • The list is sorted backwards. In this case the i’th element needs to be shifted all the way back to the start of the list. • Quadratic complexity: 1+2+3+..+n-1=~n2 • Average case (without proving): • It also takes ~n2 operations.
Quick Sort • The partition step takes ~n operations (we go through the list and change the location of the elements according to the pivot). • Best case scenario: • In each partition, we divide the list into almost equal size lists (each containing (k-1)/2 elements). That means we have ~log(n) partitions. Therefore total time complexity is ~n*log(n).
Quick Sort • Worst case scenario: • In each step we divide the list of k elements (starting from k=n) into k-1 and 1 elements. In this case each step takes ~n-k operations. Thus we have: • (n-1)+(n-2)+(n-3)+…+1=~n2.
Quick Sort • Average case (without proving): • In this case it takes ~1.39n*log(n) operations. • Thus, Quick Sort is faster than Insertion Sort on average. • In fact, any algorithm for sorting n elements using pairwise comparisons cannot do it faster than ~n*log(n) in the average case.
Selection Sort • Selection Sort is another sorting algorithm which is relatively simple: • Given a list of elements: • Find the minimum and swap it with the first element. • Repeat it for the remainder of the list (now swapping with the 2nd, 3rd element etc.).
Complexity analysis • In each step we look for the minimal element – thus we go through all the remaining elements. This is done n times. • Time complexity is: (n)+(n-1)+(n-2)+…+1=~n2 • This is done on all inputs, therefore best case=worst case=average case.
And the winner is… Quick Sort Insertion Sort Selection Sort