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COST 268 Wavelength Scale Photonic Components for Telecommunications Final report presentation Anders Karlsson, Chairman Dep. Microelectronics & Kista Photonics Research Center Royal Institute of Technology-KTH, Kista, Sweden. Outline. COST 268 scientific background COST 268 accomplishments

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  1. COST 268 Wavelength Scale Photonic Components for TelecommunicationsFinal report presentationAnders Karlsson, Chairman Dep. Microelectronics & Kista Photonics Research Center Royal Institute of Technology-KTH, Kista, Sweden

  2. Outline • COST 268 scientific background • COST 268 accomplishments • COST 268 ”offsprings”- new COST proposals & FP6 EoI

  3. Photonics & market? http://www.lightreading.com/ IT backlash has hit photonics But, only photonics can provide long terminfrastructure recovery when? Flexibleall-opticalnetwork Nasdaq 10 optical companies

  4. COST 268 foresight… • What is seen today: • VCSELs dominating for datacom(VCSEL= Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser) • LW VCSELs for access network • High refractive index contrast & photonic crystals for integrated optics • Novel gain materials for new wavelengths => new applications Wavelength Scale Photonics - Reduced power consumption - Potentially low cost - Increased device speed - Higher level of integration Photonic R&D gives huge paybacks Swedish VINNOVA agency:- IT, Telecom and biotech R&D =>10-30 time return over 5-10 years

  5. Our aim:“to investigate and promote the use of (optical) wavelength scale photonics in telecommunications” • Our work:- work on joint technical topics, discussed in WG sessions - sponsor “short term missions”- arrange or co-assist with workshops - assist with coordination and dissemination of research COST 268 in brief

  6. COST TCT& TC secretariat COST 268 Organisation Chair, vice-chair +administration ManagementCommittee WG3Novel gain materials Chair: Alfred Forchel, Univ. Wurtzburg, Andrea Fiore, Roma& EPFLEli Kapon, EPFL, Switzerland WG1 Vertical cavities Chair: Jan Danckaert, VuB Roel Baets,Peter Bienstmann, Univ. Gent Karl-Heinz Gulden CSEM, Zurich, WG2Photonic Crystals Chairs:Richard M De La RueGlasgow Univ.,Rene DeRiddersTwente George Kiriakidis, FORTH, Greece

  7. Large community • 19 member countries • 3 associated members • - more than 40 groups • - Universities and industries Participation in COST 268

  8. COST 268 sample results • Modulation properties of RED 670 nm VCSELs for plastic optical fiber (POF) - 3-dB bandwidth = 4.5GHz - 1 Gbit/s “error-free” transmission through 50m GI-POF • KTH&Zarlink (MITEL) invited paper Photonics West 2000

  9. Oxide 25 period DBR Gent Chalmers Air Force 5 nm QW nm CSEM Planar Torino Torino LP Berlin Illinois 30 period DBR VCSEL modeling I... Investigate position dependent effect of thin oxide window Resonance wavelength (d=8 um) 981,5 981,0 980,5 980,0 979,5 979,0 978,5 2 3 4 5 position • 9 group did modeling comparisons • 7 groups compared oxidation rate from joint wafers

  10. Turn-on 1-3 Ith 1 KTH, Stockholm Total Politecnico di Torino 0,1 Santander 0,01 Power (mW) Side mode 0,001 0,0001 -5 10 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 Time (ns) VCSEL modeling II... • Develop & compare in-depth models for VCSEL design and for e.g. transmission modelling • 5 lab-comparison

  11. Goal: understand role of losses in deeply etched gratings Importance: compact integrated optics for DWDM COST 268: Comparative modeling by Prague, Hagen, Twente, Gent, and Glasgow WG 2 Modeling Exercise

  12. STMs an important vehicle “High speed properties of tunnel-junction VCSELs” “Photonic Crystal cavities” “Agreement between numerical modelling and experimental results on the coupling constants in multicore Photonic crystal fibers” "Ultrafast carrier dynamics in 1.3 mm quantum dot amplifiers »  “Optical pumping experiments on VCSEL cavities with GIRO gratings” “Modeling of multimode behavior of VCSELs.” "Modelling of vertical cavity resonances in photonic crystal films"   "Recent insights in the polarisation behaviour of VCSELs: experiments and theory",    “Analog distortion measurements of VCSELs” "High Speed Modulation Characteristics of 1.55 µm InP-based VCSELs with buried tunnel junction" "Experimental-theoretical comparison of polarization instabilities in VCSELs" "Modelling of electronic states in InAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting around 1.3 m""Linewidth measurements of 1.5 µm VCSELs" "Inclusion of distortion and noise in rate equations for VCSELs" "Experimental study of the dynamics of polarisation switching in VCSELs" 15 STMs So farTwomore thissummer

  13. COST 268 meetings • WG/MC meeting, 981019, Brussels 20 participants • WORKSHOP +WG/MC MEETING, 990315-17, Stockholm, 70 participants workshop: “Wavelength scale photonics”. • WG/MC, 991018-19 at FORTH, Crete, Greece 40 participants • WG/MC, 000316-17, University College, Cork, Ireland50 participants • WORKSHOP and WG/MC,000828-30, Brussel 90 participantsworkshop: “European workshop on VCSELs: from physics to applications” • WORKSHOP and WG/MC Würzburg,  010225-28 50 participants workshop: “International workshop on novel gain materials” • WORKSHOP and MC/WG meetings, Lecce, 010916-19, 2001 50 participantsworkshop: “GaAs based light emitters for 1300nm” • COST 268 MC/WG meetings, Warsaw, 020425-26, 2002. 180 participants coorganised with ICTON, ESPC, COST 266 and COST 267Workshops: “Transparent optical networks”, “European Photonic Crystal Symposia”

  14. COST 268 self evaluation • Scientific work has been running well- WG1 very active with many publications- WG2 relatively active with good collaborations- WG3 started sub-critical mass and took time to get running • COST 268 efficient in using COST modalities- Short term missions, workshops, WG meetings • COST 268 has contributed to coordination & dissemination- links with IST & individual IST projects • Preparation of FP6- EoI generated from COST 268 (at least two)

  15. COST 267 COST 268IST Nano- and ultrafast photonics- a proposal to COST TIST Top-down need Flexible networkcapable tohandle very high speedtraffic Beyond 40 Gb/soptical signal processingsmart integrated opticsharness nano-photonics…Preparing for next & next-nextphotonic infrastructure

  16. Linear and non-linear optical properties of photonic crystals– for COST Physics Ultra-compact filter Compact integrated optics Tailored light emittersEfficient non-linear optics Quantum effects

  17. Summary • COST 268, we believe, worked very well • Technical work well in focus to current worldwide research interest • Follow-up action(s) planned • COST 268 paving the way for NoE and IP in FP6 - Strongly motivated from scientific need & expected commercial need The web-site remains open http://www.ele.kth.se/COST268/

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