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Kampung Luar Batang Fieldtrip 2014

Kampung Luar Batang Fieldtrip 2014. Matthew Arief. Before Reflection. Before How much say do people have over where and how they live? People can’t do or say anything, just work with what they already have What they got from the family Have with what they are born with

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Kampung Luar Batang Fieldtrip 2014

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  1. KampungLuarBatangFieldtrip 2014 Matthew Arief

  2. Before Reflection • Before • How much say do people have over where and how they live? • People can’t do or say anything, just work with what they already have • What they got from the family • Have with what they are born with • But when they are older, they can start making their own choices

  3. Before Questions #2 • How do living conditions affect everyday life? Give specific examples (school, sports, games, food, family, etc) • Living conditions affect everyday life because it is how they live • If we are rich, we have all the needs, facility and proves to have a better life • If we are poor, we don’t have much things, lack in finance which could lead to problems • To have a good school will lead to knowledge, understanding of life and will help character development. • To be able to do sports will have know better friends, exercise for health and something to look up to • Better food will lead to health, nutrition, and growth • Good family will support each other, lead better way of living

  4. Before Questions #3 • What role should the government play in helping the poor? • The government should visit often, make a charity event, help more and be more aware • Try finding jobs for them or provide • Provide education, donations, all the needs to live • Giver better places to live, better living condition that has a good situation for living • Clean the place • Visit more often for controlling the situation

  5. Before Questions #4 • What role should ordinary citizens play in helping the poor around them? • Don’t ignore them, help them • Do not judge or insult • Don’t let them just live this way, take action • Charity, education, donation and be aware • Help by finding places for them to live or even give them and support them with education

  6. Task Biblical Studies: Students will need to conduct interviews with the families from KampungBatang areas, make observation notes and take pictures.

  7. Photo Taking

  8. Interview • Dewi, 36 years old • Works as a housewife • Husband name Junajaib, 31 years old • Works as a merchant near the bay • Barely receive 50 thousand a day • Work place is near from home • Living in KampungLuarBatang is comfortable • Neighbors are friendly • School is near but only 3 hours • 3 years living hear

  9. Interview • Move to KampungluarBatang because of the husband • There is a place for praying • Kids to have activities is far from home, cannot play near home because of no space • Buying groceries are near from home • There are book stores and markets also drug store are near • Has one kid only, aging one year and 3 months • School is free, though the needs for school need to pay again

  10. Interview • Hoping for the kid to finish highschool, if possible until university • The government barely comes to observe or have charity events • Government needs to give more attention and the benefits of the rich people to kindly help • Hoping for health, education, place to live and attention • Afraid to be moved out of the location, and need to find a place again.

  11. Mark 12:31 • The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[a] There is no commandment greater than these.” • It means that we should care to other people as well and not just care about ourselves • Love the people around you just as much as you love yourselves • Help other people and not only yourselves

  12. Luke 6:38 • 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” • If we like to give, then we will receive more. The more you give, the more good things you will receive later in the end.

  13. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 • 3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. • We will be selfish and full of itself, but we must control and give and help our neighbors and the people around.

  14. Task • Science: Students will collect data of age, height, weight and head circumference of slum area children and compare them with the WHO growth chart.

  15. Photo Session

  16. Head-Boys Chart

  17. Head – Girls Chart

  18. Height – Boys Chart

  19. Height – Girls Chart

  20. Analysis • It shown in all four categories, for boys and girls showing that the average growth of the kids are lower than the actual average of World Health Organization • The condition of the kids in the slum of Jakarta is way below average, showing that the nutrition receiving has affect the growth of the kids • This shows how terrible the living condition in the slums are and how the environment has affect the growth of the childs

  21. After Reflection • Had you ever been to a place like this? • I have never gone to a place like this • This was a great experience • Handling with the family and the kids during interview • Seeing and observing the living condition of the other part of Jakarta

  22. After Reflection #2 • Were you surprised the living conditions that you saw in KampungLuarBatang? • Yes I was surprised with the living condition • Because they live like on top of the sea with woods • Very dirty, smelly and is not managed well • The kids growth is not maximal due to the quality of food and living condition • Kids can’t experience much sport or activity due to facility • Can’t earn much money

  23. After Reflection #3 • How does living in the kampung affect the people who are there? Give specific examples (school, sports, games, food, family, ect) • The school is free but the tools and the needs of school is not provided there • Sports is hard to play there, not enough space, although there is a place but it is too far • Food there is not healthy or say not clean due to the living condition there which affect the growth of the kids. • There are a lot of family living there which mostly the husband should work the hardest to be able to fund the family, cause some barely earn 50.000.

  24. After Reflection #4 • What will you remember most from this trip? • I will remember when interviewing the family • The people were friendly and kind • The place • The tour guide who came late

  25. Thankyou

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