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Chapter 1 Review

Chapter 1 Review. Section 1 Part 1. Where in the world is the US and Canada What bodies of water border Canada & the US to the north & south? What are the two largest mountain systems in North America? Name two of the three mountain ranges in the United States west of the Rocky Mtns .

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Chapter 1 Review

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  1. Chapter 1 Review World Geography Mr. L

  2. Section 1 Part 1 • Where in the world is the US and Canada • What bodies of water border Canada & the US to the north & south? • What are the two largest mountain systems in North America? • Name two of the three mountain ranges in the United States west of the Rocky Mtns. • What is the relative location of the Canadian Shield? Answers: 1. NW Hemisphere 2. Arctic & Gulf/Mexico 3. Rocky & Appalachian 4. Sierra Nevada, Cascade, Coastal 5. N. of the G.L.

  3. Section 1 Part 2 • Why do very few people live on the Canadian Shield? • How were the Great Lakes formed? • Identify two important Canadian Rivers. • What river connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic? • What is Mr. L’s favorite candy? • In what area do more than half the Canadian population live? What physical features have repelled them from other areas? What physical features have drawn them there? Answers: 1. rugged few resources 2. Glaciers carved out land 3. Mackenzie & St. Lawrence 4. St. Lawrence 5. Pnut BUTTER M&Ms 6. South, Land, Water

  4. Section 2 Part 1 • What 3 factors affect climate? • What type of harsh climate dominates Canada? • What determines/decides vegetation? • How does permafrost impact vegetation? • Spell your Geography teacher’s last name. Answers: 1. Distance from Equator, mtn effects & water effects 2. Subarctic 3. climate 4. freezes ground keeping plants from surfacing 5. LIEVANOS

  5. Section 2 Part 2 • Which 2 factors affect the climate of the western US the most? • What type of vegetation dominates the US & Canada? • Give the relative location of the largest prairie in the world? • How would prairie life differ from coastal? Answers: 1. Mtn Effects & Water Effects 2. Forest ½ Canada 1/3 US 3. Runs along the east of the Rockies 4. both support life but less eco oppurtunity in the P.

  6. Section 3 • What abundant resource fuels Canada’s energy needs? • What limited resource fuels the energy needs of the US? • How has the Colorado R. impacted life in the southwest? • How have physical features impacted people? • How has climate impacted people? • How have resources impacted people? • What are the first three themes of Geography? On the Wall • Bonus: How do the main energy resources of the US & Canada impact the environment? 1. Water 2. fossil fuels 3. provides Hydroelect 4 -6 Constructed Response 7. Location, Place, Human Env. Interaction

  7. Vocab • Five Themes of Geography • Distribution • Population density • Sparse • Vary/variety • Province

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