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Groups at Work: Structures and Strategies for Professional Learning

WELCOME. Groups at Work: Structures and Strategies for Professional Learning. Developed by Bruce Wellman & Laura Lipton, Co-Directors. “Should we start without them?”. Today’s Session. Crafting the Virtual Container Purpose-Driven Planning Framing the Discourse

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Groups at Work: Structures and Strategies for Professional Learning

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  1. WELCOME Groups at Work:Structures and Strategies for Professional Learning Developed by Bruce Wellman & Laura Lipton, Co-Directors

  2. “Should we start without them?”

  3. Today’s Session Crafting the Virtual Container • Purpose-Driven Planning • Framing the Discourse • Organizing and Integrating

  4. Connections School improvement is primarily a problem of design; student failure is an outcome of ineffective design. •What are some connections you are making between this quote and your work?



  7. CRAFTING THE CONTAINER STARTINGthe Conversation STRUCTURING the Conversation SUSTAINING thinking in the Conversation

  8. Seven Premises Groups develop, and their development can be positively influenced. Human behavior has a biological and sociological legacy. There are predictable dynamics in groups. Work sessions should be learning sessions. Investing energy in design saves energy in delivery. Shaping the discourse determines direction You can’t lead where you won’t go.

  9. Brainstorm and Categorize • What comes to mind when you think of a productive meeting/work session?

  10. The Group Leader’s Design Mind p.14

  11. The Group Leader’s Design Mind p.14

  12. Three Stances for Leading Groups PROCESS • Structures • Strategies • Stances

  13. The Group Leader’s Design Mind p.14

  14. The Group Leader’s Design Mind p.14

  15. The Purpose The purpose today is. . . The purpose today is. . . To revise the middle school math curriculum.

  16. The Purpose The purpose today is. . . The purpose today is. . . To revise the middle school math curriculum. To provide carefully sequenced skills and concepts that ensure math success for all middle school learners.

  17. Creating a Purpose Statement The purpose today is. . . To develop a bullying prevention plan. Word Bank ensure, promote, address, provide, optimize, maximize, clarify, guarantee, integrate

  18. Creating a Purpose Statement The purpose today is. . . To implement the new equity education mandates. Word Bank ensure, promote, address, provide, optimize, maximize, clarify, guarantee, integrate

  19. Creating a Purpose Statement The purpose today is. . . To learn 15 strategies for teaching English Language Learners. Word Bank ensure, promote, address, provide, optimize, maximize, clarify, guarantee, integrate

  20. Knowledge Planning Outcomesp. 17 Result Product Performance/Skill Set Decision Transfer Action Implement Desist Declarative Procedural Conditional Context: A new math curriculum has been developed for your district. You are a curriculum specialist charged with its successful adoption.

  21. Knowledge Planning Outcomesp. 17 Result Product Performance/Skill Set Decision Implement Transfer Action Desist Declarative Procedural Conditional To increase equity and opportunity for success for a diverse population of math learners. Purpose: Task Outcomes:

  22. Knowledge Planning Outcomesp. 17 Result Product Performance/Skill Set Decision Transfer Action Implement Desist Declarative Procedural Conditional To increase equity and opportunity for success for a diverse population of math learners. Purpose: Task Outcomes:

  23. Knowledge Planning Outcomesp. 17 Result Product Performance/Skill Set Decision Transfer Action Implement Desist Declarative Procedural Conditional To increase equity and opportunity for success for a diverse population of math learners. Purpose: Task Outcomes:

  24. Knowledge Planning Outcomesp. 17 Result Product Performance/Skill Set Decision Transfer Action Implement Desist Declarative Procedural Conditional Context: You are an elementary principal leading grade level teams to decide which graphic organizers will be taught at which grade levels.

  25. Knowledge Planning Outcomesp. 17 Result Product Performance/Skill Set Decision Transfer Action Implement Desist Declarative Procedural Conditional Purpose: Collaborative engagement to produce aligned instructional strategies for greater student achievement. Task Outcomes: Session One:

  26. Knowledge Planning Outcomesp. 17 Result Product Performance/Skill Set Decision Transfer Action Implement Desist Declarative Procedural Conditional Purpose: Collaborative engagement to produce aligned instructional strategies for greater student achievement. Task Outcomes: Session Two:

  27. Knowledge Planning Outcomesp. 17 Result Product Performance/Skill Set Decision Transfer Action Implement Desist Declarative Procedural Conditional Context: You are a literacy specialist working with a team to create classroom based formative assessments. Exercise: • Craft your purpose statement. • Develop your first session outcomes.

  28. Elevator Speech Individually: Construct an “elevator speech” that describes your understanding of the Designer’s Mind to someone who hasn’t participated in this session. Form pairs and deliver your speeches.

  29. The Frame Frames are mental structures that shape the way we see the world. As a result, they shape the goals we seek, the plans we make, the way we act, and what counts as a good or bad outcome of our actions. George Lakoff

  30. The purpose The outcomes The boundaries The intentions The benefits The logistics The Frame p.22

  31. The Frame: Sample Templates p.23 Our purpose today is________________________________________________. By the end of our session, we should be able to_________________________ ____________________________. We can expect_______________________ ___________________.My intention is __________________________in order to accomplish__________________________________.

  32. The Frame: Sample Templates p.23 Your team’s task is to __________________________________. To achieve this, you will be ____________________________________. As a result, you will be able to _______________________________. To begin, you will __________________________________________.

  33. The Frame: Sample Templates p.23 This session is one in a series of _____________________________. There will be meetings monthly, from ____________________________. The overarching purpose for the work is to _________________________. There are several ‘givens’ necessary to incorporate into the task. These include: _____________________________________________. Given that, please anticipate _________________________________. To begin, please be aware that the process will include _____________________and is intended to produce _______________.

  34. The Frame: Sample Templates p. 25 Our purpose today is________________________________________________. By the end of our session, we should be able to_________________________ ____________________________. We can expect_______________________ ___________________.My intention is __________________________in order to accomplish__________________________________. Our purpose today is to enhance the effectiveness of our new reading program. By the end of our session, we will define selection criteria and quality standards for adoptable materials. We can expect to work interactively, both in grade level and cross grade level task teams . My intention is to provide process structures to guide the workin order to accomplish our task within the allotted time frame.

  35. Principle for Leaders Skilled leaders Use pronouns with purpose

  36. Using space Using body Using voice Using language The Frame: Delivery p. 24

  37. The Frame: Delivery p.24 Using Space • Establish spatial anchors • Create a visual third point

  38. The Frame: Delivery p.24 Using Space • Establish spatial anchors • Create a visual third point Using Body • Stand still • Frozen gesture • Physical focus on the third point

  39. credible voice approachable voice The Frame: Delivery p.26 Using Voice • Credible - for focusing attention - for framing task & process - for presenting information

  40. credible voice approachable voice The Frame: Delivery p.26 Using Voice • Approachable - for creating psychological safety - for inviting thinking - for encouraging responses

  41. Here’s What! So What? Now What? significance to my work actions I might take, questions I still have new idea,insight, application

  42. For next time 1. Craft and apply a frame using the template on p.42-43.

  43. For next time 1. Craft and apply a frame using the template on p.42-43. 2. Try one or more of today’s strategies: GAW p.# Stem Completion p.90 Brainstorm & Categorize p.36 Elevator Speech p.65 Here’s What! So What? Now What? p.26 Be ready to share your reflections at the start of the next webinar.

  44. Structuring Decisions - p.5 • Starting the Conversation • Structuring the Conversation • Sustaining Thinking in the Conversation • Group size & composition • Length of time • Degree of structure

  45. Structuring Decisions - p. 5 • Group size & composition • Length of time • Degree of structure

  46. A Principle for Leaders p. 66 Skilled leaders Signal Stance Change

  47. Application Burst • Review the strategies/tips presented thus far • Consider applications for your own work with groups

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