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"I Will Be Successful If" 20 Healthy Strategies . By:Janet Perez Mrs.Radwick Health/ Per.1. The career that will make me successful will be by being a sports medicine doctor .
"I Will Be Successful If" 20 Healthy Strategies By:Janet Perez Mrs.Radwick Health/ Per.1 The career that will make me successful will be by being a sports medicine doctor.
I will eat 7 fruits and vegetables a day. In breakfeast one fruit, lunch one fruit and two vegetables, in dinner two fruits and one vegetable. If you eats nutritions foods you get vitamins, minerals and energy you need to deal with everyday demands. You need vitamins and minerals for your immune system to function properly. The better shape your immune system is in, the better it can defend you from stress related illness. (pg. 84) Food ---You eat 9 to 13 fruits and veggies daily
I already exercise. I exercise 5 days a week for at least 1 hour to i hour and 30 minutes. On Monday , Wedenseday and Friday, I run 2 miles after school. On Tuesday and Thursday, I go swimming. Exercising is good for you because most people feel that exercising improves their appearance and makes them feel good about them selves. Exercise also leads to many improvements with in your body. For example, the heart and lungs get stronger, allowing more blood and oxygen to circulate around the body. (pg.127) Exercise --- 45 minutes at least 3 days a week
I already sleep 9 hours at least 5 days a week. Sometimes I sleep even more because when I exercise, I get very sleepy. Therefore, some days I go to sleep at 7:30 or 8 o'clock Its good for you to go to sleep because if you get good quality sleep is as important a being physically fit and having good nutrition. Adults need an average of 8 hours of sleep per night. Teens and younger children need about 9 hours and 15 minutes of sleep per night. (pg. 146, 147) Sleep ---Get 9 hours at least 5 days a week
I will go to a wieght room at least 2 to 3 times a week. I would like to get stronger but not to get big like other people. To build muscle strenght, I could go to a weight room in the morning or in the after noon when I get out of school. Building Muscle strenght is important but you should follow a training program so that you can build up your muscle. A recommendation on build muscle you should follow the F.I.T.T. The F.I.T.T means Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type. (pg. 136-137) Build Muscle Strenght --- 3x's a week
I will never drink alcohol because it's bad for you. You can hurt yourself and you can even hurt your family. Instead of drinking alcohol, I will play a sport. Most people drink only a little bit but most people get addicited to them. When they get addicited they a disease called Alcoholism. Alcoholism is a disease that causes a person to lose control of his or her behavior. Alcoholism don't crave alcohol. They suffer painful physical symptoms when they don't have alcohol. Alcoholics are both physically and motionally addicited to alcohol.(pg 247) NO Drug-Alcohol
I will never smoke because its bad for me and my body. It's bad to smoke because you can damage your lungs, heart, and other parts of your body. Instead of smoking, I will do different activities, like play a sport. When people smoke and they are around others, they cause the other people the to breath secondhand smoke. Breathing in secondhand smoke can cause headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Smoking tobacco causes increase in heart rate and blood preasure, increase in breathing rate, increase blood sugar levels. (pg 267,271) NO Drug- Tobacco
I will keep my weight at the same because if you are under weight you can sometimes be unhealthy. If you are over weight you can be obese. When your weight is within a healthy weight range, your risk of getting from having too much or to little body fat is low. Once you have determined wether you are within a healthy weight rande, you can develop your weight management plan. A weight management is a program of sesible eating and exercise habits that will help keep weight at a healthy level. (pg 197, 198) Optimal Weight
I will prevent diabetes by taking control of the risk factors that you can change you diet(see goal), exercise(see goal), amd weight (see goal). People who have diabetes in their family are at a greater risk of developing diatetes. there are three most common forms of diabetes are type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. type 1 diabetes is caused by both genetic and viruses. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas makes insulin, but the body's cell fail tp respond to it. The risk of developing gestational diabetes increases if the mother has a family history of diabetes, is obese, is over 25 years of age, or has previously given birth to a child who weighted more than 9 pounds at birth. (pg.356-359) Preventing Diabetes
I will perevnt cancer by taking care of my body (see goal)and going to the doctor reguraly(like twice a year). You can reduce your risk of getting cancer by not smoking, eating veggies(see goal), cut the fat, stay active, maintain a healthy weight(see goal), limit your skin to the sun and regular medical check up. Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell growth. Uncontrolled cell growth comes from damage to that regulate the making of new cells. Cancer causing agents or substances know as carcinogens can also de responsible for damaging genes. Although all kinds of cancer are the result of uncontorlled cell growth, each kind of cancer has its own characteristics. (pg 350-354) Prevent Cancer
I will prevent heart disease (cardiovascular disease) by eating healthy foods(see goal), keep weight at recommended level(see goal), not smoking(see goal), exercise regularly(see goal). Also check my blood pressure and cholesterol regularly and relax. Doctors and surgens who treat cardiovascular disease (heart disease) would perfer that you protect your heart and blood vessels before you get sick. Cardiovascular disease can begin as early as childhood, it is important to take steps now, such as doing healthy activities. (pg.348) Heart Disease
I will reduce stress by thinking about positive things and not worring about the negative things. By reducing stress i can talk to someone and tell them how I feel instead of putting all my stress on others things. Stress can be caused by many different situations or events. Stress is caused by stressors. A stressor is any situation that puts your demand on the body or mind. There are several different types of stressors. There are Environmental stressors, Biological stressors, Thinking stressors, Behavioral stressors and Life change stressors. (pg78,79) Reduce Stress
I will try to write goals evertime that I want to achieve something I really want and is important to me. I will write my goals even if they are short-term goals or long-term goals. Short-term goals are goals are goals that can be achieved quickly, in days or weeks. Long-term goals are goals that mat take a long to achieve, they can take months or even years to achieve your goal. Six suggestionto setting goals would be to remember the six S's. Safe, Satisfying, Sensible, Similar, Specific and Supported (pg.38-40) Goals
I will make positive decisions by doing my homework first before hanging out with my friends. I will also stay healthy by exercising and eating healthy foods.I f you make positive decisions that means that you know what is good for you and the things that will make you successful in life. When you are making decisions you will likey face situtions in which you are not sure what the right decision is. The decision you make generally affect your life.For this reason you may feel moe pressured to make the right decision. When you have to make difficult decisions, seeking advice from your friends, teachers and parents can be very helpful. Positive Decision
I will find a way to cope with loss could by being able to handle stress. I will not get anger, sad or depressed when ever something bad happens o me.I could relax, share my thoughts with someone or just talk with someone about how I'm feeling. Ways that you can cope with loss is that you should get plenty of rest and relaxation. Express your feelings by crying or writing in a journal. When the loss is unintentional, don't blame yourself or others. Blaming only creates a way of avoiding the truth about the loss. (pg.92) Coping
I will try to lift my self-esteem becuase I don't have confidence about myself and its hard for me to speak up for myself. I will try to be able to talk to new people and to know that whatever decision I make is fight for me. Also that I shouldn't worry about what others think about me. You can improve your eslf-esteem by using positive self-talk, acting with integrity, choosing supportive friends and accepting yourself. There are many benefits of having high self-esteem. They are, increase rspect, increased ability to reach goals, increase willingness to try and increased feelings of value.(pg.50-54) Self-Esteem
I will keep my (female) reporductive system healthy by taking care of myself by trying to not get diseases. Being careful when I get my menstrual cycle. I should also wash my genital area everyday with warm water and mild soap. I should not use feminine hygiene spray or powders. I can prevent problems in my (female) reporductive system by having good hygiene, self-examination and regular visits to the doctor. I can prevent sexually transmitted disease, preventing vaginal irritation, relieving menstrual cramps and preventing infertiliy. (pg.441) Reprodcutive System
I will become abstinence from sexual activity so that I don't get sexually transmitted dieseases(STD's). When you are a female teenager you might be at risk of getting pregnant. By being abstienence it allows you to protect your health. When you are abstinence you can do many different activities, you can play a sport, hang out with friends and many other things to. I think the best way to prevent sexual activity is by being abstienence because it eliminates the risk of teem sexually activity. When you are abstienence you can make sure that you will be able to finish your education and prepare for you career. (pg.476-479) Sexual Activity
I will have a great relationship with every person that I meet, new friends and old friends. I think that before you get into a serious relationship you should first meet the right person that is right for you. If you already know that person is right for you, you should always make sure that, that person like you for how you are. That person doesn't want to change you for something that you aren't. The person that you pick should respect you and get to know them right before getting into a serious relationship. (pg.457) Great Relationships
I will try not to believe all the advertisment that they pase on television. The advertisment on television are made so that they convince you to buy there product. For example, most advertisment have a famous person introduce there product so that people can buy it. An example of famous person doing an advertisment would be the gatorade comercials shows because they they show how Tiger Woods is a good golfer by drinking gatorade all the time. Media Influence
I will compromise with my little sister becuase I'm always fighting with her over the television. A way that I can compromise with her can be by letting her watch the television first and then when she is done. I can watch it after her. The benefits from this is that we fight less and I will be stresing less about fighting with her all the time about the television. Compromise