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Transitioning from FGDC CSDGM Metadata to ISO 191** Metadata

Transitioning from FGDC CSDGM Metadata to ISO 191** Metadata. National Coastal Data Development Center A division of the National Oceanographic Data Center. Please email a list of participants at each location to ncddcmetadata@noaa.gov

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Transitioning from FGDC CSDGM Metadata to ISO 191** Metadata

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  1. Transitioning from FGDC CSDGM Metadata to ISO 191** Metadata National Coastal Data Development Center A division of the National Oceanographic Data Center Please email a list of participants at each location to ncddcmetadata@noaa.gov Also Email questions for the Q&A session to ncddcmetadata@noaa.gov

  2. Series Materials - ftp://ftp.ncddc.noaa.gov/pub/Metadata/Online_ISO_Training/Transition_to_ISO/ NOAA EDM Wiki ( ) - https://geo-ide.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php?title=Main _Page Workbooks - http://www.ncddc.noaa.gov/metadata-standards/ ISO Resources

  3. Beyond the Basics Advanced ISO Topics

  4. Special Problem: How do I change the default role value of a responsible party component? Ideally, you have a single component with a default role that you can “overwrite”. When you resolve the component, the specified role will override and replace the default component role value.

  5. Example: The component: <gmd:contact xlink:href="http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/component/7c7d17a0-4d66-11df-9879-0800200c9a66" xlink:title="DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/NCDDC> National Coastal Data Development Center (pointOfContact)"/> Has a default role of: pointOfContact

  6. <gmd:contact xlink:href="http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/docucomp/component/7c7d17a0-4d66-11df-9879-0800200c9a66" xlink:title="DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NODC/NCDDC> National Coastal Data Development Center"> <gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> <gmd:role> <gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="http://www.isotc211.org/2005/resources/Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="originator" codeSpace="006">originator</gmd:CI_RoleCode> </gmd:role> </gmd:CI_ResponsibleParty> </gmd:contact> Example:

  7. Special Problem: How do I use ISO 19119 to document Services?

  8. ISO 19119 Service Metadata use

  9. ISO 19119 Service Metadata use

  10. Special Problem: How do I use ISO 19110 Feature Catalogue?

  11. Content Information

  12. FC_FeatureCatalogue

  13. Special Problem: How do I document the Spatial Referencing?

  14. ISO 19111 Spatial Referencing Use

  15. Use citation and identifier to reference to external 19111 Use components to reference to external registries EPSG http://www.epsg-registry.org/ spatialreference.org http://www.spatialreference.org/ ISO 19111 Spatial Referencing Use

  16. Special Problem: How can I restrict an element with a free text domain to a set of defined terms? An anchor (gmx:Anchor) can be used as a substitute for a CharacterString when you want to restrict the free text to a controlled vocabulary. Example: <gco:CharacterString>Pearl Harbor, HI</gco:CharacterString> can be replaced by <gmx:Anchor xlink:href="http://www.rvdata.us/voc/port#101065"> Pearl Harbor, HI</gmx:Anchor> This restricts the field to the controlled vocabulary located at http://www.rvdata.us/voc/port and selects the term as defined.

  17. What is SKOS?Simple Knowledge Organization System Model for expressing thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies…. RDF application Concepts composed and published on the Web skos:Concept skos:prefLabel skos:altLabel skos:hiddenLabel skos:broader skos:narrower

  18. R2R Example

  19. Examples of SKOS Library of Congress NASA Taxonomy SKOS R2R SKOS

  20. Special Problem: The codeList values do not contain the information I need. How can I extend the codeLists? Creators can supply your own codeList anywhere in the Standard by pointing to a custom location instead of the standard location. Of course, this could cause interoperability problems, so it should not be done without careful consideration of the implications.

  21. Special Problem: I have biological data that I need to document, how do I do that? Use the ISO 191** standards, document the extensions that you are using (metadata extension information) and use the extensions as needed. Extended ISO Biological schema available via ftp://ftp.ncddc.noaa.gov/pub/Metadata/Online_ISO_Training/Transition_to_ISO/schemas/ISObio/

  22. Biological Profile Additions

  23. MD_DataIdentification

  24. Special Problem: How do I utilize ISO to make hierarchical metadata?

  25. Datasets, Aggregates and their Metadata – Hierarchical Metadata

  26. Datasets, Aggregates and their Metadata – Hierarchical Metadata

  27. Hierarchical Metadata

  28. Subsets

  29. Building Relationships Platform Data type/sensor

  30. Building Relationships Program Platform Data type/sensor

  31. Status of Standards • ISO 19115-1 - FDIS (Final Draft International Standard) • Includes Feature Catalogue (ISO 19110) internal to the document • ISO 19157 is published (Data Quality) • is a separate document that can be referenced • Schema work is currently underway • ISO 19139-2 approved DIS (for use with 19115-2) • New schemas in development for 19115-1

  32. Is 19110 still going to be separate in 19115-2? 19139 XML schema implementation 19110 FC_ MI_ MD_ 19119 Services SV_

  33. Future ISO 19110 Feature Catalog use

  34. email questions to ncddcmetadata@noaa.gov

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